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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:22 am

[quote="rohiniranjan"]The way to learn astrology, to me has been simply how our ancestors began!

It must have been an evening when I felt secure -- no threat around that 'threatens' me firstly and those that I consider my family and friends?

SAFE in having arrived at that point in my EVOLUTION, I looked up for it was too dark anyway to look around and figure what was moving in the 'bushes' next to me!

But really more importantly -- if you can tune into that prehistoric mindset -- it was a MOMENT when the bushes were known and SAFE!

With that mindset (please humor me folks!) -- I looked up and saw the horns of a goat! Perhaps the goat had given me a lot of trouble today? Or maybe I just happened to have a wonderful meal TODAY that included goat cheese (TRUE)

I truly believe that astrologic did start with simple assumptions and beliefs like that!

It is up to US if we allow it to stay there or let it grow with us, individually or collectively!

As they say on the TV game show, I shall use the lifeline given to me kindly on <<Sat Jun 16, 2007>> on this thread!

But I will not ask you as happens on the TV. What is there to ask? Well actually there are many many questions to be asked and previous claims challenged!

Most of us are always so in awe of Spiritual Masters that we dare not ask them any questions! Some of that SHIELD (that the wise grandpa who loves cats and watermelons? uses as his monniker! was asking!). It all melds into a collage is what I am marvelling at! The forums, the contacts and reconnects and the events that unfold as Masters ascend and transition etc!

The reason we have so many religions and paths and directions that all lead to nowhere ultimately must have to do with us and not the prophets and sages and saints that worshippers remind us about!

Once we cross the dozen mark (12 rashis) or 27/28 (nakshatras) or even finer divisions (all the way up to NADI, which to those who know bangla has a special meaning!) it is about time that we wake up and not be hit on the head with Mishir-jee's DANDA! Mishir jee the night watchman on a green hercules cycle is not an arbirtrary symbol sent to me and to you!

Green = Mercury (wakefulness, reasoning, ration, communication)
Hercules = Mars?
Watchman = Not Mars! Then who?? Homework!!!
Danda = Saturn
The confusion of the night = Rahu
The magical kingdom that comes alive at night = Ketu
Engagement and caring = Moon and venus?
Illusion = Sun! Yes, because the illusion becomes real and understood as a real entity is only when the SUN rises! Think about that!
Hope = Jupiter! That should not confuse or surprise you, even if you were betting on sun!

I always cheated, kind of :-(
I almost always finished homework at school because I wanted to have time to myself in the evening for things that keep me alive and engaged today. I think I made the right choice even though I was but a child and kind of figuring it out by myself!
Last edited by Rohiniranjan on Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The liasion between Jyotishi and nativity seeking a reading...

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:33 am

We live in a very fast-paced metropolis now, even faster than it used to be in Superman's days before he fell off the horse and sadly became paraplegic but it must be the wishes of all those children who truly beleived that Chris Reeves was The Superman -- he overcame a Challenge which was rather dramatically straight out of the comic book reality: GREEN KRYPTONITE!

Before Thanevalas arrest me for digressing too far out of my permitted boundaries maybe I should return to the matter described in the header of this post!

In this Silicon Metropolis READINGS are a REALITY. And they are often dropped in wrong places and then the dedicated moderators spend personal valuable time and move it to the READING areas. Now I realize that reading seekers at times are distraught and also may be new to the metropolis and may not know exactly how to get to the Oracle. I have witnessed many requests moved to the right area but hardly ever have I read an expression of frustration from the moderators who are responsible for relocating the messages! Quodos to you brothers and sisters!

There will always be expectations on the part of those who post reading requests. Some realistic and other expectations somewhat unrealistic. And then we have the individuals who to give an analogy, perhaps undeserved and unfair on them -- pharmacy students going to a doctor for advice about their <horoscope!>

If the purpose of the request is to seek direction then first there must be trust built in the healing relationship. Hard to do on the impersonal internet with its doubts and deceptions, real and imagined!

