Some things that are disturbing me

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Some things that are disturbing me

Post by severdsoul » Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:42 pm

So i was bored, off work and surfing for new info and things to learn..
nothing unusual for me.. i end up on some freaky sites made up by some
wacko that is so far out there, he parks on saturn.
But today i  have came accrost a post that had me thinking..
then i did some more research that realy boggles the mind..
now mind you i'm not totaly buying into everything.. But there is a lot
to make you stop and wonder.

The post was about "Fema caskets" ... i though sure, ok, i'll look...
well, do a search on and see how many hits and videos
from all over the U.S. you end up with. Its quite amazing that there are that many. ... arch_type=

should bring up a bunch of them.. if not type in Fema and Coffins

anyway, those were quite interesting... so i kept going, and found the
mistery boxcar...

I have seen this type of boxcar out by my house (i live near the tracks)
and taken pictures of it because it was unusual and asked around of people that i know that have been around trains a lot and hobbies or jobs are trains and none of them could explain what they were  for.

Ya know i'm not the type to jump into the hub of a myth or something that is not proven.  But i have to say this is quite disturbing..

No one realy knows what the uses are for these, but you have to admit.
It realy has some merit to it.

One of the post i had found later discussing the coffins and concentration camps read.

"Yeah. Ive known about these prisons for a long time.

My sister is in the USCG, and knows about them because apparently her superiors alluded to her theyre for Homeland Security purposes. They didnt like her research into the subject at all though, and were kinda upset when she started asking questions cocerning the Veri chip. (which has been in use since 2005 in the USCG, as they are not deployed).

Its interesting information just the same though..."

Now these concentration camps are said to be all on U.S. Soil and over 600 of them nation wide..

Whats it all mean?  you have me, but i have to say, its not a good feeling.

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Post by Crow » Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:18 pm

Preliminary Findings:

Only 500,000 caskets.  These are located in one area only in GA near the CDC center.  There are 304, 895,196 people in the United States.  Still looking for the exact numbers to figure these calculations for those active and inactive in the Armed Forces.  For now I am seeing a very low number in comparison to our overall population. There is no way, the numbers are not adding up.  And personaly I find it a bit insulting that there are people in this country who think that the brave men and women serving our country would attack the cities and the people they are trained to protect.  For the other theories that this war is training them to be able to open fire on women and children, appalling.  Stats are showing many are returning with Severe Post Tramatic Stress Disorder.  Drug addiction, Alcohol abuse is also growing for those returning.

Ever play the game Risk?  Oh how I loved that game as a child! Reminds me.. have to get this and Othello (Reversi) to begin playing with the children.  Anyways even in numbers, we still have the right to bear arms.  For the government to come in the middle of the night without the public fighting back very unlikely.  When I do find the exact numbers those in the Armed Forces, Police, FBI, whatever personel these theories are saying will be turning against the public, I will be able to figure a more accurate ratio.  The Fema Camps that they are taking pictures of I still have no idea what the purpose is.  That I really didn't care for.  Something about where they are being placed.  Are they issolated locations? Near major airports or railways?  Could it be in case of Biological Outbreaks?  Remembering the hospitals they had for the TB outbreak.  During the period of the Cold War.  Russia was going to attack at any moment. Movies were even made with this theme.  There were other provisions made during this time to beef up our security against a nuclear attack.  The government has warned us about Biological Warfare, there were no secrets being held from the public.  Again until we know all the facts, we cannot jump to conclussions.  

The Boxcars although many pictures there are none with the chains to hold people and benches that I have been reading about.  There are known to be tie down chains to tie down an automobile for shipment.  With Gas prices the way they are, Trains are the cheaper method to ship.  These trains do have what appears to be a bench on the sides.  I thought it was to help in the transport.  Like a buffer from the side to protect the structure of the side of the box car.  

We can speculate all we want.  Having to filter the rumors from truth is a very draining task.  Please seek the truth in this matter. Without all the hype.  If we suffer from tunnel vision, we do not see the whole picture.  How will you see the way out?   :smt002  It pains me to see that many still live in fear.  So badly I wish to help to filter the truth from fiction.  From what I am gathering is the fear that all who appose will be put to death.  Numbers are showing me that this is not really feasible. It would have to be a full blown attack, bombings, etc.  Not this comming in the middle of the night raiding blocks at a time.  Bigger cities, no way this would be accomplished.  Again preliminary findings.  I will do further research.

