Is Homosexuality feelings from a former lifestyle...

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Mystic Meg
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Post by Mystic Meg » Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:51 pm

I don't think that the gender of incarnation can be blamed for homosexuality at all, that is an excuse. Many believe we can only re-incarnate as one gender and do not swop, but that those that say they have, went through a linked regression or a flawed memory process. Much like a child that wants very much to be someone else or a child that dislikes playing with the opposite sex.


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Post by lisa_was_here » Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:31 pm

Payewacker wrote:Hi docbrown17,

If you have any insight in the Knights templar, a "christian" orginisation, you must know that they were also burnt at the stake, yet being christians and only getting themselves in the power of possitive confession and crusades of which the modern day christians participate (the lighting of candles, conjuring "god" binding your "satan" and this is pure magick.
I respected your opinions and it is very interesting to see a former pastor speak out on such difficult issues.

I recently heard the history of the "knights templar" from some of the many youtube videos on the "illuminati". Basically, it is a corrupt psuedo religious group of men from a long time ago where trying to start wars in name of christianity for political is very difficult to explain. I am sure anyone who has heard this before knows exactly what I am talking about. I recommend searching "illuminati" on youtube and listening to the videos. They are very insightful and interesting.
I totally believe in God and that we were created for a purpose. but I also believe, like you, in the fact that many a so-called religious doctrine where created and manipulated by man for mans' ulterior motives. It takes real insight and meditation to find a real relationship with is not a matter of going to a group and follow a man who claims to know everything, or know better then you.

Regarding the original post, having lived with a homosexual man who was my landlord and a very upright, pleasant, positive, healthy, white collar professional, I have to say that homosexuals are not choosing this life. They are this way because it is the only way to be happy for them. They get a lot of harassment and hating, and evil things thrown at them daily for this life (because of the ignorance and bad manners of people most of whom think they are acting for God or for what is "right"). So, logic follows that if it was simply a choice they made then they would choose not to do it because of the harassment. But they can not choose that because they are just acting the way nature made them...evidentally...
That is MY opinion...believe me, I was very arrogant and rude BEFORE I had this landlord. His example changed my prespective entirely (thank God and nobody else for that). I learned the Godly virtue of tolerance and respect after that experience and was ashamed of myself for judging people like him before that simply out of ignorance.
I advise anyone who has questions about homosexuals and their motivations to actual meet one and have a polite friendly chat. They do not carry a "gay virus" and you can not become gay by talking them or being NICE  :smt018

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past lives

Post by chaft » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:06 pm

It's something I had thought of too, I felt homosexual feelings might be past life related. It makes sense to me that if I had been a woman in the last few lives that I may be more feminine in this life. I do believe some things carry through.

Where I'm troubled though is the subject of transexuals, I don't have a good theory for why someone would be a certain gender but at a point in their new life decide they don't suit their gender. I think I would have to research transexuals through the ages. Would they be only tranvestites in the past? I mean it's not like surgery was an option was it?

I don't know what psychology says about transexuals. I think it must be horrible to not feel you belong to yr natural form.  Maybe a transexual in this forum can help furnish me with information about their ideas about it.


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Post by FireRose » Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:23 pm

Sei no Senshi wrote:I agree with those who say you love who you love, regardless of what gender the two of you happen to be.  You'll fall in love with someone for who they are and how they make you feel, not whether or not they have a Y chromosome.

Love conquers all, as they say.
I agree!

Personally, I am that type... I am female, and very very attracted to men.... however, I have had romantic and/or sexual feelings for some women. I wouldn't say I was "bi" only because I don't seek relationships equally (I lean towards men for life-partnersip).

Does that make sense?

But I respectfully disagree that it is always a "choice". I think most people are born wired in one direction or another , or both. I am Christian (but only in the literal definition that I believe in the teachings of Christ - I DO NOT follow a church). I am very against the Catholic church especially for their hypocrisy (which to me is the greatest sin of all).

It's easier to believe that it's a sin to indulge in sexual impulses for the sake of it rather than having sex with someone out of love and expressing that love.

Did that all make sense? Just my 2 cents on the subject.

Live and let live.


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Post by itssimplyjenny » Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:20 am

the theory on past lives influencing your sexual  preference kinda makes sense to me.  And I dont think sexual preference is something you choose, you are born being that way.  People that can not accept that are ignorant.  I have a couple of gay and lesbians friends and they are some of the best people.  I feel bad when they are looked down upon just because of their sexuality.

