Reading Request for Youdah

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Reading Request for Youdah

Post by dheaven » Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:42 am

Hello and thank you for helping me.

As you suggested here is the post (new one hope i won't offend the moderators) with all the details i can provide

Name: xxxxxxxxxxx (taken away for your protections since it combined with birth details can be misused...Rhutobello)
I find this to be a little strange since this is a very unusual name for someone in my country. Only the first name is a Romanian name witch is my heritage and it's equal to some extent to George, as in St. George would be the patron of my family. I have no idea why my mom picked this name since i never knew her.
Not sure if this info will help you but better to have it.

City of birth also living here: Bucharest
Country: Romania
Date: 10 Jun 1985 at local time 10:00 pm (it may be a small difference in the time few minutes or so. This is the best i could do about this since all the members of my family forgot and the birth hour is not specified in birth certificate...sorry)

Also as you suggested i would like for you to take a look at the promises and talents from birth as well as the near future.

Thank you, and hope to hear from you soon.

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Post by Youdah » Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:58 pm

Well, I can certainly see where the problem has been!  :)  

I agree that you are going to have to put your energy and time into creative endeavors.  This is the way you are going to feel fullfilled and happy.  This is a way that you can also support yourself. (Chiron in 5th and trine Jup in 2nd).  This is definitely where your heart is, and I don't think trying to force yourself into someone's mold is ever going to work for you, just adding to your sense of frustration and feeling inadequate.  (Mars opp. Nep, and opp Asc).

What I'm seeing here is a great deal of tension that I'm sure you've noticed in your life.  It is imperative that you take time out for emotional relaxation, with calm music and serene surroundings.  This is because you are so easily wounded by how people treat you, and the injustices that you see in the world.  If you don't take time out to renew yourself -- and I'd suggest taking time daily -- it can add up to serious health problems. (Nep. conj. Asc, Pluto conj. MH)

Areas that you might consider, and would work well for you as a career are in advertising (but not sales), editor, journalism, librarian, anything involving literature from writing to critiques, photoengraver, printing and printers, all kinds of publications, radio and TV, teaching, and writing (Gemini in 6th)  Yet, just about any creative endeavor is something you can be successful doing (venus sextile mars, trine neptune, oppose Pluto, trine asc, and oppose MH).

One problem is that your career tends to take it all out of you...again relaxation is very important to you.  I'm tempted to tell you to stick to occupations and activities where you can work alone.  You would be more comfortable with this.  Yet, that kinda avoids the problem, too.  Before you can get along with employers, you are really going to have to spend some time looking at your attitudes and work habits.  In just about anything you do, you have to deal with bosses.  Try to compromise more, listen more, hold it in less, but when you speak learn tact.  Also, look a bit at a double-standard where you behave towards others in ways that you would never allow them to treat you.  (Sat in 10th, Pluto conj. MH, and moon's nodes 4/10th, and all outer planets in retrograde)

But, you are also an incredibly sensitive person who already tends to think there are millions of things wrong with you.  At an early age, you've been blasted that nothing you wanted to do was right (Chiron 5th in Gemini).  I'm sure you got a lot of negative feedback especially verbally being way too critical of you.  You're going to have to spend some time in deep soul-searching before you can be really happy.  I suggest this because you tend to stay in a dream world and avoid the harsh realities of life.  This is your defense mechanism.  It is there for a purpose, because you feel inadequate to meet the challenges of life, and also to find relief from the outrage you see happening around you.  My suggestion is to start making small goals.  As you achieve them, your confidence will grow.  Begin to see the problems in your life as just something that needs your attention for a little while, NOT a statement about your worthiness or adequacy.  You have a right to be on this planet, like everyone else.  And there is nothing "wrong" with you that isn't just being human, like everyone else.  (Nep. conj. Asc).