Safe Journey

This helped me with my cleansing.  This researching made me feel all the fears out there.  First I had to stop myself from fainting, legs felt like wet noodles.  Had to get rid of the fear, which was making me unable to look at it from an unbiased point of view.  Reading both sides, trying to remain neutral.  Please do not mistaken my neautrality for me remaining blinded in this.  It is not denial, only seeking the "real" truth dismissing the vibes that are just ment to feed the fear.  Must admit, this really had me spooked.  Then I called out to the ya, and I started to remember...fear is often used to make people bend.  Psychological warfare.  Another strategy used and abused. Enough ranting,  this is just my opinion on the matter.  Until more is found, it still remains just a boogie man lurking in the shaddows of the mind.  Everyone is free to believe what they want to.  

Robert Miles- One and One (forgot to add, this is just a music video that helped me yesterday as I became overwhelmed with all the fearful vibes.  More the words than anything.  You might not like Robert Miles, but I do...;)

USA Population statistics (numbers are on the right side of page) ... l?_lang=en

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:41 am

I have a family member who works for Fema. I saw you links and of course went and checked them out. I found as you said a huge amount of them on youtube. I felt a bit chilled but are they caskets or plastic boxes they use to put "kit's" together. My family member, who I won't name says they are for Kits which are sent out during disaaters so many of the items in the boxes will not be ruined. From what I was told, a FEMA kit includes paper, scanners, printers, furniture and load of items that can be damaged in bad weather. Just thought I's add here to let you know what I had found out.

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well.. my addition

Post by postalsusie » Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:27 pm

people like to poo-poo on conspiracy  theories... maybe too fast.

There is a video clip I grabbed off UTUBE of a news anchorman making reference to prison camps  that the US government is sending suspected terrorists to, and he commented that maybe they should send all the 911 conspiracy theorists there too ( If they havent already)

At first I pretty much dismissed this as anything but entertaining ( though I do believe that there is something hinky about 911 on the fact alone~ that THE most powerful military in the world didnt get a SINGLE shot off in the hour that they were under attack. Okay~~?)

BUT low and behold I found last week that The Passionate EYE program did a special on MYSTERY FLIGHTS out of the USA . They said that basically the USA tells its people that they dont torture people.. well apparently they dont on US soil... they just ship them ~~ Fed-ex (pun pun) to somewhere its not illegal and /or they can hide it.

So...mystery retention facilities turned out to be true.
No big surprise that DENIAL is a very strong thing. You dont want to believe that your spouse is cheating any more than you want to believe that your government is so corrupt its pitiful.
Disagree ?
Ok then Michael Jackson is not a pedophile and O.J. is absolutely innocent.

Where there is smoke there is fire.. and there is NO other better example of this than the horrific events of 911.
Right down to the fact that it was a BUSH relative that was in charge of the Twin towers Security...
to ..
the FACT that the USA punished George Bush's father and  took away every penny he had because he was charged with treason for money laundering for Hitler. It is also a fact that he used SLAVE LABOR from Polish concentration camps for his mines in Europe.(I saw this on The Passionate Eye " The World According to Bush' and confirmed it through other research.)
How did this man ever become president?
How the hell did his blood (son) ?

So.. do not dismiss things so easily. Fight denial and trust your instincts. Don't be passive, be curious.

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Post by Crow » Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:01 pm


Thank you for sharing.  Like I mentioned in my post, the one thing that wasn't adding up was the camps.  In my heart, something still feels wrong.   Filtering what is truth, from just well, for me...more hate.  The list I have been drawn to, I am curious to know why the names of suspected in the one video, the lawer, the third grader, and the piliot. All same name, all being put on the list, having tried to get off.  At the airport couldn't they tell, do they not have a birthdate?   Dunno, but it doesn't add up.  Something is not right.   Have you seen the number of people on it?  This bothers me.  

OMG- I didn't know about the tie you shared. I heard bits and pieces but they were always tied into anyone who was not a Christian.  So the videos were tainted with personal views.  Dismissed as just more speculation.  To hear it from a neutral side, I would be all ears.  I only seek truth.

