The 13 Moon Calender - Intro

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The 13 Moon Calender - Intro

Post by RoseRed » Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:15 am

Please feel free to move this as I don't know where is should be.
Prob under astrology but not sure under what kind of astrology.

13 Moon calendar

Natural time, which is what the 13 moon calendar is all about.
In the old days there were too many days to fit nicely into months, so they cut a month out making it 12 months as we know Jan, Feb, March etc.
There are actually 13 months with 28 days in each, making it perfect. Gone are the this month is 30 days and this month is 31 etc. The study is actually very mathematical.
Okay to now one has 364 days, what about the one day missing?
This 365th day is the Day out of Time, the 25th of July. Where everyone is forgiven for all wrongs, debts etc in the previous year. In the mayan culture they actually turned out every single light for the duration and when the new dawn arose so did a new year and a new you. A brand spanking new version.

Now I'm sure you’ve heard whispers, hype about the year 2012. Some say its the END of the world, judgement day etc.
If one follows the 13 Moon Calendar instead of the Gregorian one then 2012 is the shift between this world that we know (which will end) and the new world. It is a shift in consciousness. The arrival of supreme telepathy etc. This end of the old world and the rebirth of the new world has been prophesied to arrive at the end of the Mayan Calendar Dec 21 2012.
But the shift has already begun. You can already feel it! Look at how many people are awakening and becoming more inquisitive about the mysteries of life.

They say that when this day comes the poles will shift and everyone all over the world will be able to see the aurora lights.
The Gregorian calendar is outdated for this new thriving multidimensional world, its way to linear for lack of better words.
The Thirteen Month Calendar is a perpetual, harmonic calendar. Its a tool for harmonizing ourselves with the galaxy.
The basis: Natural Time.

Some people believe this some new form of spirituality, i believe that its a calendar. A calendar that suits us. That one can look at and remember, okay today is about patience, so I must exercise this throughout the day no matter what! etc Its a tool to help us Know Ourselves which extends to knowing all!
For I am another yourself, In Lak'ech.

"Dogma: (dogmas,dogmata) dógmu
A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof"

What is the biggest dogma of today's society?
"What day is it"
No one questions it!
Yet we question EVERYTHING else around us. It’s just accepted, pretty crazy.
Time: The biggest illusion...heehee

When you work out your Destiny Kin (the result after you have put in your personal information), this means what you are born as, but you change every year. You are ALL of the solar seals in one!
Even though you ARE every single day yet the seals in your family group will resonate with you more. So on a (whatever your destiny kin is) day you might feel on top form. And even though you are apart of all the other seals, you as your respective Destiny Kin goes through cycles, that is unique to you.

I was born as a white lunar world Bridger but this year is my Warrior year. (22years old to 23years old) And when my bday arrives (On the 17th of August 2008) it will be my Dragon year. (23years old to 24years old). So now since it is the 23rd of August, past my bday  , I am no longer in my Warrior cycle - I have moved on to my Dragon cycle which has its own unique things to learn.
(The basics: My first birthday would have been Monkey. When I was two i was a Warrior, then Dragon when I turned 3, then worldbridger at 4yrs old, then monkey again at 5 yrs old etc. It carries on cycling through like that)
Conscious Self: White World-Bridger
Support/ Ally: Red Skywalker
Higher Self & Guide: White Mirror
Challenge & Gift: Yellow Warrior
Subconscious & Hidden Helper: Blue Eagle

As an example: Now when I did this with my family I found that my sister and father were both White Wizards and Me and my mother are both White World-bridgers. And if I look at the relationships within the family I always find that my sister & father will always put things across in a way that I would never have thought of, and visa versa. Me and my mother are very passionate about the same things and we shouldn't talk when we are both upset about the same thing cause we are "burn the bridge!" "Don't look back!" Very Gung Ho. Where it is better for me to chat to my sister or father as they bring other things into perspective. My sister and father are also the ones that make me see red cause they challenge everything I say, they don't let anything that I say pass. This is an arb example and you can put this down to hormones  But it is a good example of how the different seals work with one another.

This is just some of the basic things to get ya started!

Oh and if someone gives me their exact birthdate(D:M:Y) then I can quickly do a little reading and then discuss it, in order to give you guys a better idea.

(we are mirrors of each other, that which i say to you i say to myself, and vice versa, so the wheel turns)

This link takes you to the next part in the decode and find out what you are with some extra info on how to relate it to your day...
Last edited by RoseRed on Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:10 pm


Thank you for posting this.  I got a brief chance to review the chart based on my bday (Feb 19 not 20  :smt002 ) And I found it all interesting yet very confussing.  Again thank you and I will review it at a later time in more depth. Is there other links that you might suggest with the history of this practice?  I am curious about that aspect.  Kinda helps me to understand when I know the root.

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:58 pm

Hey Crow! Thank you so much for responding! Was wondering if anyone was interested :D
Yeah there is alot of history to this, I have some of the books but let me see if I can find a nice link for you that has the jist.

In the mean time would you mind if I used you as an example to further explain some of the things?
Is your exact date of birth 19 Feb 1977??? Did you come out as a Blue Planetary Hand?
Thank you again

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:33 pm


AAAH NOOO use me away!  :smt002  I don't mind.  Yes I guess I have a blue planetary hand.  Not sure what it means, but okay.  Says like I know, but then I don't know.  Maybe I am suppose to but then I forgot?   I would imagine there would be history to this, and I thank you for providing more links when you do have more free time so we can all learn about the history.  I was baffled by the system all together. Like vibrations, dots, and such.  But I love a good challenge.  

