What can you expect from a guy like me

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What can you expect from a guy like me

Post by drt_t1gg3r » Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:45 am

Hey there all.  :smt006

Just found your site today via a freeware download. And am glad to be part of the "Mystic Board" network. And thank you for having me.

What can you expect from a guy like me? Now that is what people want to know huh? Well, I'm open mindfully opinionated! LOL  :smt003  

I have existed here on Earth for 38 years and have traveled the world round except the Orient and Africa. (hope to in this life time though). In those years I have listened to a lot of people tell their story and enjoyed everyone of them. However, this has caused a serious conflict in my thought process on how I should live my life in concordance with others. So the quest for knowledge of how the world goes round on every aspect of life is now become my journey. I have delved into and practice most of the major structured religions and found them all to be wanting. Science, mythology, history, and sociology seems to be where my answers lay. So if I seem to ask/speak/reply/or say something complete opinionated and it offends you, know that I am not trying to. I believe that opinions are important and they do not spark passion in one another then why have them? Difference is what makes us unique, even if that difference is in opinion.

I am not religious or spiritual in my nature, yet I find it to be the grounding point from which I radiate. (here comes my opinion WARNING) I believe that I am god and you are too, so why should I look outside my self for something I am already in space with? Like Buddhism I believe that you are made up of the same that makes me up (grammer Dennis, grammer) and that is the same that makes up the universe. Problem is, in it's vastness of expansion it gave itself identity. And that my friends is me. That identity of god that I call myself me.

Numerology, Divination, Palmistry, and other not yet recognized sciences are only a piece of the puzzle just as Christianity, Buddhism, Paganism, and other organized/unorganized religions are. Not all sciences are physical or tangible.

And that brings me to me. Narcissistic, didactic, emotional, opinionated, compassionate, empathetic, understanding, loving, controlling, honest, to the point kind of guy. I don't try to destroy things up, yet I know when feelings should be sacrificed for brutal honesty. If you are over weight and ask me if you look fat in what you wear I will simply reply "no, you look fat because you are over weight" .. sorry  :smt009

Compliment me if you like what I say and bash me if you disagree. I am a big boy and can take it. I love praise, and welcome criticism. I like to write music, and have a cigarette with Peruvian Hazelnut coffee while talking about anything and everything.

I am wrong. Sometimes a great deal (Ever heard a man say that?) Can admit it if you show me the correct way. However, usually my idea's opinion and knowledge come from sources that I find creditable so you will have to show me where I am wrong. I was taught at a very early age if I didn't stand for something I would fall for anything. So if you want me to fall for your line of crap then prove to me that it's not. If it's an opinion I welcome it with an open mind, but if you are stating facts, state them, and show me some resource(s). I will do that same for you.

Hhhmm, well long winded I can be. I love to talk and sometimes can talk too much. And I think this is the case at the moment. Look forward to hearing you all on the forum and drop me a line if you like/dislike what I have to say.

Blessed be
Dennis aka: drt_t1gg3r

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:11 pm

Welcome to MysticBoard community, we hope you will have a nice stay and make a lots of friends :)

Love your intro, hopefully you will enjoy your time here :)

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Post by Marion » Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:16 am

Hi :smt006


It's great to meet you. There are plenty of great forums here.  Have a look around and enjoy.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:18 am

Hello And Welcome To Mystic Boards!

I wish you a wonderful journey!

Gentle Hugs,


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Post by MacLir » Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:54 am

Of course we all and everything are god(gods). We are parts of THAT whose encompasses every single thing in universe. Like it is said in Kaballah: "Ein Sof encompasses everything & there is not a thing outside Him". In Celtic Wicca, the Goddess is eveything; that's why the Goddess is described as having both good and ugly appearance. If you're God, where's your almighty power right now? That's why we try to find God. In doing that, actually we are trying to found our own self--which is God.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:01 pm

Welcome, Dennis.  I look forward to your spirited discussions.  It appears you will add a lot of dimension here.  I thank you in advance.

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Post by womanofthecraft » Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:07 pm


It's wonderful to meet you, and it is truly nice to meet a man who can occasionally be wrong, LOL.
I enjoyed reading your introduction and hope you enjoy mystic board as well.  I was amazed at all the
different posts on this forum, many of them are very informative.  When I first joined, I thought, "Oh no,
I'm not too sure about this!"  When I began to browse it was almost impossible to shut my pc down and go to bed!
LOL.  But anyhow, I really look forward to reading more of your posts.

Brightest Blessings!

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:52 am

Welcome welcome!!
Great to have you join us and thank you for your awesome intro!
Let the passion of discussions begin! lol :)

Oh and nicely said MacLir! Short, sweet and to the point.

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Post by MacLir » Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:02 pm

Oh, and something that forgotten...We're now living in the age of atomic science. We learned that at school didn't we? If we look 'deeper and deeper' untill the essence of each things--including our body, what would we found? Atom. Like a Yogi said, no one ever saw atom 'cause it's only an assumption. For me atom is what all sacred texts pointed at. It is Spirit, Spiritus, Ruh, Ruach, Jiva, etc. If only we can see it, then we would see everything as one and one thing only: Atom. It is the body of God, and each one of us now are just parts of it--consequently our consciousness, perception, comprehension, etc are enclosed to 'the part which is ours' only. That's why we need to seek Buddha(realization) of 'the body', not just 'part of a body' like what we are now.

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