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Post by onlymehere » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:57 am

These posts are all very good.  My sister is gay.  And I am not going to make this long.  Just want to throw in one more suggestion.  This came from a psyhic (sp.?) who told my mom that my sister wanted to be born into our family so bad that she jumped into the female body instead of waiting for the male body to come along.  Sounds kind'a funny now that I write it.  Just one more thing to think about.  What are your thoughts? :)

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:25 pm

I have to say something here because I'm gay. We are not this cloak of flesh we walk around in, we are pure spirit, and as such, we have no gender. The reason we are labled is because the human race has a bad habit of defining people by their genitals. If we in truth have no gender, than truely how can anyone be gay?

Gentle Hugs,


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Home sexual, not a disease

Post by kishorekr69 » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:12 am

I don't think itz because of gene,,,but do feel its sort of upbringing since childhood...iam not ashemed to say that am a bi guy, who likes to swing both ways actively


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my thoughs

Post by onlymehere » Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:20 pm

I don't think it is from upbringing.  I have known children that were not treated differently or not had that "something" happen to them as a child and they are gay.  Or whatever term is used.  Not up to all the political correct terms.    I do find the issue interesting.  Some say from  
1.) upbringing  2.) life chosen  3.) something about the brain. Imbalance or something like that.  And so on.
I don't think we will ever have the exact answer.  I did see a show where after people who have died donated thier brain to be studied for information on these questions.
What little, very little I do know about the Christian bible... gay, homesexual, whatever has been around since before Jesus.
I being a "woman" have chose to have my significant other as a male.  I have seen many a woman whom I thought of as very attractive but not had the desire to be with a woman.  As for my little sis she chooses to be in a relationship with a woman.  From my perspective what ever relationship a person is in.  One always seems to take the so called "male" role and the other the "female" role.  My sis is what one would say as being very "butch" and has always been in the "male" role.
I love my sis and back her all the way. Although I have my own choices so does she.  And we respect each others feelings and thoughts.  I have been brought up and believe that two of the same sex should not lye together.  That is just my opinon  and do not force or push my opinion on anyone.  To each thier own and I am not the one to judge.  
Weather it is an imbalance of the brain or something from a past life or whatever I do know that the people who let's say don't fit into the "norm" have sometimes a very hard life.  Some are disowned and so on.  I look at this like this,  how can  you shune someone you truely love.  If any of my sons were mass murders I would still love them.  I may not agree with what they have done but I will always love and be there for matter what! Sometimes we just have to let go of what "we" expect and let them live thier lives.  Parents only have so much control.  It is not always the parents FAULT.  Not all parents are bad and mistreat or abuse in any way.  And sometimes thier children grow up and do things that others don't agree with. But then that comment  is for a whole different board. Take care and love & happiness to all. :smt003

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Post by Xia » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:02 pm

If any of my sons were mass murders I would still love them.  I may not agree with what they have done but I will always love and be there for matter what!
I am not sure I could ever say that, but then I could not believe a child of mine would ever do such a thing, Hoever murder and being gay are not the same at all. If being gay is what they are so be it, but to murder there is choice!

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Post by Xia » Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:12 pm

JewelOfTheSouth wrote: we are pure spirit, and as such, we have no gender. The reason we are labled is because the human race has a bad habit of defining people by their genitals.

I find that all spirits do keep the gender they incarnated into, and very distinctly. It is purely instinctive behaviour that the human race needs to have a structure, address the differences between the sexes, and so encourage the necessary fertile and fruitful partnerships to secure survival.  

Xia  :o)

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Post by Pandora1151 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:17 am

I found out my son is gay about a year ago. I consider myself Christian and for a short time I followed what the church taught me...but long before I found out my son was gay, I had decided that I would not allow another man/woman tell me what to believe about God. I am not a minister or a former minister but I have read the Bible front to back several times and I have researched the meanings of the translations from the original greek and latin, in addition to studying the history of the times and the culture from when the both the New Testament and the Old Testament was written simply to get a better understanding of the context. I set out to find God on my own and I prayed and told Him (I say 'him' for the sake of labeling although I don't look at God as male or female) that if He was real, He would show Himself to me and prove it to me. Prior to this, I was an atheist for awhile because I didn't believe the existence of God could be proven. Well, God showed me, in many ways that He exists. Once I was convinced of this, I asked Him to show me who He really is - without the cloak of religion. I am still finding this out, more every day, but God has led me on a brilliant path and I have learned many mysteries that would have been closed off to me had I continued to follow the teachings of organized religion.

