
Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Dj I.C.U.
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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:02 am

Have heard about this thing?If you've heard what's your opinion?

Here's a brief introduction:PURGATORY (Late Lat. purgatorium, from purgare, to purge) , according to Roman Catholic faith, a state of suffering after death in which the souls of those who die in venial sin, and of those who still owe some debt of temporal punishment for mortal sin, are rendered fit to enter heaven. It is believed that such souls continue to be members of the Church of Christ; that they are helped by the suffrages of the living—that is, by prayers, alms and other good works, and more especially by the sacrifice of the Mass; and that, although delayed until " the last farthing is paid," their salvation is assured. Catholics support this doctrine chiefly by reference to the Jewish belief in the efficacy of prayer for the dead (2 Macc. xii. 42 seq.), the tradition of the early Christians, and the authority of the Church. Irenaeus regards as heretical the opinion that the souls of the departed pass immediately into glory; Tertullian, Cyprian, the Acts of St Perpetua, Clement of Alexandria, Cyril of Jerusalem, Basil, Gregory of Nyassa, Ambrose, Chrysostom and Jerome, all speak of prayer for the dead and seem to imply belief in a purgatory, but their view seems to have been affected by the pre-Christian doctrine of Hades or Sheol. Some of the Greeks, notably Origen, teach that even the perfect must go through fire in the next world. Augustine writes (De VIII. Dulcatii quaeslionibus) that " it is not incredible " that imperfect souls will be " saved by some purgatorial fire," to which they will be subjected for varying lengths of time according to their needs; but in other passages he expresses conflicting opinions (De civitate, )o. 25, xxi. 13, 26; Enchiridion, 69). Gregory the Great was the first to formulate the doctrine in express terms, " de quibusdam levibus culpis esse ante judicium purgatorius ignis credendus est" (Dial. iv. 39).

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Post by Deborah » Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:03 pm

I grew up with this garb! sorry

but it just seems ... yea ok lets go here .. God forgives ..but then sticks u in pergatory to make up for your bad times.........

What about the all loveing the all forgiving god ...

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:44 pm

I'm ortodox,not catolic that's why I'm not obiective to this mather,and say that this certain place cannot exists because it's the middle way between Good and Bad and that thing it's not possible,according to my opinion.

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Post by Vishwas » Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:51 pm

It is possible.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:57 pm

From what I've heard and read the Purgatorium was invented by the Catolic Church to collect money from rich people,if your relatives paid more money you can go immediatly to heaven,if not in hell.

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Post by Sophe » Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:34 pm

In my opinion, it is another way for the Catholic Church to scare you to do what "they" think is right.  Otherwise you will have to repent and when you do this it usually ends up the Catholic Church receives some type of financial gain.  The problem with the Catholic Church is that God is their business not their business being God.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:48 pm

Purgatorium a plece where the soul is placet as a temporary hell..........Or Purgatorium is for sinners as Jail is for criminals.You serve your tie and then go out...........And somebody who did something really bad servers life in this case eternity. Frightfull prospect

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Post by Deborah » Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:36 am

roman catholics believe in praying the way into heaven ..when one dies a mass is said .. at this mass there is a collection plate ...if this said person is inbetween we pray there way into heaven as the collection plate is passed ..the more money the more masses are said ...

so in sense this is just a greedy roman catholics way to PLAY with your freeken mind .. its all stupid I grew up witht his and not one person could explain anything to me ... I got punished for askign questions ...............
sit stand kneel sit stand kneel ......................blaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Post by swetha » Mon Apr 10, 2006 6:31 pm

doesnt make any sense at all right ? all these things? u think over time everything will change?

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:29 pm

The system is to tight for someone to change it we need a global scale nuclear war to get rid of all forms of religion but even then we may still find traces of old peoples obessions.

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Post by swetha » Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:13 am

i think religion has just come into being so that people have something to fear... but will this ever die? or people will just fear something else?

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:50 am

I don't think relegion is ever going to die.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:40 pm

As individuals, we will be judged in our lives by the totality of our actions. Not one thing will stand out. And I think that's how we get judged by our colleagues and that's how we get judged by the good lord. We just like being judged. That's why we are human.

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Post by Deborah » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:14 am

religion die..no people want something to believe in ..

if u follow back in time ... you will seee that religion was nothing more than what todays political laws are ..ways to control the people.  everywhere has to have standards or people would be crazy! not all but alot would ...

Is there a God ? Is any religion true?

Look at the bible .. prostitution was ok back then.. hmm? sounds like a greedy mans desire book to me ..

What about the quarm (sp) ...more control more women for a good man ..ditto to the above

Well.............I dont want to debate this but I find myself reading this post often...
I grew up with the scared catholic .. if i dindt believe/ behave i would go to hell! ..and God is all loveing and forgiving ...........then why would I go to  hell let alone pergutory?  
I dont think Catholic schools are the same in India as they WERE here. &nbsp;I grew up with the skirt has to be past the knees ..socks have to match ur shirt.. vest must be pressed.... demerits and merits .. well i dindt get many merits I was a stink of a kid .. i spent one school year trying to get kicked out of the private school I went to .. my family all went there .. they all graduated from that school.. they were all babtised in the church ..they all had there first comunion there ............"I REMEMBER YOUR MOM< I REMMBER YOUR AUNT" I was the kid that would say ...........I DONT CARE GOOD FOR YOU>>>NOW DO YOU KNOW ME?
I asked questions and was sent to the priest house ... and he made me kneel and pray aloud for a day instead of having school... FYI his library was hard wood floors!
Did I learn anything? Nope .. still &nbsp;dont understand the religion ..
Once old enough I wrote and signed my papers denouncing my religion ......my family told me they were going to disown me ... that once catholic always catholic ........blaaaaaaaa

If you believe in purgutory ..then send me your money Ill pray your way out! Same thing the church believes!

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Post by Sophe » Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:25 am

Religion...will never die, there are too many people who rely on the financial gain that religion can bring to them. I mean look at Scientology...this is now established religion in the United States that has made the rich richer (kind of like our government) and the people who invest or believe into this religion poorer. There has been documentation that suggests people are mortgaging their houses to be apart of this religion.

I think organized religion is relatively scary at times. It doesn't matter what religion you are under, Roman Catholic, American Catholic, Baptist, Scientology, whatever it is you who must review the message they are trying to give and see if it holds true with you. &nbsp;If you think that this religion is helping you and it gives you faith and something to believe in than I'm all for it.

But personally my experience is most churches make me very irritated because the churches rule by fear and intimidation. I know that I am one with God and and if I want to communicate with him then I have my own ways of doing that...and I don't need to pay someone to pray for me. I can do it myself.

Personally - I don't think people like to be judged. &nbsp;But I think we judge ourselves alot. &nbsp;Whose to say who we are suppose to be? What life we are to live? How much money should we be making? What religion to follow? No one has the right to judge another....even though it happens all the time and every person has their own biases. &nbsp;All these decisions are of a personal matter and whatever direction we choose should be no concern of another.


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