missing watch lost or stolen

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missing watch lost or stolen

Post by glenellen » Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:58 am

hi everyone.. i hope someone can help me, im missing a gold watch i noticed it missing before christmas there have been people (family and friends) coming and going in my home but i dont believe i lost it i think it was taken and its driving me crazy because that means one of my friends or family has taken it, can anyone help me and put my mind at ease


Post by Tyrinaniel » Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:46 am

Can you tell everyone what places you've already looked at? There are times when we will accidentally associate where you've looked because we're making a connection with you, so we may see where you've already looked. It helps us narrow things down. :)

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:49 am


The initial feeling I got right after reading your question is that this watch may not be stolen from you.
I get the feeling you have either misplaced it yourself or lost it somewehre. Whichever the case, I also sense that you may not find this watch again.

I somehow get the feeling the watch does not want to be found and perhaps it is telling you to let go...? It is almost a year now...


(I hope I'm wrong).


Post by Tyrinaniel » Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:41 pm

Something I have found too is that if you're looking too hard, you will never find it.  I've actually said aloud a few times, "Where are you?" and then I've found objects. It is true that there are times the item does not want to be found.  Maybe it's time to start anew? If you're too attached to that object, it may be *time* to move on. It could mean that there are other aspects in your life where you need to progress.

When I first read this post, I wasn't getting anything except for the bottom of some time of large cabinet. It reminded me of a china display case or something, a light reddish-brown with some gaps from ornate decoration. It could be that you've looked there several times, or that is where you lost it.  Like cedars, I don't feel it was taken/stolen, but that it was misplaced.

If it has been driving you crazy, try to forget about the watch.  It may seem strange, but it has worked for me several times. I end up "stumbling" upon my lost items.  I don't lose things as badly anymore because I try to keep myself in a good mindset when I set things down, instead of just putting things at random in a hurried confusion. I hope you find your watch, but if you still cannot find it, try to move on. Material items are easily replaced. Time you can use more constructively is more precious.

Blessings & Love,


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Post by glenellen » Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:03 pm

thank you both for your reply, i have looked everywhere i have a place for everything in my home, i don't have nor ever had a display cabinet i have a few shelves for my ornaments, i have searched bags ,pockets, shoes, drawers, wardrobes,vases, down chairs,  i don't have clutter and i done one room at a time and i appreciate i have to move on but it does have some sentimental value

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Post by Crywolfe » Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:46 pm

Looks like somebody (may be more than one people) from your business/office associate having your property. but, please don't waste your time in finding it for it is a definite loss. It is embarrassment to you and very fact you are looking for something, which is lost on last Xmas tells me that you need to break this news to somebody, so please break it and overcome your anxiety.

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Post by glenellen » Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:45 pm

Hi crywolfe, you say business/office im not in a job like that and was not working around that time  and yes i have stopped wasting my time looking because it is not in my home because if it was i certainly would have found it, everyone knows my watch is gone, everyone meaning all the family and friends that i had a dinner party for last xmas so there was a lot of upset because people start doubting each other and thats whats wrecking my head all i wanted was answers so i really do appreciate everyone's input....i do know its gone and wont get it back


Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:49 am

*Hugs*  I understand the sentimental value when it comes to objects. Today (September 1) was the day my grandpa died, whom I was very close to. I still keep this key he gave me when I was very young, because it was the only gift I had that was directly from him to me.  I almost lost that once, and I was terrified. In the end, if I lost it for good, I'd have to let go since I know I'll see him again.  At the same time, as a visual person, it means a lot to me.  I'm very symbolic with things. I guess that's why I do so well with stones and crystal allies.

The shelf or wardrobe you have is probably the first thing I saw.  For some reason I had the impression it was under one of the two, however I don't feel the same about that now. I tend to look under things very often when I lose an important object.  I don't believe your watch was stolen at all. Has it fallen before? I've got the feeling it fell somewhere, and that's probably how it got its legs.

Objects can fall in a bag or purse. Whether or not someone realized what it was is up to them, or even if they found it. But I'm just speculating now.


Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:00 am

Crywolfe wrote:Looks like somebody (may be more than one people) from your business/office associate having your property. but, please don't waste your time in finding it for it is a definite loss. It is embarrassment to you and very fact you are looking for something, which is lost on last Xmas tells me that you need to break this news to somebody, so please break it and overcome your anxiety.
No offense Crywolfe, but don't you think that you saying it's an embarrassment wanting to find a precious personal item just a tad negative?  

