help, can i have a relationship reading please, im confused and hurt

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help, can i have a relationship reading please, im confused and hurt

Post by lstar33 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:33 pm

I have been seeing someone and it has gotten weird all of a sudden. I feel like I have been cut off almost. We still talk, but something is off and the closeness isnt there. I dont know if this is the phase or if they are just not interested anymore and cant get a clear answer from them. Can someone please do a reading for me? Please, I kind of feel helpless and if i need to walk away then I will, but I dont know what direction to go with them.

Thank you

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Post by farafina » Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:29 am

Hi lstar33,

sorry to hear about this situation. Is this the same boyfriend as the one I read about below back at the end of June?
Could someone please do a reading for me and the person I am dating? I would just like to know the direction we are heading. My b-day 11-25 and his 11-30. Thank you.

This is a spread called the Arrow of Love and it is used for relationship readings. I used the Gilded Tarot.
----6-----  (romantic future) Temperance
4 ------5 (the querent -- the partner) The Tower -- Knight of Swords
----3---- (the union) Strength
----2---- (forces at work around the querent, influences) Ace of Cups
----1----- (the querent's self image) The Hermit

Right now the cards show that you see yourself as someone who is more introverted. You perceive yourself as being a loner, and someone who is more focused on acquiring knowledge about yourself. You feel that you need to work on your self development, and on your spiritual path. You see yourself as someone who is not afraid of being alone and who is weighing things wisely when it comes to emotions. Your intuition and that inner voice inside you are what you try to follow. You see yourself as someone who aspires to a soul connection in relationships, not flings or short term affairs (The Hermit). It is therefore interesting that right now, there is an overflow of emotions within you, stirred by feelings of a new beginning. You're letting yourself be carried by your intuition and you are following your heart. Lots of romantic energy surroungs you. Love is in the air and you are floating in it (Ace of Cups). This new love and this strong romantic energy has a strong influence on your relationship itself. This relationship is reliable and solid and stable already. Your union is kind of a quiet determination to be together and to make it work because of the strong feelings connecting you both.In your relationship love wins over everything else, material issues or any other issues. As a couple you are able to overcome obstacles because you both work so well together, in a symbiotic way and in a compassionate and patient way.It shows that things are not easy and that you both have to deal with some challenges but that you both are together and strong. Your love conquers all (Strength).
In this relationship, lstar33, it seems that you are losing your footing a little bit. It is as if things are so different than anything you have known in the past that you can't seem yet to believe what is happening... Everything you believed before about relationships and how they are supposed to be is being shaken. You are realizing that your previous way of living love was based on false reasoning and now truth is hitting you. You always thought that being alone would be a great place to be emotionally and now you are realizing that being with someone can feel even better! It is ok to feel a little shaken and insecure for now. It hit you a bit suddenly, but it will pass and you'll settle into your new life (The Tower). Your boyfriend is a very rational and logical-minded person. It shows that he is delving into this relationship with his intellectual side, rationalizing everything and trying to make sense in his mind of everything he is experiencing in this relationship. The cards show he can have strong opinions at times and can be a little overbearing when it comes to expressing what he thinks. He is very confident in this relationship and wants it to work and is willing to do whatever it takes, including if it means getting a little agressive to protect this relationship (Knight of Swords)
You asked where the relationship is heading: in a very good place. It shows that three main elements will make your relationship work: good communication, moderation (balancing of opposites), and working together in harmony and coordination. Your romantic future shows a state of calm waters and a nice ooling breeze. I feel your future together is very likely to be a nice and harmonious one. If you feel that right now there may be obstacles, you should know that the future is brighter and that these obstacles are in reality challenges that could make your relationship even stronger (Temperance).

There are very strong forces at work here that are surrounding your relationships and these forces are all very positive (4 major arcanas out of 6 cards!!!). It feels as if your relationship is protected from beyond the visible world. Be confident... You are heading to a great place. It feels as if this was meant to be.

Hopefully this reading helped answer your question.

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Re: help, can i have a relationship reading please, im confused and hurt

Post by farafina » Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:04 pm

lstar33 wrote:I have been seeing someone and it has gotten weird all of a sudden. I feel like I have been cut off almost. We still talk, but something is off and the closeness isnt there. I dont know if this is the phase or if they are just not interested anymore and cant get a clear answer from them. Can someone please do a reading for me? Please, I kind of feel helpless and if i need to walk away then I will, but I dont know what direction to go with them.

Thank you
Hi lstar33,

I hope you are doing well. I pulled some cards for you regarding your romantic relationship with your boyfriend. Please, take some time after reading this to let me know that you have received it. Thank you.

Where things stand at the moment: 3 of Wands
What you feel about the relationship emotionally: 10 of pentacles
What your boyfriend feels about the relationship emotionally: 6 of pentacles rev.
The impression you have about your partner: Priestess
The impression your partner has about you: Page of cups
Your lesson/challenge: 6 of cups
Your boyfriend's challenge: 8 of swords rev.
Likely outcome if thinsg remain unchanged: 4 of cups

--- Your reading
My feeling about the cards is that both of you are still seeing yourself in this relationship and that none of you are thinking about ending it. It appears that while you feel that being in this relationship with him could bring you a lot of fulfillment and satisfaction in your life, your boyfriend is feeling a bit of an imbalance, feeling as if he is unable to give you as much as he should be giving you and as a result he is withdrawing because he is feeling a bit inadequate. From what I sense here he wants to be with you very much but is afraid of disappointing you.
On your end, you have the feeling he is hiding something from you and that there is something he is not telling you. On his end, he thinks you are this beautiful person who is bringing so much to his life and offering him a gift of romance of love.
Your challenge in this relationship is to learn not to keep comparing this relationship with the ones you had in the past, because this one is very different. Enjoy and smell the flowers of this relationship here and now and be realistic, keep your feet on the ground.... Remember the last reading insisted on communication communication.... you have a reality to face and t embrace with its good and bad... Work on it.
As for your boyfriend, his challenge here is to learn to stop feeling inadequate, and to stop feeling as if there are restrictions of any kind.... he needs to find his own voice and his own way of living this relationship without feeling as if he cannot fulfill his role.
For the future, I see you two staying together. However, if nothing changes right now and no action is taken to solve this mis-communication you are both having then the feeling of discontent and apathy will continue, and none of you will be able to appreciate what you have, and none of you will take advantage of this beautiful and loving energy available to both of you here.

I hope the reading makes sense to you and that you find in it some tools to help you both overcome these challenges....

All the best,

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Total clarity

Post by lstar33 » Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:01 am

This describes us really well and it opened my eyes so much. Thank you thank you!

:)  :smt007

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