If the purpose of the reading request is to learn, then it is deception and while many have 'passed', who has ever learned anything through cheating in the examinations? The successful ones may please speak up and adjust our reality! ;-)

If the purpose of the request is to show off one's knowledge then to those the simple advice from this ant would be: Please begin to believe in yourself and your capabilities and begin to GIVE readings as opposed to seeking those! This healing camp needs more healers and readers than patients!

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CHELA Tales...

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:11 am

If asked, many practitioners would give different answers to the question: Where to begin when looking at a horoscope. Some would recommend lagna, moon, atmakaraka, lagnesha, pada of 1st house or any of the many "personal indicators" (to jog the memory of those who may have read that).

$wamiji always recommended that one first look at indicators of longevity. If the horoscope is of one who will not survive, why even bother giving five hundred page readings that will probably be buried or cremated with the deadbody!

But but how to determine longevity? TA slipped in the question just as $ was slipping into his post-prandial oblivion after having consumed his bowl of daliya (porridgy thick soup of various lentils and other stuff).

"Read the chapters $@#$@%..."
Obviously TeenAger was too slow and let the opportunity slip away. Now it will be another sleepless night and lot of midnight oil to be burned :-(

A$hram had recently got a few new futuristic books on longevity determination and TA greedily pored over those. Tattwas and pindas and this interesting jaimini grid and amshayu, alpayu, madhyau, deerghayu and OH WHAT FUN!

When the cock crowed, the bleary-eyed and hungry (missed his meal reading all those books) TA shook himself free from the books and realized that he had wasted another night without learning anything.

"You look tired and upset, beta!", $ kindly patted TA on the head and gave him the morning off. When TA arrived at his bed, he found a small package waiting for him. From past experience he knew that this would contain a bunch of charts and a note describing the homework.

Wearily, he opened the package and it had a note which read:

"Start Simple
2-3-7-8 then <1>
No house becomes a home unless it is occupied and sudarshan!
Tomorrow will be another day!"

Later on, $ came in to check and covered the shivering, cold TA with some warm thatch...

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Re: CHELA Tales...

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:51 am

rohiniranjan wrote: Later on, $ came in to check and covered the shivering, cold TA with some warm thatch...
The way TA's bed was placed, when the sun arose, it fell right across his face and woke him up. By training and practice, as soon as he woke up he performed his morning prayers and rituals. The practice continued even when he eventually moved to a nordic country where during winter, the sun was visible for only a few hours. He would be out of work if he woke up at sunrise there! Interesting -- how much the human body and mind can adjust very quickly. And if these do not, then reality makes sure that that gets rectified in a big hurry.

TA being the curious brat always was looking into books and notes that $ did not think he was ready for, yet. 'BAH HUMBUG!', the naughty and marginally belligerant young one im-claimed [AuN: EXplosion/IMplosion, EX-claim/IM-claim...]. $ was pretty rigid about this. "Before you wander into the jungle, Beta, you must first know your home varga, home territory where most will live most of the time."

"But, $ji, navamsha is so much more fun and the other 14 are even more exciting!". "14? ONLY 14!", $ had a sly look in his eyes and with a wink he wiped away the confusion that had risen in TA's mind!

"Let us play a game", $ suggested to his disciples one day. "Let us not change anything -- the bed remains in the room where it is, the kitchen utensils stay in the kitchen, the cows remain in the Gaushala, the sacred library remains where it is and the temple remains unaltered, the well remains where it is and so on...". "But let us change the labels! Let us eat in the bedroom, let us pray in the kitchen, let us study in the temple, let us play in the library and let us sleep in the gaushala!

TA was already seeing some practical problems. He hated stinky cattle and those strange noises they made at night :-(

But he had no choice! The first day was very confusing. For one thing they had to be continually and repeatedly reminded of the new labels. When books were there in the library, it was difficult to play. Eating in the sleeping area was not a big problem or studying in the temple but sleeping amidst those stinky beasts was simply too much. The second day was even more confusing and some fights actually broke about between the calm and well trained ashram children! TA was beginning to hate this place where rules were first put in place strictly and then suddenly overturned and changed the next day! Little did he realize that $ was preparing him for the real world and a world far far away with different rules and norms! HECK! Even the sun rose at weird times and set at even weirder times ...