One of the things that God did was prepare me for the fact that my son was gay by bringing lots of gay and lesbian people into my life. I used to wonder at that...I have friends who have never even met a gay person! I find that amazing. I came to believe that 1 - gay people don't choose to be gay, 2 - gay people are usually more loving and closer to God than a lot of heterosexual people I know, and 3 - gay people are not going to hell. Even if being gay is a sin, which I don't believe to be the case, 1 - ALL people are sinners, 2 - sin is sin, there is no hierarchy of sin, and 3 - if you truly believe that God forgives all of your sin, past, present, and future when you become "saved" as the religion of Christianity teaches, then the sin of homosexuality would be forgiven and the homosexual would be going to heaven regardless. Jesus Christ Himself never uttered one word about homosexuality. Jesus Christ taught Love, pure and simple. Jesus Christ's life and death was the ultimate expression of Love. Jesus Christ did preach against hatred, bigotry, and un-forgiveness though. Judging someone or a group of people and turning your back on them in the name of Jesus Christ is the ultimate expression of blasphemy and bigotry. I believe people who do this should be a lot more worried about their own soul's destination than that of the homosexual they have judged unworthy. What gives anyone the right to step into God's place and make judgments for Him? Pride is what got Satan thrown out of heaven...remember?

Anyway, by the time I discovered my son was gay (I found out by accident, he didn't tell me), I sat him down one night and I asked him point blank if he was tired of pretending to be something he's not and wouldn't he just like to be loved for who he is? I told him that he is a beautiful, loving soul and an amazing human being, whom I am proud to call my son and his sexual orientation is part of him and I accept it and love him the same as I did the day before. Tears ran down his face as I told him this. I told him that I wouldn't choose this life for him but I accept it and the only reason I wouldn't choose it for him is because of the hardships he will face in society. I assured him that he would not face that with me. I also told him not to ever let anyone tell him he was bad or going to hell. I was not just saying that to him to make him feel better. If God would choose to reject this pure, loving creature on the basis of his sexual orientation than I would rather go to hell with my son than be in heaven with such a worthless God. There is no way that God could create this person, who really is beautiful, giving, loving, and more only to send him to hell for being gay. The thought is ludicrous.  This boy (who is now a sophomore in college) was the most amazing, selfless child I have ever seen. I am privileged to be his mother and I don't know how God saw fit to bless me with a child such as him. I don't know who he was in a past life, but he must have been a saint. He taught me so much about unconditional love and giving. He was born with it ingrained in his soul from day one. He was born to me for my own instruction and healing, not the other way around. He restored my faith in God, Love, and the human race. If you knew my own past, this statement would floor you.

Just to give you an example - when he was 9 years old, I gave him $10 for doing some yard work and other chores. He didn't get regular allowance because I was a poor, single mother at the time. He took this allowance and went around to all the garage sales in the neighborhood that weekend and bought as many winter coats in all different children's sizes as he could find until he ran out of money. He had a big pile of them on the patio. I asked him why he chose to spend all of his money on winter coats of different sizes in the middle of summer. I thought maybe he was going to make something with them. He told me that his Sunday School was having a coat drive and he wanted to make sure that he provided warm coats for as many poor children as possible. He asked me did I know that there were poor people who couldn't afford to purchase coats for their children? We live in Michigan so he was horrified by the thought. Bless his little heart! He didn't realize that we were one of those poor families! Everyone was so impressed by this and he was confused and even a little upset that people were making a big deal out of it. My aunt went around to all the garage sales the next day and told the people running them what he had done. They all gave him his money back and donated the rest of their winter items to his cause. He wasn't happy about getting the money back or having his "mission" interfered with but he was happy about getting the additional winter items. He was uncomfortable with all the attention he was getting because to him, he was only doing what made perfect sense and what he thought everyone would do if given the chance. He spent the $10 that was refunded to him on hats and mittens from the dollar store. Most 9 year olds would have bought candy or baseball cards but he didn't even think twice about spending it on helping others. This story is one of many examples from his childhood. So to find out that he was gay when he was 17 really solidified it for me that God doesn't hate gay people and isn't sending them to hell. I've always known that this child is an angel in disguise.

