Daily horoscopes for 20th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 20th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:30 pm


Your popularity is on a rapid upswing, and it's no wonder -- you've been such a good friend to so many people, and the word has spread! Your charm will be in high demand by a wide array of people, and you're going to have to get organized if you want to take advantage of all the invitations that will be coming your way. Make sure you get everyone's phone numbers and email addresses. Now that you've made a connection, you need to make sure that you never let it go again.


Someone from your past might pop back into your life today without you realizing it until you're face to face -- but there's no reason not to welcome them with open arms! Be friendly and show them that you don't hold any grudges or expectations (even if you do). No matter how things were left between the two of you, the future is a blank canvas, ready for you two to create whatever picture you want upon it. Think the best of them, and they will think the best of you.


You don't have to choose between feeding your mind and feeding your heart, today -- you can have it both ways! You are getting your ideas generated, and there is a buzz starting among your colleagues. This means that not only are you growing your ego, you are growing your social circle. People will be peppering you with questions. They are eager to connect with you on many levels. You'll be feeling popular and feeling smart -- it's an unbeatable combination that will leave you smiling.


If you get snared in an argument with a friend, today, make sure you don't miss the point of the exchange. Keep your emotions in check and stay focused on what you really need to accomplish with this person. Chances are, the issue you are squabbling over is not the real root of your problem -- you need to dig deeper to get to that root. The other person might not be prepared to do this, but you can't get anywhere without their cooperation. Try to convince them to open up.


Teamwork is going to be a powerful force in your life today, and it's lucky for you that you will be dealing with so many people who share your way of looking at life! You can expect a lot of harmony and very little disagreement, so things will get done a lot more quickly than you had anticipated. Your productivity will be high, and you'll have a smile on your face all day. So what should you do with all of the free time you'll have at the end of the day? Celebrate, naturally!


If you need to score some big points with some big and powerful people, today is the day to do it! You've got an unbeatable combination working in your favor -- your cold logic, softened by your warm smile. Any people competing for some time in the limelight don't stand a chance against you, so there is no need to feel threatened by anyone. You can convince just about anyone to follow you anywhere, today. All eyes are on you, and you are not going to disappoint.


You are in the midst of a strong phase of power, but your compassion is growing, too. This wonderful combination could enable you to make some major changes in the life of someone you love, if you take the time to do so, today. Show them how they can be happier -- point out all the possibilities ahead of them, and convince them that anything is possible. You're just about the only person who can help them listen to logic and end the self-pity party they've been throwing themselves for so long.


You understand that money cannot buy you happiness -- despite the fact that you might get a charge when you find a long forgotten twenty dollar bill in a winter coat pocket. But today, the idea of getting more cash is just too tempting to pass up. A small gamble isn't such a bad idea, as long as you are comfortable with losing your initial bet. But you must avoid any significant gambles that involved contracts. Risks are not bound to pay off now.


Wake up! It's time for you to realize that you control the outcome of whatever test you take today, so stop looking to others for results. As long as you're prepared and feeling positive, things will go your way. Today, make sure everything you do is focused around the good things that you are trying to accomplish -- not the bad things that you fear. This is a wonderful time of hope in your life, so do your best to tap into the wistful, romantic side of your personality.


A flighty friend is suddenly very serious about upcoming plans that are important to them -- and they're giving you some guilt trips about not getting involved. They aren't realizing that they are asking for more than they have ever been willing to give, so it might be up to you to remind them that they let you down when you were counting on them. It could create an argument between the two of you, but you will make your point. In order to make your friendship better, you have to speak the truth.


You've got a unique style, and it's inspiring quite a few followers, right now! So many, in fact, that you might think you are looking into a mirror at some point today when you run into someone who is either dressed just like you or acting just like you. Take this as flattery -- you shouldn't get annoyed or feel threatened by it. They can't create nearly the type of energy you create when you walk into a room, but won't it be adorable watching them try?


It's not a great day for throwing caution to the wind -- there is far too much up in the air right now for you to barrel ahead on a project you're excited about without nailing down all the details. So you'll have to try to curb your enthusiasm right now and cool your jets. But just because you can't run ahead like you want to doesn't mean you can't make progress. Take advantage of this downtime to do some research and create a Plan B just in case your Plan A can't happen.


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