So many people that I do readings for have a similar problem...that is a lack of self-esteem.  All the fads talk about this, but for some reason, there is a generation of people who just can't realize their own worth and potential.  You are one of those, as well.  But, realize that many, many, many people feel exactly as you do..and they are just as good at hiding it as you are!  You have gotten wounded at a very young age, and it continues to cause you problems into adulthood.  I think with some successes, and achieving small goals that build your confidence, and getting into something that you enjoy and are "made" for, you will be OK.  So, yes, I agree with myself when I thought that after I looked at your birth chart that I would find that you are one of those people who are MEANT to do things creatively.  Yet, please keep in mind that my advice about how to get along with bosses must be part of your new path, so that a boss doesn't prevent you from following your dreams.


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Post by dheaven » Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:35 pm

Thanks for the reading

Don't like bosses, hope i'll skip this part or as much of this part as possible as most of the time i prefer to do things my way even if i might be wrong sometimes. I like to spend alot of time alone in dream land and i really like to work alone.

I'd like to study architecture, i am more design oriented and then literature and others also hope i'll have time for as many as i would like to do in this life and also money so i can be my own boss, i hate when people are pushy with me and usualy 2 things happen: i leave or i present more of who i am, as i can be as cruel (had good teachers) as you can get in this world.
maybe later in my life i'll join the priesthood maybe not.

I was really easy to hurt when i was young and cause of that i've somehow manage to turn down my feelings ...all of them...i wish them back for sometime but have no idea how to get them back. A few weeks ago i ended up next to a man while negotiating a contract, he was also gemini and he was a priest in some order no idea what order anyway i was absorbing so much energy from him like i was a sponge or something and for an hour or so i felt alive i could even hear what his wife was thinking for a few moments and there was also a dizziness involved...then i had a headache for the rest of the day.

I might need someone to "feed" me or even better a divine intervention of some sort to restore what i have killed a long time ago, but even so i hope that all this will serve later to a greater good and that all the suffering was not in vain. Have no idea why but i was that kid who all the kids were bad to and always got my ass kicked and most of the people treated me not so good, also i was really naive :))

Something really amazed me in this can be some people so sure about things when they are so wrong not once not twice but most of the time...and they are many

Thank you for your reading it's very accurate and thank you for your advices they are welcomed.

One last request if i might be allowed: What i might expect from the near future.

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Post by Youdah » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:44 pm

You have said more directly what I was trying to say, but yes you have that tendency.  It is going to be a lifelong problem for you.  You can find ways to justify your attitudes, words, and behavior, but it will not lessen how it is able to put shambles to your life and goals.

This is how things work, dear friend.  When you have an unresolved, an unhealed, wound on your soul, you will continue to act in ways to protect it...defense mechanisms.  This causes the energy to continue to sling arrows at you, and so reinforces your beliefs about the world and yourself.  You may secretly rage that the world is cruel and unfair and wish that things were different, but it will not change.  The ONLY thing that will change it is to change YOURSELF!  After you have changed yourself, a new energy is attracted to you, and so then begins to reinforce the new vision of yourself and the world.  If you believe the world is unfair, that is exactly what will happen.  Every unfair thing will come your way.  When you begin to see the world as giving and supportive, that is exactly what will come your way.

When you see yourself as having worth, having something to offer, and having a right to respect, and so give respect to others, you will find an entirely different experience so that the argumentative and combative tendencies are not needed!

This is said in your chart to be your lifelong purpose!  You will continue to have bad experiences until you can heal the past, and move on.

The near future is more of the same.  You are seen as a troublemaker, constantly challenging others, believing that they are out to get you, having disdain for authority or anyone who suggests that you must follow the rules just like everyone else.  Until you get over your behavior and attitude by learning respect and cooperation, and realizing that you don't have all the answers and so could learn and benefit from others, these problems will hound you all your life.

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Post by Youdah » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:21 pm

there is something I would add.

Dheaven, there are people who understand that your kind of "armor" of being argumentative and disrespect is just your way because you are terribly hurt.  These people have, and will continue, to, come into your life to show you that not all people victimize you.

The problem is that when they come into your life, you see them as weak instead of loving.