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:44 am

Hello Everyone,

Just bringing up some Valuable notes; and just reminding that only RohiniRanjan ji is ALLOWED to post in this thread.

He has been absent in participating for quite sometime, and we request his presence. His influence in my thinking in Jyotish has been remarkably overpowering!

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:50 am

[quote="RishiRahul"]Hello Everyone,

Just bringing up some Valuable notes; and just reminding that only RohiniRanjan ji is ALLOWED to post in this thread.

He has been absent in participating for quite sometime, and we request his presence. His influence in my thinking in Jyotish has been remarkably overpowering!

Site moderator[/quote]


Tickled pink with your kind words and totally undeserved of the recognition, this STICKY classification may give the false impression that I am some kind of guru or teacher, which most certainly I am not :-)

My humble request that this thread be released for anyone to post and add to.

Love and Lux

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:04 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:Hello Everyone,

Just bringing up some Valuable notes; and just reminding that only RohiniRanjan ji is ALLOWED to post in this thread.

He has been absent in participating for quite sometime, and we request his presence. His influence in my thinking in Jyotish has been remarkably overpowering!

Site moderator

Tickled pink with your kind words and totally undeserved of the recognition, this STICKY classification may give the false impression that I am some kind of guru or teacher, which most certainly I am not :-)

My humble request that this thread be released for anyone to post and add to.

Love and Lux

But certainly, You are a very good guide for whoever is willing to receive. You cannot be a Guru as the general present Guru's try to obstruct independant thinking in others.

It is obvious that you did not desire the sticky classification, but it was conferred by others/MB.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:18 am

It may have been conferred by someone else, Rishi_ji but YOU are the executive now and must decide what to do! Your CALL! ;-)

It has been quite an experiment and experience and MA helped me focus!

She watched 'dada' (after all She brought him into this world, did She not...?) and made it possible for him to share without any expectations about the returns...!

The planet in the house of loss is very important! It must be understood from several perspectives, though, such as lordship, intrinsic nature (naisargika) and chara perspective. All we can do is leave little notes and HOPE and PRAY that our siblings read and understand those. While we keep walking, for we have our own path to follow too.

Rest remains in the kara-kamalas of MA who as all other mothers, knows the best! After all, it was my mother who handed me that yellow book and launched me on this long path of divination and understanding. I had to request her though to buy that book for me. I had no money being a tiny boy. She did!

Love, Lux, Serendipity,

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon May 14, 2012 3:04 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:It may have been conferred by someone else, Rishi_ji but YOU are the executive now and must decide what to do! Your CALL! ;-)

It has been quite an experiment and experience and MA helped me focus!

She watched 'dada' (after all She brought him into this world, did She not...?) and made it possible for him to share without any expectations about the returns...!

The planet in the house of loss is very important! It must be understood from several perspectives, though, such as lordship, intrinsic nature (naisargika) and chara perspective. All we can do is leave little notes and HOPE and PRAY that our siblings read and understand those. While we keep walking, for we have our own path to follow too.

Rest remains in the kara-kamalas of MA who as all other mothers, knows the best! After all, it was my mother who handed me that yellow book and launched me on this long path of divination and understanding. I had to request her though to buy that book for me. I had no money being a tiny boy. She did!

Love, Lux, Serendipity,


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A typical PUBLIC request on Internet Jyotish_peeths...

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:58 am

Pranam Gurujano

Mai yah jaan-na chahta hoo ke mera acha samay kab aayega.
financial wise, mai kab strong banuga,

2013 saal kaisa hai mera aur mere pariwaar ke leeya
mere ko bohot tensions rahti hai sabhi prakar kee
aur confidence ki bohot kami rahti hai

please suggest some upaya's and please tell me when is my good time
going to start.

Thanks everyone

dob 28 nov 1976
tob 5.15 am
city Gwalior ( M.P)


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:05 am

Assumptions of querrant:

1) There are good (perfect) times ahead

2) Current year is all that is currently important

3) Lots of mental anguish but a feeling of haplessness and helplessness

4) There is some magical remedy that "if only were available to the nativity...!

Assumptions of Jyotishi:

The request is serious and sincere

The birthdata is real and accurate!

