Practice Readings - The Pyramid Spread (4)

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Post by George » Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:35 pm

Chooky wrote:!

If you feel like doing another reading by chance, I know this is a bit cheeky, I would love just a general reading.  Don't feel bad if you don't want to.


Cards 1, 2, 3, Recent Past
1, The Querent  IV of Swords(R) sailing away from things to get to a distance shore.  looking for new things.
2, Help  Queen of Cups(R) you may find what you have been looking from an older women, she is looking for something too.
3, Hinder  VIII of Cups  its dark but not too dark and you are walking away from something that would be easier seen if facign the issues dead on.

Cards 4,5,6, Present
4, The Querent  VI of Cups you have been offerd something recently
5, Help Death(R)  and your finding it hard to contect with the soultion
6, Hinder  Wheel of Fourtune you have many options and your working towards it as ou did with the VIII cups in the past but now the wheel is moving forward its only road block is which one to choose.

7 & 8 The near future
7, Advice  IX of Cups(R) you will become in control of your options and choses.  you have the right people helpig, you have some good plans or options choose wisly.
8, Outcome  be the man in the moon that everyone one and thing is looking towards. you are the light in the dark so let that be your outcome!  

Card 7 brings together cards 2 and 5, (and sits on their base) the past and present features or people that have helped and things that the querent needs to know and to build on to get a successful outcome

i just don't see what the problem is overall or what you are trying to overcome etc.  its seems more like a personal conflict that you may be having with in yourself, etc.  all though with the VI it feels more like something tangeable and not spiritual but after all it is a "cup"?  

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Post by Chooky » Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:38 pm

Hi George, thanks for the reading,
You are right, i actually don't have any problems at the moment, pretty good hey?  Other than, just started Uni again, and bloody hell, I forgot how time consuming it is, so burning the candle at both ends.

So in regards to the reading, its great that you don't see anything major happening, hopefully that means it will all keep ticking along...
Thankyou for that.

I did like the pictures of your cats!  Hope you are having a better week this week...


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Post by George » Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:10 pm

Chooky wrote:Hi George, thanks for the reading,
You are right, i actually don't have any problems at the moment, pretty good hey?  Other than, just started Uni again, and bloody hell, I forgot how time consuming it is, so burning the candle at both ends.

So in regards to the reading, its great that you don't see anything major happening, hopefully that means it will all keep ticking along...
Thankyou for that.

I did like the pictures of your cats!  Hope you are having a better week this week...

i'm working on the better week!  let see if it all can stay in control and stable then it will be better.  

if "Uni" is a school or something like that now i see what the queen of cups means!    :smt020

speaking of cats just when i was about to do your reading i got my cards out not more then five mintues my cat came along and wanted to sit on my cloth and cards.  she seems to know when i'm going to do a reading because she usually shows up when i'm about to do one.  i did a live reading for a freidn at my kitchen table and there she was jumping on the table and sitting on the cloth.  its funny how she seems to know!

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Post by Gem » Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:56 pm

George those cats are sooooo cute!!!  Hope you are back with us soon at full strength,  xxxx

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Post by Danny » Sat Oct 13, 2007 1:24 pm


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Gem's Pyramid Spread

Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:59 am

A reading for Gem for the next few months regarding work issues.

I have used the miniRW, since I wanted it to fit in the scanner. And my usual reversed positions, because I really get a clearer picture with them in.

First take a good look at the spread, because it has a curious symmetry, reflecting some patterns that tend to come back in cycles. If we are not too happy with the conclusion, I will pull a few more and post them later.


First, a general view:
We got two Major Arcana in both the help positions, so there are powerful forces at work in your favor, if you can get them to work for you in the right way.
You are represented by two pages, so these could be new beginnings you are facing, either in two different occupations, or taking a different approach to the same one, that has changed in time.
Then we have Cups in both the hinder positions: looks like some emotional issues or a past relationship make it hard to concentrate on the work at hand. In fact, you got 3 Cups out of 6 Minors, so emotions are playing a significant role in your life.
There are two reversed aces in the spread, one hinders and one is the outcome. They could point to some good chances you could be letting slip by you.
I think the spread is beautifully balanced in all: you have your energy, although you could free quite a bit more. You have your emotions and creativity to assist you, and some powerful and influential forces working on your side. The only thing one could expect a bit more in a work reading is Pentacles, which seem to be lacking a bit.


