Reincarnation opinions

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Reincarnation opinions

Post by Nilabimini » Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:15 pm

Just wondering if anyone has any insight or opinions about reincarnation and suicide.

If a person or spirit ends their own life, how does that affect their reincarnation? My aunt was only 27 when she took her own life, when I was about 13 and I used to always think that she wouldn't be able to enter into a new carnation because of it.  

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on this?

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whart i beleive !

Post by Et2012 » Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:15 am

The tacking of one life can only happen when you are incarnated .
a soul or spirit does not die it transcend to what we call life .
and you're aunt spirit has to do just that it does not matter on a soul level if she  decided to end this incarnation what matters
is the ultimate goal of every incarnation witch is to me the same .

to use this experience to make real our union to all that is or to the universe our connection .
many soul fall in many paths witch may seem like mistakes to humans eyes but to the soul the grater scheme of existence is there .
and it will not be side track ,the universe is perfect,all wrong serve a right .

so to me of course she did !! reincarnate ! or to the very least she can whenever she wants to cause she can do it at a latter date this is life an experience.beyond our human mind  !
you make a mistake and come back to wright you re wrong .
their is unconditional love out their believe me  
so why ? not give a second chance ?
or as many chance it take ?
why is it not the end goal to be perfect divine how many life it takes ?

we are creature but also creators why be wrong for creating when we learn from it ?
i know our modern mind would say the contrary or be in wonder but it is a human mind with flaws

peace 2012

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