What should I learn first in terms of basics?

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What should I learn first in terms of basics?

Post by beoglaf » Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:01 pm

I think that magick is very interesting.  the most magical thing I've had though, are only out of body experiences which I have no control over.  I'd like to learn spells and aura related things but I don't know where to start.  If there's anyone that could guide me that would be great.   I hope this is not a inconvenient or bad post so thank you for your time.

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Learning Basics

Post by dessa » Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:37 pm

You ask what you should learn first for basics, but well it depends really on what goals you have, every one is different, their learning, growing, and adapting process will be different.

Finding what works for you is usually the best way to go, but start first with learning yourself, this is not about saying ok I am this, or I am that, but you will need to understand who you are as a person, figure out your own traits etc, find out what your goals are such as what do you wish to learn most, but also WHY do you wish to learn?

Because yes the WHY you want to learn what you wish to learn is very important. I like to learn simply because I love learning new things. As such I allow myself to be guided to the different directions and paths I take, but not in a completely random or haphazard manner. Since it is important that we each take an active roll in our lives, and know we are responsible for our lives.

It is easy enough to say it is fate and destiny, but when doing so make sure you are not doing that to dismiss your own role and responsiblity as to what happens in your life.

Once you know what and why you wish to learn something you can use that to help guide you towards the directions you wish to go in.

Meditation helps, some call it meditation, some focusing the mind, others may call it prayer, but it might help if you read something on this and worked on developing the ability to quiet yourself, so you can then be able to hear the intuition / instincts, guides that are helping to show you the way.

Oddly enough I had read a great deal on meditation, I also read a great deal on focusing the mind, and getting in touch with guides, getting in touch with Higher Self etc,

But the best thing I personally found on dealing with several issues such as protection, grouding, making those spiritual connections, and yes meditation was How to Do Automatic Writing by Edain McCoy

It might be a place for you to start, I am not suggesting that you  read all of her stuff, or that you follow a path of Wicca, since this book is not on those subjects,

You do not even have to deveop a talent for automatic writing, but the section of this book that will shows good guide in how to prepare yourself prior to doing an automatic writing session is one that can be very helpful, it is not over done, not over written and it is not complicated at all.

From there, you start with authors that you are drawn to.

One good idea is if there is a good what is refered to as New Age or Occult store near you, go there and just trust your intuition to guide you to what it is you are meant to be reading and learning, don't let others influence you or even discuss with you what it is you should be reading, if not perhaps the "new age" section at a Barnes and Noble, or some other larger book store may help. Go and be prepared to spend a while there, you may walk in and just see a book or a word or a color from a cover and pull that book right away, however you may look at all the titles before you feel you found the right book and then again you may not find anything at all, but you will have triggered something inside your mind by looking.

I literally missed my turn going home from work one day [considering I lived and worked in the same town and home and work were less than 10 minutes away from each other it is HARD to miss a turn] Some how I just remember leaving work, and approaching the way I go home and suddenly I was on the highway, actually the next clear memory was pulling into a parking space, at a book store.

I walked in went to the shelf pulled the book down and left the store, it was a topic I had not previously studied, or learned much about, but now it is part of my spritual path.

So first trust yourself, trust your guides, or angels, or guardians, or whatever labels you wish to use, then know why you want to learn something because it helps to know.

Get Edain McCoy's book if you are not sure or still questioning what is my first step.

Get reading recomendations from those who are interesting in the same topic as you are.  Some will suggest that for spells find books that help you create your own, as they are more powerful some will suggest there are some good books out there with spells that work, some may suggest you follow a more ritual oriented path, others will wing it.

So knowing yourself will help. If you are someone who needs are more clear cut structure to things than you may want ot find a group that you can join that shares an interest or even create a study group that shares your interest, if you work / learn better by doing things at your own pace then just wing it.

I have wanted to learn to read aura's but my own talent does not seem to be in that direction, I have been reading cards though rarely tarot since I was 10/11 using my intuition my entire life, because it was natural to my grandfather, it was not dismissed and it was allowed to flow in me naturally, for as long as I can remember.  I can do a variety of things, and use a variety of methods when it comes to that kind of thing, yet I don't have the gift to read aura's.

So that is also part of knowing yourself and your own skills, but during the learning process, it is important to remember one thing, keep trying, don't give up because it didn't all work out perfectly the first try or time you did something.

You did not have the abilty to read a novel when you started school, you first had to learn the alphabet, and then simple words and gradually complex sentence structure.

learning skills of this nature are the same, it takes time, and a willingness to put the effort into it.

Since I do not have the skills in the area of aura's I could not recommend something,

I do suggest that you get the basics of tuning in, clear intentions, focused mind, and meditations

Then for spell work well try reading Dorothy Morrison, or there is an interesting book I have begun reading that may help

Spellcaster Seven Ways to Effective Magic

Martin Duffy, Anna Franklin, Poppy Palin, Morgana Sidhe Raven, Leah Whitehorse are the authors.

good luck


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Post by student » Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:16 pm

thanks a  lot Dessa ; your reply to Beoglaf helps me to sort out my own dilemma.

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Post by ammo » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:14 am

Maybe first establish the type of magic you are most interested in. The amount of information out there can be overwhelming.

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Post by ravenuriel » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:28 pm

first thing to learn.... PROTECTION PROTECTION PROTECTION ...lol.( Im not yelling its just really important). yes learn protection in what ever path you choose
Once you decide to step up on the magical field other energies and ppl feel it and then comes .. the what do you know.. Im going to test you.. now these ppl are the not so nice ppl.


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Post by Rev_Vesta » Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:27 am

Where to begin?  there is so much info, it can be confusing.....

Good start, this messageboard has a range of topics you could explore and decide inwhat you are interested....

Next Google online and see what websites come up   have a good read of a variety of sites...... print out and add to a journal what intersts you discard what does not......  
or  books that are availble from amazon.com   .....can give you an idea...of books availble.....

A Good start is Meditation, visualization, guided meditations, chakra energy work............Lots of great books, websites available and ofcourse on here.........

then you will find it leds you to many other paths from there..........

Take care...


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Re: What should I learn first in terms of basics?

Post by Suleiman » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:10 pm

beoglaf wrote:I think that magick is very interesting.  the most magical thing I've had though, are only out of body experiences which I have no control over.  I'd like to learn spells and aura related things but I don't know where to start.  If there's anyone that could guide me that would be great.   I hope this is not a inconvenient or bad post so thank you for your time.

My advice to you is ovoid magic and anything got to do with it. (I am not talking about tricks).

You would thank me on the long run.

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The Major Decision

Post by MagusMagnus » Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:28 pm

Practically anyone with the will to do so can achieve some degree of success with the technical aspects of magic.  Today, most of the information essential to that success is in print.  One need only to persevere.
The greater issue at the beginning of one's magical tuition concerns the idea of change.  Magic deals with change, you see -- Not just change in your circumstances or surroundings, but more importantly within yourself.  The real question is this:  Will you willingly accept the deep changes in your thinking and your person that the study and practice of magic will incur for you?


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