The Querent: Page of Pentacles reversed.
In the past, you tended to approach new beginnings in work matters with more insecurity. You had enthusiasm, but found it hard to get down to the practical details.

Help: The Hierophant.
What you had in your favor was acces to structured material from which to learn and follow guidelines. It could be a good teacher or someone more experienced trying to guide you along. You found it all a bit dogmatical, maybe, but it was a good guideline all the same.

Hinder: The 2 of Cups.
It is easy to lose concentration on work matters when we are distracted by emotional issues. In this case it could be anything from the beginning of a new relationship to making amends or peace with a person with which relations were a bit strained, perhaps? I believe this card was what had the poor little page dancing on his head!  :)


The Querent: Page of Cups.
I love the way you righted yourself. You seem to have decided the practical approach just was not working for you, so you made the most of your own strengths, which lay more towards using your imagination, intuition and creativity. You seem to be awakening that side so much, that others will be willing to take on the practical side in order to have your creative input in a project.

Help: The Devil.
Wow, this is a hard one to crack! Luckily enough, each card has a lot of meanings to it. I remember one of this card's meanings deals with pure magic and sensual energy: sort of a Magician slightly out of control but even more powerful and mature. Since you have now changed your tactics toward problem solving, I can see how it would help to unleash all your psychic power and channel it into your new work. Are you a bit afraid to get caught up in the experience? All powerful energies tend to have that effect, but I am sure you will find a way to harness it and keep it under control.

Hinder: Ace of Cups reversed.
Once more, an emotional gift or new experience threatens to waylay you away from your occupations. Only this time you seem to be trying to block it out. However, blocking anything away inside you will block other things besides, like the necessary energy for your project. So, learn from the Devil and try to embrace the emotional gift and channel all its energy toward your goals. Let it feed you instead of hinder or distract.

Advice: 7 of Wands.
This card advises you to keep fighting for what you believe is right: defend your interests to the end and you will keep on top of things.

Outcome: Ace of Wands reversed.
I believe this card is a direct result of following the advice. If you have to fight for everything you do, you will slowly deplete you energy, so that your source of new insight and creativity becomes blocked. Once more, go back to the help the Devil can give you: he is master in channeling mental and physical energies.

Since this outcome is just a possible byproduct, let us see if we can further clarify things.

By pirbid

Yes: 8 of Cups.
Be ready to leave an emotional situation before getting hurt. We tend to wait around when things are so-so, expecting them to get better. Most often, what usually happens is that they end up worse tham mediocre. It is a sign of maturity to be able to turn our backs on something we cherish if we have the feeling it will hinder our way in life.

No: 2 of Pentacles reversed.
Do not trust you can keep juggling your options indefinitely, because they may spin out of your control. Are you considering two different work options? Is this decision too hard for you? Is it getting to your nerves? The previous card would point to the need of leaving one of them behind. Maybe even the one you believe more stable and secure.

Outcome: 7 of Swords.
It seems that if you can properly concentrate on the right option, you will finally be able to reap your rewards. Observe this is the first mental card to come up: you have been leading your life from your heart, rather than your mind, lately.

I guess one would wish for a more glorious outcome, but I turned one more and it happened to be the 8 of Pentacles, showing you perfecting your skills and enjoying the process, which is a good omen when talking about work and occupations.

All in all, you can make the most of your inner spiritual strengths. Just bear in mind that emotional energy has many ups and downs that can feel depleting in the long run. So remember to take good care of your body and stop to think coolly about some of your options. Intuition is great, but some careful thinking and planning cannot hurt.

I hope you enjoyed the reading. I certainly did. Cheers!  :)

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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:29 am

Ooops, I seem to have taken up a lot of space here. :smt003

I was just browsing through the rest of the readings in this thread, and I was quite surprised to see I got 4 of the same cards that George drew out for you, Gem. Have you noticed? Maybe you can compare both readings and see how things have evolved from then to now. That is the great thing about keeping it all on record within easy reach.