When you have a love for a personal treasure, it is far from embarrassing. The item represents something to him that you know nothing about. And, quite frankly, it's less confrontational and only known to those online if he chooses to make a post online about a lost item. Psychic work is supposed to be done with unconditional love and zero judgment.

Your post *sounds* quite judgmental from how I'm reading it.  I can understand if you have a concern about his well being, however there are different ways to interpret your post.  I'm not trying to make you angry; I was only concerned about how it sounded, knowing that writing can become quite confusing!

People in general tend to have sentimental value to objects relating to someone special. I'm sure some who have used objects in readings understand that even in death we can still hold objects very dear to ourselves.

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Post by Youdah » Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:19 am

OK, I'll get in on this action!  :)  I use Horary astrology, which is good for asking where lost objects can be found.  According to the astrology chart, which was cast for the exact moment that you asked this question at MB, at a location somewhere in Ireland (I looked for your location in your MB information)..the following results were read.

the watch was not stolen.
It is lost in your house.  It will return to you.  However, not until December (again).  
It is hidden from view.  You will not find it without looking in places that are not apparent by just using what you see when walking into a room.  It is hidden, covered, or has fallen where you do not see it.  Because astrology, like most of these arts, uses symbols to represent things, the same symbol can mean different things.  Using these, in the horary chart, the watch is either in a box without hinges, or a closet.  Concentrate your search in these ares.

good luck!  Let us know if you find it.  :)


Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:30 am

Wow Youdah,

Horary astrology is very interesting. You make me want to take a look at this now.  I was thinking of something along the lines of wardrobe, for when I saw some image, it was something with hinges. I guess I mistook the wardrobe for a china cabinet. I saw the front right corner of something. But I guess we won't find out until December! Rather appropriate.

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Post by Crywolfe » Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:18 am

As I indicated in my earlier post, Person who possess watch could be business or office associate means somebody with whom you have a sort of business relationship, office buddy or colleague excluding family and social friends. It could be Gardner, lawnmower, landscaper or snow snow-plougher.
I am not playing semantics here, but I never mentioned it has been stolen in first place because I didn't get that kind of vibe- only thing I said in this regard was, it is being share by person or persons with whom you had a business relations.
It is never an embarrassment to look for your missing thing back, particularly, when it carries a sentimental value. I am still looking for my lost pair glasses that my wife selected after six months, knowing that I am not gonna to find it!  :smt056
It becomes an embarrassment (may be tad harsh word here) to the party host (Glenellen here) when party goers started doubting each other and got upset.

I just gave my two cents worth based on my reading.

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Post by Youdah » Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:57 pm

Tyrinaniel wrote:Wow Youdah,

Horary astrology is very interesting. You make me want to take a look at this now.  I was thinking of something along the lines of wardrobe, for when I saw some image, it was something with hinges. I guess I mistook the wardrobe for a china cabinet. I saw the front right corner of something. But I guess we won't find out until December! Rather appropriate.
Depending on the chart, sometimes it is possible to read the room, or at least the size of the room, and whether east, west, north or south.  In horary, when asked about a lost object, you look to see if any planets are retrograde.  This is when a planet appears to be moving backwards from a position on earth.  A retrograde always means that a lost object will return, and usually not until the planet gets back to the same position it was before it went retrograde.  In this reading, several planets are retrograde, and the point when they return to the original position is ...
December.  If no retrograde planet, the object may not be found.  If stolen, mars and neptune would play a big part in the chart.  Those planets weren't making any aspect to show a theft.  The moon tells the outcome...where the moon is and what aspects it makes.  In this situation, the moon is in Libra.  So, I look for things that are associated with Libra.  This is boxes or closets.  The Libra moon may be what you were picking up on since Libra can also mean partners.  But, Libra was in the fourth house of the chart, indicating the house.  If, for example, it was in the 9th house, it would be found at work.  If in the 6th house, would be found where she works.  

I am saying all this to give a promotion to astrology.  Most people think it is only about birth charts.  But, astrology can be very exact and can predict or read just about anything, depending on the astrologer's skill.  Thank you for your comments!   :smt008

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Post by cedars » Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:25 pm

Very interesting Youdah.
Totally new perspective for me.

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Post by Klypto » Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:38 am

have you looked in all your drawers? I would say it is in one. hopefully you still check this, it has been 11 days since the last post...

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