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ok what list?

Post by postalsusie » Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:13 pm

I'm not sure which video youre talking about.

In regard to LISTS or the people who have been BLACK LISTED....
I saw a thing on that, in regard to people who had been disenfranchised during the last presidential election. Conspiracy theorists figured it was because they were trying to disenfranchise as many African Americans as they could because they knew they wouldnt vote for Bush.

BUT these people were blacklisted, because it was claimed these names were of convicted criminals and criminals at large. (IE People who werent allowed to vote)
Unfortunately these names were fed into a computer program and the computer  also allowed different spellings and phonetic spellings of those same names and black listed them all. This is why innocent people were disenfranchised from voting.

I think its safe to assume that the government uses the same kind of procedure and software for black listing people on air flights.

Anyone who is into computers can tell you that this CAN happen. Anyone who is into computers can also tell you that it can be tweaked NOT to happen. Computers are precise and mathematical.  There is no GOOD reason why this happened, but wasn't it a beneficial accident to Bush being elected?

Oopsie~~~ Im just a computer nerd who LIVes FOR 000101  and absolute perfection in my programing but I am also apparently a dumb @ss who doesnt have a clue what he is doing.. oopsie.
(Well I dont believe that- paid to be stupid? Yup, I believe that~)

I watched the people's representatives of Georgia and Florida on TV literally begging their government to recognize that they had been WRONGED and that they deserved justice and their government officials literally laughed and made fun of them for trying. (on live tv) Every one of them were black Americans. THAT alarmed me.

You know what?
Its a very basic rule in crime solving that if you want to find out who is behind what, all you have to do is follow the money.
The American people are losing their shirts trying to finance this war.
Ask yourself who is making the money off it and who owns those companies?

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Post by Crow » Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:13 am

I was talking about this video

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Post by severdsoul » Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:39 am

Packing crates for emergency supplies, makes sence.. I can see that..
the camps, dunno, kind of odd..  i had a friend in NZ send me one localy to  her, but after going frame by frame
and getting info from the trucks, signs and other there, it turned out they were building a new prizon over there.

I have yet had time to go through these and see what real info i can find on them. Its been a buisy few weeks..

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Hi back Crow..

Post by postalsusie » Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:01 pm

Yes it seems the same as what I said. but I have to wonder if they dont fix the problem because they can make use~ of the confusion.

(Just a guess)
I dont know about the world sometimes it drives me nuts. There is no excuse for highly paid government employees who have been educated and trained at their particular jobs to be this incapable.Except maybe that they want~ it that way ???

As for the fema tupperware~
one source said that they were told it was for shipping printers and necessary machines during a crisis to areas that needed it.
It was a railroad employee that said that they were told it was simply 'for FEMA in case of an emergency.'

Considering the NUMBERS of these things reported, it doesnt make sense to me that they are for computers and printers,  further these triple decker box cars  that they say are for shipping CARS...

anybody know for sure cause last time I checked shipping things by rail was THE most expensive way.. so why would anyone invest in these things for cars??

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Post by Crow » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:53 am

As to the machines- Aug 2008 still not right, could still cause problems in polls in fall. CNN news clip

The more I look the more I see, again all if a State of Emergency. What would it take do you think to implement?  I've been up all night studying this some more.  Affirmations of what my heart has been telling me.  It deals with the economy.  They had that closed session a while back, which always bothered me.  What are they not telling us?

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youre fixating ...

Post by postalsusie » Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:01 pm

Crow wrote:As to the machines- Aug 2008 still not right, could still cause problems in polls in fall. CNN news clip

The more I look the more I see, again all if a State of Emergency. What would it take do you think to implement?  I've been up all night studying this some more.  Affirmations of what my heart has been telling me.  It deals with the economy.  They had that closed session a while back, which always bothered me.  What are they not telling us?

Safe Journey
The USA is terribly corrupt. you can either;
start a civil war
Move somewhere else

( cause its going to get worse.)

I swear if I lived there I would grab my family and get out. There isnt enough people smart enough and ticked off enough to start a civil war.

It seems most people just bend over and take it.
The voting machines, the wars ( through HISTORY not just this one) no health care, higher taxes (than Canada you know, prolly everybody) and what do you get for it?
Your pollution levels are the worst in the world.. you dont seem to care cause you let your gov reps  control everything in regard to oil and gas VS electric etc.

