Any Psychic School Graduates on this website??

Similar to the material in the Mediumship - Questions and Answers forum, but at a more advanced level.

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Any Psychic School Graduates on this website??

Post by Psychicgaijin » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:25 am


I would like to know if there are any people out there who have been to a clairvoyant school, psychic school, and took the full training program that is taught there??

If so, would you like to set up lessons and pattern it after the course you took?

We could create a step by step development program here on the forum going from lesson to lesson covereing the concepts and techniques by the schools.

Not all people are near a school, and not all people can afford the prices that they schools charge.

It would be a great benefit to everyone here to have a full course that gradually developes their skills and lead by people who have been through a course and can coach and aswer questions.

Some of the school programs I am referring to are the ones taught at famous schools such as:

Aesclepion, or Berkeley Psychic Institute, or Psychic Horizons, or Spirits Rights Foundation and their "Psychic Academy."

Looking forward to hearing from people out there and the discussion.


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:40 pm

You have arrived at the Mediumship Development course.  This information is taken from courses that the author has taken.  Over time, we make all the lessons our own understanding and practice.  Was there more you wanted here?  What are your questions?

Psychic and Mediumship courses are a part of Spiritualism organizations.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:21 pm

Through study, education and experience I have attained Ordained Minister status in Modern Spiritualism.  Spiritualism is a religion, philosophy, science that has experience in mediumship through the history of its organization.  We use mediums in all our services and those qualified practice regularly to enhance the learning and growing of those in attendance.

Spiritualism charges reasonable fees to keep the centre open and functioning.  Perhaps a realistic approach to charges would be in order?  Nothing is life is free and what is cheap shows its worth.

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Post by Psychicgaijin » Wed May 07, 2008 5:11 am


Yes, I know Spiritualism. They are different in orientation than the psychic places. The spiritualist are very nice and try to keep prices to a minimum.

The psychic places are not like that at all. They are more like oil companies in a way...


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Post by spiritalk » Wed May 07, 2008 2:51 pm

As all talents of mediumship begin with the psychic sensitivities, you would be accomplishing the purpose through the Spiritualism route, if interested.  I don't know of any psychic organizations that actually certify their workers.  Perhaps that is because what they do following any education is so individual?

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Post by Pandora1151 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:21 pm


The Psychic Development Institute in England offers courses for a very reasonable price that you can download instantly. Mostly they are meditations designed to help you enhance your skills but there is a work book also and it's a good place to start:

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Post by looking_glass » Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:41 pm

How can a person be certified? It would assume they knew the truth?

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Post by looking_glass » Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:42 pm

What is cheap shows is worth?...Does this include one's intent as opposed to just looking at it from a monetary standpoint?

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:43 pm

I believe in education for all subjects.  Education must work together with experience to show the student how to and then for them to practice their own skills.  

In Spiritualism there are Basic and Advanced subjects to educate the student.  Then the work on self begins to show its benefits.  When it comes to psychic and all topics related, the talent can only be shown from within.  Practice what you have - get a good base and grounding.

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Post by Doe » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:08 pm

I would hate to think that the efforts of people who volunteer their time and energy to help others--whether it's by doing readings for people in difficult situations, sharing what we have learned about the spiritual side of things, serving food to the homeless, teaching people to read, etc.--would be considered less valuable than the efforts of those who charge for what they do!  MB is a wonderful example--I've gotten amazing readings, and lots of other guidance here, and no one is charging!

Naturally, most organizations have maintenance expenses, etc., so I can understand that part, Spiritalk.  But I hope you didn't mean that things that are done at no charge, in the spirit of giving, are less worthwhile than those done for a price.


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Post by looking_glass » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:33 pm

Thanks for sharing guys.

As for education. I believe in a good base too. For me I always seem to go back to needing to listen to my heart. I've felt though that life seems to be the best teacher. Everyone and everything else just adds to the fun.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:38 pm

Doe:  I didn't particularly see where you took the leap to money in my post?  Please explain your position?

Many people give many things.  When using talents such as mediumship or psychic abilities, there is no standards whatsoever and it is certainly buyer beware.  Yes, this site is wonderful.  It is a gem among a lot of dross.  You can find as many bad (and perhaps more bad) rather than good sites for advice and help.  And a good many of those unqualified do charge - of this I have little doubt.  

I am not against charging for services rendered - but I would certainly want to know the experience I was getting for my buck.  How many people say 'I am not experienced' and then go on to tell others the path to take?  I have seen far too many to count.  

Mediumship talents as I practice have more to do with encouraging the seeker to find their own answers, rather than supply any for them.  This may be a subtle distinction to some, but I strongly believe in personal responsibility.  And if I am about to take responsibility for my actions, I would certainly want it to be MY decisions rather than those imposed by a supposed psychic expert.

Education in any subject is as important as the practice.  Life teaches many lessons and the uneducated sure get their fair share of problems by going off half baked on any and all tangents.  I sure wouldn't want my brain surgeon to take the approach so many advocate with lack of education.  Has life taught them the map of the brain?

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Post by Doe » Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:30 pm

Spiritualism charges reasonable fees to keep the centre open and functioning.  Perhaps a realistic approach to charges would be in order?  Nothing is life is free and what is cheap shows its worth.
This, and the ensuing discussions (which mentioned fees, etc. a few times), was what had me thinking that you meant something along those lines.  I apologize if I misunderstood what you meant.
Mediumship talents as I practice have more to do with encouraging the seeker to find their own answers, rather than supply any for them.  This may be a subtle distinction to some, but I strongly believe in personal responsibility.  And if I am about to take responsibility for my actions, I would certainly want it to be MY decisions rather than those imposed by a supposed psychic expert.
I so TOTALLY agree with you on the above!


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Lessons in Mediumship?

Post by Maeganne » Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:27 am

Is anyone going to start a forum with some lessons for some of us to get started ?

This would be really helpful. thanks

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