About these more personal readings that you talked about regarding Chooky and Chrisdee, what would the best option be? For example, I set out to read for one of you and suddenly come up with a subject that could get personal. Surely wording is everything in this case? I mean, I can always give veiled indications for the querent to look more closely at some of the issues by him/herself. Or should I PM with what I feel is more delicate and post the rest? What if I am way off? There are many possibilities, and the querent cannot guide me in the right direction till my whole reading is given.

I see advantages and disadvantages to this online reading. On the whole, I think I prefer being face to face and having continuous feedback, so that we can truly explore all possibilities and see how far the cards can take us.

I forgot to post a question for myself. I suppose it is because there are no urgent issues I am facing at the moment. But I would dearly like to know if the therapy I just started will help me with my emotional eating disorders and allow me to do something for my health before it is too late. Or maybe it will help me in a more wide spectrum, but not on the short term. It is the first time I go into serious therapy and I am a bit disoriented. Than you  :smt002

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Post by glenellen » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:51 am

hi gem I'm feeling really nervous about this reading i never done one for a stranger before, is this reading to short should i give more detail or more information

Recent Past
The emperor
Your decisions in the past were always the right one's you have a very positive attitude in family and business, there is a man you look up to and admire he has always been an inspiration and has always giving sound advice but there was someone that held you back for a short time she is very emotional and you put her needs before yours and feel she still has an influence on you

The Moon
The fool
6 wands
there is a lot of confusion and this is making it difficult for you to make a decision in work, there is another younger person after the position your after in work but i don't think you have to worry he doesn't have the experience you have so the decision you make will be the right one go with your gut feeling and the first decision but that is not your real worry someone close to you has an addiction and you fear you will not have enough time for this person  

Near future
9 cups
10 cups
my advice to you is go for your goals and reap the rewards you will meet your goals because your strong and determent but don't let your fortune change you after all you believe family comes first and always will but remember sometimes you have to do thing for you, all will prevail and there is a move on the cards which will suit everyone involved

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Post by Gem » Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:52 pm

Did you see how I named the places? That makes the reader easier with titles for each place and so 'simple' advice becomes a full blown reading, It's always hard to read for a stranger but thats why it is important to do the reading exercises in order as they build on one another :)
Cards 1, 2, 3, Recent Past
1, The Querent
2, Help
3, Hinder

Cards 4,5,6, Present
4, The Querent
5, Help
6, Hinder

7 & 8 The near future
7, Advice
8, Outcome

Card 7 brings together cards 2 and 5, (and sits on their base) the past and present features or people that have helped and things that the querent needs to know and to build on to get a successful outcome.

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Your reading

Post by Clare » Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:36 am

i am using tarot of the cat people

Card 1 - King of Pentacles Reversed
Card 2 - The Empress Reversed
Card 3 - Ace of Wands

Card 4 - Six of Pentacles Reversed
Card 5 - Nine of Wands
Card 6 - Seven of Cups

Card 7 - The World

Card 8 - Knight of cups Reversed

Ok here we go

With your question relating to work queries i am concerned with the first 2 cards, the cards show that in the past  you had to be very careful when making decisions,  not be led astray by other colleagues decisions or morals, or make rash decisions yourself, while card 3 should hinder it is positive representing new beginings but i worry that the promise of too many riches is what is causing peoples downfall

For the present the cards 4 and 5 show a lot of disruption, people around you and even yourself are out to succeed at any cost what causes these problems are peoples evaluation of themselves, you must be very very cautious and can only advise that if your gut instinct warns of sinister acts then go with it

The near future shows promise, if you play this one straight down the line your hard work will be recognised, stay away from the games

Outcome - make the decisions honestly and fairly , listen to other peoples input but MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION, i fear ulterior motives lurking behind criticisms

Good Luck but with the right positive attitude you will succeed

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my first one for a stranger !!!