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:56 am

BAH HA HAHA!!! that was funny! heeheehee
Okay well I'm going to assume your bday is 19 Feb 1977 and go with that. Going to make a new thread for it.... ... hp?t=55125
Last edited by RoseRed on Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by FireRose » Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:16 pm


that is all very interesting. I know that my own consciousness has been expanding very rapidly... so much so it can get scary and frustrating as I'm not sure what to do with it all. I've been hearing so many conflicting ideas about 2012, all of which could make sense!  I'd love to hear more about this. If nothing else, I've always been curious.

My birthday's 5/6/1985 3:15pm Thanks :)

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Post by Jolyn Woods » Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:47 pm

Thanks for the great information! It is very interesting!!!

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Post by atime2heal » Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:31 pm

(we are mirrors of each other, that which i say to you i say to myself, and vice versa, so the wheel turns)

Lovely, succinct words. &nbsp;Another *peace* I needed to hear today.

I would love a chance at your 13 moon offer if you are still doing them in 2009 &nbsp;:)

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Post by RoseRed » Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:54 pm

Hey there!
Yeah sure thing! wasn't sure if I should carry on with the more complex stuff and I think your post confirmed it. :)
All I need is your date of birth: day, month and year. (You can always PM me with the details)
And then I will take it from there :)

oh to are examples that I did ... hp?t=55125

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Post by atime2heal » Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:03 pm


Thank you sacredly! &nbsp;I had went & read all of your readings & was intrigued.

Here at my details:

March 24, 1970

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Natural Time

Post by Kahzmik » Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:21 am

I found the 13 moon calendar back in 1999, actually it was the Dreamspell.  Although there has been a lot of controversey over the validity of the Dreamspell, personally I find it a great tool for transitioning into natural time.  There is also a complete Mayan Astrology that I have embodied over the years, based off of the actual Mayan 13 moon calendar and it is a bit more personal than traditional Western Astrology.  

I am 13 EB or Cosmic Human, but that is just my tone and glyph.  The Astrology goes much further than the Galactic Signature and Oracle (Galactic Astrology)

Her book on Mayan Astrology is quite enlightening!!!!

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Post by LittleSalt » Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:05 am

i have a mayan sister who has worked in the decoding of the moon calendar.

Moon Codex

There has been a lot of talk about 2012 as the end of times. What the ancestors knew and what is explored in the Moon Codex

is that 2012 is the end of time as we know it. &nbsp;It is the beginning of a whole new era for the human being.

Knowing this, the ancestors left us many clues to finding that path within ourselves. These clues are often in the form of an ancient language that uses symbols that work at a very deep level in us.

The Moon Codex is a book about decoding the symbols on a recently uncovered stone petroglyph found in Mexico. It was made by the Olmeca people so that we could use the symbols to create deeper understanding within ourselves about how to enter this new era – the fifth dimension or fifth world. This is a very exciting time for the human being.

&nbsp;Moon Codex has been found in the dawn of the new era, an ancient codex that will change the way of perception

of life as well as the perception of the self.

Moon Codex will awaken the true authentic human being, the one that is able to embrace life as sacred.

Many secrets have been revealed through the stone that speaks about an ancient knowledge of the feminine,

the virtual reality that follows the secret laws of the multiverse, of the worlds inside of the self.

The Moon Codex, for many, known as the Moon Calendar, was unearthed Nov. 2006, in la Huasteca Potosina, in SLP. Mexico,

showing the ancient ways of &nbsp;perciving &nbsp;life as sacred.

The Revelation of the sacred stone, is bringing back the original vibration of the human being, a vibration that will

connect the self, with the grid of the multiverse. Multiverse meaning, many verses of the self.

she has written a book also on this. it is " the moon codex" written by Magdala Ramirez, and can be purchased on line and at many of the top book stores, as well as other books on embracing our sacredness and our personal medicine as humans being.

i do believe in this wisdom, , and it does all tie into 2012.

i do have a copy of the stone codex, but i cannot see here a place to attach it.

i will check into the book you spoke of, as this really is a great interest to me, and i feel it i so important to understand many of these things before 12-21-2012. and i believe that it is good to hear all peoples perspectives. i have a wise elder who spoke to me and said... "listen to everyone, but do what you want." in all cases this is what i try to do. but ultimatly, we all need to follow our hearts in everything we do!

thanks for creating this post, i look forward to reading anything that has to do with this topic, and how others percieve it as well.

hugs LittleSalt

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Post by LittleSalt » Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:10 am

and just to add a note, i am yellow seed.

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Post by LittleSalt » Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:27 am

Hello again, i did go to the link you posted  
it seems that this person is not Mayan, but a student looking for truth.

she has much posted but as i read what she speaks of the moon calendar, it seems to be written very much from the 3rd dimension. and anyone, how has worked with this codex, and studied it , know of its energy. it is very much about the 5th not the 3rd dimension. it is so much more deeper than anything she is touching base on. (my opinion only) for i have worked with this, with a mayan medicine woman, born and raised in the sacred temples of mexico. who was taught by the abuellas (grandmothers) from a very young age. and who is extremly connected to the symbols of her people.

so i have to say, i feel this person "for me" ... is a dead end road, that would keep me running in circles if i tried to follow her.

just me being me, not rying to tell you to do something different, just speaking my truth , and how i feel about it. if it is for you , good... follow the path you need , it will take you exactly where you wish to go !

many blessings

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Post by LittleSalt » Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:45 am

i did the calculations of DIRECTIONS for CONVERTING your BIRTH DAY into
interesting, i am Kame 12 !

12 = Strong energy because 12 is a spiritual catalyst.
KAME = Cimi. The death/rebirth. Knowledge of the Elders. Communion with the dimensions

did i say that i dont believe in coincidences ? lol

hugs LittleSalt

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