Seriously, I don't know a lot about reincarnation. I know that the doctrine of reincarnation was a part of the Christian church until about the 6th century when the emperor of Rome had it removed for political reasons. Politics played a large part in the shaping of the Bible. If you are a Christian and you haven't studied history, it would behoove you to do so. I know a woman who can see into your past lives by looking at your picture. She can usually only see one of your past lives - the one you are here to tie up loose ends for or work out karma from in this lifetime. She saw my son as a man - and a deeply devout, religious man at that. I don't know if he was a woman in other lives but I know at least one was a male incarnation. She is really accurate. I had a past life regression done recently and I was able to recover memories from the past life she saw in me. I've also had several dreams over the years about that life that I never told her about and she described the place and the time and what my personality was like, my station in life, and what I looked like - down to the letter. I'm positive that I was this person in a past life. Her "impression" was just one of the final confirmations I needed. I was a woman, like I am now. I don't know if that means I have always been a woman in all my incarnations or if my son has always been a man in all his incarnations. I had never considered that before. I always assumed, given the laws of balance in the universe, that we would experience incarnations of both genders. I believe that homosexuality is something you are born with. I am studying to become a psychologist and in my "Psychology of Sexuality" courses, I learned that the current view in the Psychological community on homosexuality, based on lots of scientific, historical, and even biological evidence, is that it is not a choice and it is not abnormal. A homosexual "gene" has not been discovered, but there are physical differences found in homosexuals. Not anything you would notice. You'd have to be a scientist to find them, but they exist. Homosexuality is not an illness or a choice or the result of bad parenting. It's one part of a spectrum that we all fall under to some degree. Knowledge is power. We are put on this earth to learn. Learn the truth for yourself before you regurgitate something someone tells you.



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X-Sexuality : Virtue or Sin ???

Post by Vinay Jha » Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:48 am

It is wrong to label homosexuality as lust and heterosexuality as virtue. Both are two sides of the same coin, whatever you term it. Heterosexuals form a majority, hence they treat homosexuals as outcasts. But if we take an impartial look, both of them are expressions of same thing : lust for the flesh.

Biologically, homosexuality is a meaningless behavioral abnormality which is not conducive to survival of a specie. Homosexuality is more pronounced in a specie which is near extinction. Perhaps it is an unconscious desire to preserve the race after heterosexuality fails the task of survival due to increasing impotency and related problems.

Heterosexuality among humans and similar species is a tool devised by Nature for the preservation of the species. But lust for Flesh converted all sexuality into an instrument of entertainment, which is against what Nature designed. Heterosexuality is a means and not and end in itself.

Payewacker is right in suggesting that the Spirit carries the dead weight of habits of past lives, which is chief reason behind homosexuality. Humans are ruled mostly by the Unconscious Mind, which does not know that Spirit is not Body. That is why the Spirit dreams itself to be Body and performs all sorts of acts with an imagiray Body with a conviction that this imaginary body is real, while the real body lies upon the bed. This unconscious Spirit carries past habits into future lives.

Thus, homosexuality appears to be natural. But it is not advisable. Humans are, but should not remain, unconscious. By no means I suggest that heterosexuality is recommendable. All sorts of sexuality should be strictly reserved solely for the purpose of Procreation and never for Recreation. But I know it is beyond the capability of modern humans. After its extinction, only a new and better specie will be able to enforce a better code of conduct for sexual behaviour.


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Post by jigyasu » Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:16 am

totally agree with mr. vinay jha there.

if someone likes to have sex everyday all the time. u wont tell him or her. its ok thats how u are. there is lack of control somewhere.
u r free to experiment whos stopping u. but u should not be weak and feel weak.
i saw somewhere someguy asking gurumayee. "the element in my thinking is not sex. i love"

its lust which is bad. i really feel sad for people who couldn't channel their love properly and because of some fools in society give way to fear as they start getting labeled.
and in the act of not becoming something they engage in that thought more and more and then to diffuse tension "accept it".

there should be discipline. a balance between ur right and left hemispheres.
the only focus should be to serve him whos the greatest of all. think of him all the time. with every breath and every blink u can start.

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Post by firetopaz » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:26 am

I have friends who are homosexual....some because of abuse suffered as children, some who say they were born that way...and I asked them if they could choose would they be gay...and they all answered "NO!"  but one who is happy with what she is and also very spiritually enlightened.   If it is a carry over from past life or if they need to learn something in this one by being gay make sno difference  in my mind.  God loves them just as they are and my god would never punish them....humans  have punished them enough.

Especially the ones who practice the christian religions...who are preached to by homosexual priests.  Sorry, I have one friend who is gay and he was molested as a child by a priest....they are never sure if it didn;t happen would they be gay today.  It's not an easy lifestyle in a small town.

Onlymehere:  very well said, I would not approve if my child was a mass murderer, but nothing would stop me from loving them and trying to help them back on the path to god.  Ugh...that makes it sound like we are putting homosexuals and mass murderers in the same category.  

I know onlymehere was making a point about loving people unconditionally, not categorizing them.  My comment messed it up  sorry!
Do not get the wrong idea!

I do not feel homosexuality is a is never wrong.  Expressing love between  !! two consenting Adults !! is not wrong in  my eyes either.

God is Love

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