Can crystals cause negative effects? ie. hematite

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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protection rom negativity

Post by Aria » Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:13 am

let me see ...
first and fforemost imagine good things coming into yur life
Keep yur life cluutter free..[do not bring in baggage from yur old life---metaphorically and in reality]
keep bowls of sea salt {if not available check for any rock salt...inyur local grocery store]in the four corners of yur room.keep changing this as it will change colour ...

spray some holy water around your every day.[ if not availble..make some by holding your hand on the bowl of water and imagining good wishes into the water]

Keep some clear quatz crystals around your room.keep cleaning under running water from time to time

I hope you do well and send my good wishes to yu

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Post by PERFECTSTORM » Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:19 pm

to my knowledge crystals are only negative if being used in the wrong chakra position - as the chakra is believed to be a vortex of spinning energy the fastest being at the crown and slowest at the base so if get those wrong then create a negative spin and unbalance our chakra....

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Post by unityconsciousness » Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:40 pm

I like your question - it's good to challenge our relationship with crystals...Have you asked your piece of hematite directly why you have a headache? I'd love to know what it tells you!
 As hemaitite is a drawing stone the wearer or user may experience a negative effect like a headache - akin to a healing crisis when 'toxins' physical, mental, emotional or spiritual begin to surface. However Hematite is said to ground negativity, so why does this happen for some people?
 I am highly sensitive/a conscious empath and I always find around hematite I drop things and swear - uncharacteristically. I find myself tuning in to hematite's ability to absorb, and somehow it feels too low a vibration to tolerate.  I tend to go for other grounding stones that work for me, like jet (my preference) or obsidian, or, by contrast, using very ordinary stones I have found on walks - (as long as they are cleansed before and after use.)

Climbing Wolf
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Hematite, Malachite

Post by Climbing Wolf » Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:47 am

Although I am also not an expert, I have had some experience seeing Hematite affect a few people somewhat negatively. I've always experienced it as a masculinizing, giving more confidence and boldness. It seems to amplify this in most people, which can put some over the edge if they're already quite bold. They may take unnecessary risks, for example. As for Malachite, my tumbled one personally does not like to be handled by others at all. Occasionally, it doesn't want to be handled by me either. It's also possible it may cause some people to get sick, as Malachite contains a high amount of lead which is more likely to be absorbed if it is in a non-polished form.

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