For serious and sincere answers some of us (jyotishis) ask many questions, I ask fifteen, for starters! But that is neither here, only there!


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Returning to the BASICs...!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:58 am

Dear Friends,

The basic building block or consideration in kundali-manan (manthan) relies a
lot on these three factors. These, among other many considerations, constitute
the crux of a deciphering of astro-symbolism which is essentially the natal
hieroglyph known as birthchart is.

A planet is a receiver first and then a transmitter.
A rashi or house or any varga is the field of possibilities and one may
visualize it as a field of energies, attributes, a library of tendencies and

When a planet enters or exists in a certain varga, it receives or absorbs the
energy that the field it is in represents. Now each 'receiver' in a field would
have its innate tendencies or 'leanings'. Thus each planet picks or is attuned
to certain possibilities in a given varga.
A planet also receives astrological (energy?) from other planets that are
aspecting it. Its innate capacity to receive would come into play. In mutually
aspecting situations such as when positioned 1/7 or mars in 10th from saturn -
the absorption will be mutual. Again depending on the capacity of the planets

In all of the above, the inherent tendencies of the planet/s must take into
consideration their states or awasthas, their strengths and similar

Jyotish manan-manthan gets oversimplified often and we then tend to ask
questions like, "what will mercury do if in mithun in 12th". To dutifully answer
this, one would need to see all influences in the chart and not in the
piece-meal manner that many get tempted to, for reasons of convenience, for
rapidity, ultimately due to LAZINESS and LETHARGY of mind and of interest!
Sometimes ignorance too, which is the worst form of LAZINESS!!

I have often griped and whined about scriptures not containing any illustrations
and examples but the very absence of those is what at some point in our journey
forces and impels us to do homework and actually look into charts and test
things out. Jyotish is, in my experience, a practical, APPLIED discipline. If
food is served readymade people love it but then either limit their 'menu' or
feel a false sense of satiety. An animal including man with full stomach will
not seek food! Unless suffering from eating disorders or something like those.

So what about the field itself? Rashi varga (kshetra) is often equated with the
attributes of the planet ruling it. This could be a bit erroneous and even
misleading if followed too literally. Understanding the nature of the field of
possibilities is important and for doing so, one must pay attention to
attributes such as gender ascribed to a rashi, its dynamic state (chara etc),
its occupational-functional tendencies (varna), and other similar attributes and
characteristics. Once the field is properly understood, one will have better
appreciation and comprehension of what a certain 'receiver' would likely pick
from the "library"!

... more later, here, elsewhere, somewhere -- The Chela Tales continue...


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Polar wobble? Polar spiral??

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:49 am

Although the zodiac followed by western astrology (tropical) and eastern (Indian) astrology use the same sequence and extents of 12 signs (aries to Pisces each 30 degrees long and together completing the zodiacal circle of 360 degrees), and use different rule-framework for delineation of horoscope, some folks harbour rather strong views about the mutual exclusivity or relative importance of these.

So from time to time, cyber-skirmishes have arisen which then simmer down only to rise again like the ebb and tide in an ocean. Shores erode, get washed away, the sands redeposited, sometimes elsewhere, and TIME FLOWS endlessly...!

Simply stated, while the sequence of signs remains the same in both zodiacs, the first point of Aries are considered differently by the different schools of astrology.

In the tropical season-based zodiac, aries starts with the first day of Spring. The eastern zodiac is, instead, alligned with the constellations as seen in the sky. So when venus a bright planet is seen against the constellation of Libra it is considered to be in sidereal Libra, but in the season-based perspective, it would be considered in Tropical scorpio sign by their count and due to the 23-24 degrees difference between the two zodiacs, at this time. This is not a constant or fixed difference but increases gradually and very slowly over time. The two zodiacs coincide every 25000 years or so approximately, that is how slow the gradual displacement of the two is!

While nearly all Indian astrolgy practitioners (Jyotish) dismiss the applicability of the sayan zodiac for Jyotish phalit purposes (descriptive and predictive astrology mostly of human beings and their endeavours), a sizeable chunk of tropical astrologers in the west began using the sidereal zodiac many decades ago and formed a fairly strong group of proponents who follow and advocate the sidereal zodiac in their existing somewhat modified framework.