Give them a chance.

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Post by Youdah » Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:37 pm

dheaven wrote:
Don't like bosses,
Sometimes when I do a reading, it won't leave my mind after I think it's finished.  This is happening now.  When that happens, it is because something more needs to be said or done...that I have not completed my responsibility in some way.  When an astrologer gives a reading, he (or she) takes upon himself a responsibility to the person to be complete, base his readings on established understandings of astrology, and to leave the person with a greater understanding of their life.  

If I sit quietly, when a reading is yet unfinished, the thoughts come to me that are yet to be done.  As so the following addition...

What I failed to give you was a good understanding of why you must change your attitudes.

When you said that you don't like bosses..for example.

A boss will feel this from you...the dislike, the anger, the mistrust.   Being a human, the boss will dislike YOU and have mistrust for you.  Yes, it would be nice if everyone would not judge you so quickly and return anger for anger, but this is only human.  Don't you feel dislike for someone who shows that he dislikes YOU?  It is the same is a human response.  And everytime this happens, it reinforces your belief that all bosses are bad ones.

But, look at this closer.  Didn't you first judge the boss?  Didn't you dislike him simply because he was your boss?  Did you give him a chance?  Did you judge him unfairly?  Yes, you did.  You didn't even give the boss a chance to show you that he could be fair, so you see, in this way you are behaving just like the way you accuse your boss of being!!!! And you brought the negativity to HIM first.  You must start to take responsibility that the bad things in your life, started with YOU, not the boss.

So, you must change your own attitude to break this negative cycle.  You do this by healing the old wounds...forgiving when you are ready, and if no forgiveness, then at least understanding that those who harmed you were only human, too.  When you want others to give love for anger, it must begin with you by doing it FIRST to those who harmed you in the past.  In this way, it will end.  

When you can stop generalizing that ALL are bad, and begin to see yourself, and others, as just doing the best that they can, and to judge individuals instead of all, and opening your mind to the possibility that there is good in others just as in yourself, then you will have these problems no more.


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Post by dheaven » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:17 pm

Thanks for your advices Youdah, they are welcomed and much appreciated.

Challenging,is one of my main tools of learning and by far the best way of getting me in/out of situations/imagination where otherwise i would have never ended up. I dislike rules as i find out more and more this rules belong to no one mostly. I find it sad to realise that even if you ask why is this so, why isn't that otherwise you won't get an answer (at least i don't) it's like society rules personal rules everyone has rules to obey that no one ever told them to obey or anything, more and more people as i see become slaves to propaganda and their own fabrications as i might not be much diffrent but i chose to challenge so i can find the truth.

I'm not a troublemaker to bad that people see me this way i am the opposite actually always trying to fix and help others in trouble in all ways i can. I don't believe that someone is out to get me but i keep myself prepare for everything as i found out it is the best.

Authority, i don't know how is there where you live but here...this equal abuse at all levels. Don't want to offend anyone but for some reason alot of the people that are i authoritarian positions they will abuse you and that is cause most of them are stupid. I'm am sorry to say this but it is a fact here where i live. It doesn't matter if is a shop manager or the police or the goverment or even some priests. It's a sad reality but it's reality. Hard to find decent people to work for or to work with very hard. I am considering changing the country but as i told you i'm confused to what decisions to make. My mind works a little diffrently and if i do something or if i want to learn something i have to become that thing and dedicate myself 100% witch is imposible for me without financial support...anyway at least i have hopes that this might not be a problem for to long.

I do have respect for people and for what they are but i can't respect the "wrong" i know i don't have all the answers and also know that some men really enjoy helping out others.

I am a good person and i try to improve myself in all ways i can but my hope still remains that this will end and someday soon i'll have the opportunity to do what i was made to do. All my dreams and hopes remain at the mercy of God to judge what will happen from now on like before but i wish he will give me a chance to end all this and start a new not for what i deserve but a chance for what i could create and do for others.

Thanks again and good luck!

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