Who killed the electric car? ( watch the movie)
the people who fund your politicians control your country.
Youre fore fathers did NOT intend it to be this way.
Unfortunately like I said.. its so fubar that only a civil war will stop it and that aint gonna happen.

My net friends say they have to be loyal to their country and stay. I say your country is not doing right by YOU and if you cant fix it, you should get your family out before it gets worse.

The next 12 months will tell the tale.

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Post by Crow » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:19 am


Like your net friends I shall stay.  This is my home, and I will stand by my nation.  No doubt there is coruption, but war will not make things better.  We need to stand together. "United we stand, divided we fall."  There should be no reason why it cost me $600.00 to take my infant son to the Emergency Room due to a high fever!  My eldest daughter had insurance through my exhusband who only paid $125.00 for a $800.00 bill.  I am more than upset.  But I see this the product of frivelous lawsuits.  Who the heck do you think is going to pick up the tab?  It is passed to us the consumer.  Agreed there should be better health care.  But at the same time, I look at other nations and see that there are moms out there that would do anything to have the medicines for their babies.  I am not blind I see the mother's pain.  My heart aches for them.  My food is rising at an alarming rate.  At the time I complain, I am reminded of the moms out there who have no funding to keep up.  My nation is not the only one being affected.  I see other countries in risk. Although I am in the lower class, I do not recieve aid since I believe it should go to others. My elders, widows, and families that have no jobs.  Where I am located there are jobs, we can work.  But there are communities where families are trapped.  Born into.  Work is scarce, and to save to get out, so very hard to do.  I still worry, but I do not expect my government to fix things for me.  We allowed this to go on too long!  Now most Americans are working so hard just to try to keep afloat that they are not able to watch what the Government is passing. Not that we are ignorant, uneducated, or lazy.  We are too busy struggling to survive.  I feed my family of 5 with less than $200.00 a month. Means that I have to make fresh foods, breads, etc.  It is getting to a point that this will not be enough.  I have a garden to help, but many Americans do not have their land to grow food.  So when the poo hits the fan, I fear that many who have become dependent on the system will not know what to do. There will be panic, riots, etc.  War will not solve this.  We need to come together as a nation and prepare, and make plans for a brighter future.  The governement will not be there to help us. I knew that.  So we will not be able to buy all the cool toys this Christmas, we just might have to spend time together as a family with less gifts. Is that really that bad? I see good that could come out of this.  Instead of war, we could unite.  Love our neighbor, and restore balance again.  These are just my views.  I feel all the anger of those around me.  I see their worries, their pain.  I am not blind to it.   War will only make this worse.  But unfortantly this is the metality for some people in my  nation.  We don't want to unite.  We don't want to share.  Every man for himself.  Greed, Power, etc.  I am well aware that there are those corupt in my Government, at the same time I do see those who have good intentions. While there are those who have lost touch with reality, no clue to what the heck they think they see.  Living in the stone age, thinking that we as a people are not suffering.  But we are.  It is really bad.  This economy wasn't destroyed overnight, so I do not expect it to be fixed in a day.  It will take many years.  I'm rambling.  Just wanted to add my view reguarding why I don't think war is the solution.

Back to the subject of this thread.  I still don't know what the camps are going to be used for, and that does bother me.  The secrecy may be so they do not spread panic, if it is something they know that they are trying to solve.  At the same time I see that this can cause even more fear, because all the speculations.  Do you think this is the start of the NWO like they say?  I am confussed because I thought unity and peace would be a good thing.  Is it true that the NWO will enslave the people?   I seek peace, but I don't know because I am not a Christian so I do not see things like they do.  That is interesting. Sorry but I have been loosing a lot of sleep trying to get to the bottom of this.  My elders are not here, I do not know what to do.  I feel like this has all been sped up.   I am not ready!

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Post by severdsoul » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:01 pm

It is all quite interesting,  espicaly given the fact that Fema in any national disaster has total power.
They can over ride the president, the congress and even the constitution.
Granted there has to be a bill signed into law giving them the power.. But..