The shifting of the zodiacs is due to the fact that the earth spins like a child's top, since its axis is not vertical (spinning like a spindle) but at an angle (like a top). There are several other factors that contribute to the axial tilt and as the earth wobbles ever so slowly, its 'north pole' points at different stars which then become the 'pole stars' for that era. In simple terms, what we call our pole star today will not remain our pole star after a few thousand years!

Apparently, there is more to it than meets the mind's eye! Even the annual shift is not a constant quantity and changes minutely over many many years! Some have blissfully ignored that or were unaware, while others have considered that the polar wobble is not describing a celestial circle, but perhaps a spiral-movement!

Polar wobble or Polar spiral?

This should not cause undue concern in folks who are mostly focused on horoscopes of contemporary nativities or even over a couple of hundreds or so in past or future. But it is good to know. Knowledge continues and grows as understanding matures and opens up.

Just for completing the terms:
Tropical zodiac is also known as SAYANA (Sa=inclusive, Ayanamsha is the interval between the tropical and sidereal zodiacs)
Sidereal zodiac is known as NIRAYANA (Nir=without, Ayanamsha or in other words the zodiac resulting after subtracting or removing the ayanamsha).


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:46 pm

continuing the sharing of my thoughts --

This is a purely 'subjective' sharing, so anyone reading my following thoughts are welcome to take it with a pinch of salt! Keep or toss!!

Phalit scriptural texts are resplendent with 'hints' but not always elaborated. Which to me has always indicated that the ancient sages who spoke those words -- and which were later on written down and rewritten (as someone once suggested - to keep the words in 'ink' alive even though the biodegradable leaves they were written on decayed or fell prey to TIME and the ELEMENTs (environments etc) -- did not wish to spoon-feed us phalit wallas but wanted us to ponder upon, think about those hints and to associate those in our great symbolic framework that astrology is. Judicious use of imagination (unless it goes entirely LUNAr - source of imagination!) and then testing those once we roll out of our armchairs.

The astrological SUN is really a projection of the earth (geo-solar) onto the starry background. Sunrise is a very special epoch and in jyotish framework represents a beginning -- beginning of the day. Lagna is a symbolic representation of sunrise, and is the epoch that breaths the moment of actualization of life and independence in a manner of speaking.

Just as the moment of sunrise represents a beginning of life for each weekday (vara), so too the moment of birth begins the weekday in the existence of the immortal SOUL, a soul-day which represents a lifetime of human experience.

Lagna, therefore, can be considered as a symbolic sunrise for the earth-bound carnate entity, known as nativity or jatak.

The remaining planets are a composite and resultant of real (astronomical) movements (of the planets) as well as the relative movement of earth. This gives rise to the apparent phenomena of attributes such as retrogression, acceleration, stambhan, etc. Moon is spared because it is a satellite of earth and always moves around and with the earth. Its relative movement is linked in harmony with the movement of the earth. The sun likewise does not retrograde because insofar as astrolgical consideration for a lifetime is concerned, it is fixed in relationship to the earth (which moves around the sun and creates the sense of apparent zodiacal motion of the astrological sun). In astronomical big picture view, the sun moves too, but just as the discussion about Yugas and Kalpas etc are somewhat irrelevant to phalit, we shall let our calendar-obsessed brethren to deal with those!

Hence, moon-rise, and rising epochs of other planets are not all that important for phalit, although Guaquelins had done a lot of detailed research on the rising and settings and culmination etc of other planets in their sector-based research.

The personal astrological epoch of sun-rise (lagna) therefore has such a deep and powerful astrological symbolic relevance and is treated as a key factor in phalit.

Another very poignant symbolism that exists in phalit deals with the chara karaks, but the posting is already getting too long, so perhaps more on that later!

Love, Light, Relativity!


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Post by sammymakwan » Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:03 am

So in your mind what exactly is astrology ?? You are beginner so you have to knowledge of upcoming events in astrology, and to read daily astrology from newspaper. First learn about Birth chart, meanings of signs it's helps you to know about astrology.

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