Daily horoscopes for 19th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 19th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:30 pm


Today, make sure you have important conversations face to face -- especially if they involve finances or major purchases! It could be so easy to just click your way to a new gadget online, but it's not wise. You need to be able to ask questions, read body language, and understand the tone of someone's voice. You also have to consider that sometimes people use email or texting to back out of commitments without having to explain why. You deserve explanations, so make sure you get them.


You'll be feeling a huge amount of compassion for other people today, which could distract you from what you need to get done. So if a deadline is looming, try to avoid small talk as much as is politely possible. Because if you hear about someone's missing puppy you'll be worrying about it all day. You can relate to another person in pain to such an extent today that it could cause you pain -- but there's no reason for you to take on this energy.


You try to be open minded about getting to know people, but today it's going to be hard for you to avoid judging a book by its cover -- because the cover is so incredibly attractive! If you have your eye on someone, try not to let it blind you to the truth about them, or distract you from the responsibilities you have today. A simple question will tell you all you need to know about whether or not they are someone you would like to get to know better. Pick your question, ask it, and then move on.


You're smart enough to not bend to the will of others -- you know that succumbing to peer pressure is simply not a healthy way to live your life. But today, the urge to hop onto the bandwagon will be hard to resist. Is it so wrong to go along with the crowd every once in a while? No -- so stop with the guilt trip and just do what you want to do! You still hold control over your life -- you're still the captain of your ship. You're just curious to see what all the fuss is about!


You want to live your life your own, but are you willing to pay the price? Being independent means that sometimes you have to be ready for your reputation to be bruised a little bit -- but wouldn't you rather be known as someone who occasionally breaks the rule than as someone who always does everything they are told to do? Stop making choices based on how it will make you look in the eyes of others. Just go your own way and accept the consequences.


You can't force yourself to get along better with someone if they won't cooperate -- either you two are compatible or you're not compatible. So instead of continuing to beat your head against the wall trying to charm them, accept the situation as it is and make the best of it. You do not have to make everyone your friend. And try to understand that just because someone doesn't light up when you walk into a room doesn't mean that they don't respect you.


This isn't a very good day for group activities, nor it is a perfect day for getting stuff done on your own. Instead, a lot of positive energy will be generating by partnerships of two. These duets that you form throughout your day are small enough to enable you to retain your own identity and ideas, but the presence of one other person will give you the support and shelter you might need. It's fun to be part of a dynamic duo, so enjoy it while it lasts.


Bring one of your back burner ideas to the front of your mind today. It is time you made a move that has the boldness of someone who knows they can't fail -- because you can't fail, not today! So make your big romantic move, take that risky business leap, or tell that person what you have been trying to tell them for so very long. The time for hesitation is past -- way past. It takes guts to take the leap, but you've got them. Just dig down deep.


A work deadline might get pushed up today. If it does, your first thought will probably be to rearrange your day and possibly even cancel an important social engagement. But before you do anything drastic, see what you can do to negotiate a little wiggle room -- it won't hurt to ask. If that doesn't work, then find out who can jump in on this project with you and help you out. You can't make a habit out of sacrificing your entire life for your job.


Try to get out there and get more social with people, today. Not only are your social skills better than ever, but there are tons of people who miss you and would love to spend some time with you. You might prefer to hang out at home with a good movie right about now, but that isn't a wise thing to do when your popularity is about to explode into overdrive. Push yourself to be more outgoing and friendly -- just give that party or dinner an hour of your time. A little is better than nothing.


The good news is that today you will finally be able to close the door on past work issues. It's all water under the bridge right now, and you can feel free to start focusing on more productive and positive goals. You have learned some very valuable lessons, and you've got things under your control. You have proven yourself, and those in power are ready to give you some more responsibilities! Everyone is ready to see what you have to offer, so get ready to put on a great show!


Try not to censor your words or actions, today. When you open up and say what you really think without worrying how it 'sounds' to other people, you free yourself to think bigger ideas. You're already known for your innovative thinking, so you have a lot of credibility with the crowd you'll be hanging with. Even if you think something is too nutty for the room, say it anyway! The worst thing that will happen is that you'll confuse one or two people.


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