Post by picasso1 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:50 am

hi gem, this is my first raeding for a stranger so be gentle with me lol

here goes:
1: two of wands reversed
2: the sun reversed
3: ace of cups

4: five of swords reversed
5: the emperor
6: nine of wands

7:ace of wands
8: night of wands

i feel that there has been a time of worry and distress regarding your work and financial life, that things havent been happening as quickly as you would like, you have been somewhat impatient or there has been a minor set back regarding your goals and hopes. i also see that there is no need to worry if your problem is merely financial, a promotion, boost to your business or new found prosperity will lead to contentment and material satisfaction.

i feel that there may have been someone who has been gossiping around your workplace, this may have led you to feel unconfident or weak, maybe slightly humiliated. there may however been a male figure of authority who has kept you strong and gave you support, he has restored your desire for victory and enhanced your competitive edge. this situation has left you feeling tired, weary as if your saying, will this ever end? you need to keep yourself alert, so you can deal with the challenges around you, and i feel that your good work will be rewarded, and you will recieve the recognition and outcome you deserve and desire.

I would advise you to stay strong, renew your energies, beleive and rely on yourself and enjoy and be ready for this new beginning within your work life. you need to put your plans in to action and show your willing and eagerness, i also see that this new project or beginning could take you on a journey or even may result in you moving home.

Overall I would say to put your worries and fears behind you, you tough times and indesisivness will soon be over, and your career will go in the direction you wish, and sucsess and recognition are yours for the taking.

well thats my first one overwith phewwwww........

please let me know what you think

love & rainbows xx
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Re: my first one for a stranger !!!

Post by George » Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:34 pm

picasso1 wrote:hi gem, this is my first raeding for a stranger so be gentle with me lol

here goes:
1: two of wands reversed
2: the sun reversed
3: ace of cups

4: five of swords reversed
5: the emperor
6: nine of wands

7:ace of wands
8: night of wands

i feel that there has been a time of worry and distress regarding your work and financial life, that things havent been happening as quickly as you would like, you have been somewhat impatient or there has been a minor set back regarding your goals and hopes. i also see that there is no need to worry if your problem is merely financial, a promotion, boost to your business or new found prosperity will lead to contentment and material satisfaction.

i feel that there may have been someone who has been gossiping around your workplace, this may have led you to feel unconfident or weak, maybe slightly humiliated. there may however been a male figure of authority who has kept you strong and gave you support, he has restored your desire for victory and enhanced your competitive edge. this situation has left you feeling tired, weary as if your saying, will this ever end? you need to keep yourself alert, so you can deal with the challenges around you, and i feel that your good work will be rewarded, and you will recieve the recognition and outcome you deserve and desire.

I would advise you to stay strong, renew your energies, beleive and rely on yourself and enjoy and be ready for this new beginning within your work life. you need to put your plans in to action and show your willing and eagerness, i also see that this new project or beginning could take you on a journey or even may result in you moving home.

Overall I would say to put your worries and fears behind you, you tough times and indesisivness will soon be over, and your career will go in the direction you wish, and sucsess and recognition are yours for the taking.

well thats my first one overwith phewwwww........

please let me know what you think

love & rainbows xx
i just wanted to say that i love your deck!   :smt006

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thank you xx

Post by picasso1 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:44 pm

hi george,

thank you for your comment on my deck.

they are truly beautiful, the images are collages from old paintings and they all have golden edges hence the golden tarot, they are from an artist named kat black and i bought them from amazon

love & rainbows xx

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Post by Mandimedea » Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:38 pm

123 (4 pentss/4wands/9sword) PAST
You are always responsible and driven, afraid to lose and resistant to change, and you always did what you had to, to build that solid foudation.  You have let negative thoughts or worries keep you from moving on. You need to rest your mind and decide what it is you want to do

456 (Emperor/10cups/ace wands) PRESENT
You have worked hard and made it to position of leadership, management, supervisor.  You don't like change but feel you need one and wanting a new career business, etc...You need to keep your engery high, sta creative and have the faith t follow through.

78 (Q wands/Hierophant) NEAR FUTURE
ADVICE-Stay passinate, creative and charming with that determined drive you have to succeed.
OUTCOME-to achieve that ultimate goal of being a teacher, therapist, scholar, etc.  Have belief and you will achieve it.

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Pyramid Spread Reading

Post by pogoplayer » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:45 pm

1 - you have courage to achieve your goals
2 - new beginnings, think twice before making any decision
3 - depend on your intellect as well as your intuition
4 - new friend or love relationship may be starting
5 - financial and emotional stability
6 - time for happiness in relationships
7 - do not stall in decision making
8 - you will have good fortune

Hi, my name is Theresa and I woud like a general reading about making a decision if I should move out of my house.


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