Im still looking and digging and while a lot of it makes sence as just normal business as usual, there are
some parts of it that bug me.
  We all know our govt dose things without us knowing about it, until its to late,  testing new flu viruses on
large cities, to see how fast it spreads (which they admited to a few years ago)
and probably more things that we realy dont even want to know..
 But this just has something to it, i cant ignore..  

 Hopefuly i'll stumble onto something before long that will explain the camps more and a alt reason for them
being empty and there yet still guarded, and what the main use was inteded for and will be intended for..
 But for now i'm stumped..

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Hello Crow and severdsoul

Post by postalsusie » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:45 pm

My heart goes out to you struggling as you do. I have been there slightly better circumstances.

You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Kudos to you for that and for keeping your eyes open.
And I admire you for sticking to your country but, I honestly dont think that the USA gives a tinker's damn about its people.

Maybe the individual state leaders, maybe the mayors of the cities , but not the big government. They are lining their pockets and making deals with the devil and literally playing with people's lives for cheap thrills.

I know people who have worked their whole life and who are now retired and have lost EVERYTHING from medical bills ALONE (in the US).

This will take more than a few years to fix.
The USA is the only western country that doesnt have universal Health Care for its people.
You may make ends meet, what about your kids when they  grow up>? Will they be able to afford to have kids at all? Will they have to work their butts off day in and day out just to pay rent and live on Bologna?

Through history, Im sure the Polish people and German people and many other troubled countries wanted to be loyal and stay, but the smart ones added up 1+ 1 and decided it was very unlikely things would change but they would get worse.. and they left and crossed oceans in search of a better life for them and their children.

There is allot more wrong with the USA than just health care and corrupt government.What about the fact that the whole world has come to hate you because you are constantly starting wars? I grew up thinking that the State's main product was making war.
Need oil.? Make war.
Need money? Make war.
WANT something you cant get? Make war.
That seems to be what they do and all the time at the expense of their PEOPLE.
And the people  do what they are told.
Soldiers stood up RECENTLY and said they were lied to about the reason why they are fighting this war. No one listened. and Media was clamped down.

And your propaganda is UNREAL. What you guys are taught about Canada and other countries is staggering and hilarious !
You have NO clue that others have it way better than you. Its like your brainwashed that the USA is THE best place to live. Well.. maybe back in the 50's. But rumor has it now that Canada will be sucked~ up and forced to join the USA and I'll tell ya.. we will fight till the last drop of blood in our bodies and we will fight with rocks and clubs if need be but NO DAMN way will we EVER allow our country to be like the states AT ALL.
YOUR country's trying to lay claim to our land and oil in the north has pushed our government into high gear and we are building more ships and recruiting more soldiers.
And I would bet you never even heard of how BUSH said " Screw the UN we are going to drill in Canada"

Going to war with Canada next?
Way too much to type.. Argg.. sorry.

AHYWAY- severdsoul
whats this about 'testing new flu viruses on large cities,'?? Got a link? Ive never heard of that.

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I'm betting on the bird flu

Post by postalsusie » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:50 pm

severdsoul wrote:It is all quite interesting,  espicaly given the fact that Fema in any national disaster has total power.
They can over ride the president, the congress and even the constitution.
Granted there has to be a bill signed into law giving them the power.. But..

Im still looking and digging and while a lot of it makes sence as just normal business as usual, there are
some parts of it that bug me.
  We all know our govt dose things without us knowing about it, until its to late,  testing new flu viruses on
large cities, to see how fast it spreads (which they admited to a few years ago)
and probably more things that we realy dont even want to know..
 But this just has something to it, i cant ignore..  

 Hopefuly i'll stumble onto something before long that will explain the camps more and a alt reason for them
being empty and there yet still guarded, and what the main use was inteded for and will be intended for..
 But for now i'm stumped..
Every country in the world produced and bought TAMIFLU and it cost $$ to do so. I dont think every single country did that for nothing.

The bird flu is still being reported as jumping from animals to humans AND from humans to humans.
Because of ignorance among the masses its still spreading. They say it will hit the west coast first because its closer to Indonesia.
(I get information on the QT from a source thats linked to WHO)

I dont think the USA wants to stop the flu actually. I think this will be a thinning out process to get rid of poor and sickly people because the lack of health care just isnt working FAST enough. * roe*

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