Daily horoscopes for 21st September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 21st September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:30 pm


Your odds of having a good day will increase dramatically if you choose to put a smile on your face as soon as you wake up in the morning. Not only will it start you on a positive path, it will remind you that the world is yours to see however you want to see it. It can be boring and annoying, or it can be delightful and fascinating. It's up to you. It's too easy to let other people tell you how to feel. How about making yourself feel how you want to feel?


The world around you is wide open to your suggestions right now, so it's time to throw your biggest hopes and wishes out to the universe and see which ones come into being! Don't waste a minute of time. As soon as you wake up in the morning, start thinking about what you want. Visualize that person you want to ask you out, that corner office on the top floor, the restored health of a loved one. Daydreams are free, but they are also an invaluable road map for the universe to follow.


Opening up and letting someone into your heart is easier said than done. So if you are in the midst of a budding relationship, cut yourself some slack. Don't be so hard on yourself, worrying about what you're doing right and what you may be doing wrong. Just be you! That is the only thing that matters. Sure, you can be totally flirtatious, but if you're not feeling like batting your eyelashes, then don't. Be genuine and act the way you feel. It's very unwise to play a role.


Today, you may be feeling a lot more than you are thinking, which could cause a misunderstanding if you're not careful. You have to work harder to know when your feelings are relevant -- and when they are not. Emotions magnify everyone's behavior with exuberant energy and communications may be misinterpreted -- you might think people are insulting you or doubting your motives, when in fact they are not. So hold off on any major decisions until you know you're dealing with the facts.


In one of your groups, there has been a vacancy in the leadership position for some time now -- folks need a leader, and you should give serious consideration to nominating yourself for the job. People enjoy the unique perspective you bring to the scene, and they will react well to your new ideas for how to run things. Pull someone aside today and ask them what they think about you stepping up to the plate. They'll have some very encouraging feedback for you.


A lot of information will be coming at you today, but you will have a gift for keeping cool. Perhaps it's your solid focus on the finer details that will save the day, but then again perhaps it's your ability to see the big picture and not let yourself get caught up in the minutiae that helps you keep your head together. It pretty much looks like you can't screw up today no matter what tact you take! So it's the perfect day to try something you have never tried before -- you'll be a success.


There is no room for excuses today -- the only thing standing in your way is you, so it's time to stop playing the blame game and start getting things done. If you don't have all the information you need, then ask more compelling questions. If no one will stop what they are doing and help you, then just do it yourself. It isn't any fun to have to do more work than other people are doing, but at least when you are done you can feel proud of yourself for not just sitting around and complaining.


Why are you trying so hard to hide your imperfections around new people? These are the small details about your personality that people need to see in order to understand who you really are -- so you need to not hesitate to show them. In fact, be proud of them! Those little quirks and unusual affectations you have are what make you memorable and special in the eyes of your friends, so don't you think they'd impress new people, too? Bare more of your true self -- it will pay off.


The social games used to be fun and charming, but lately they've become too predictable and tiresome -- it's time for a change in your plan. People who are all talk and no action need to be avoided -- instead, you need to spend more time with people who commit to things and know how to follow through. You need to align yourself with people you can depend on. Shifts happen from time to time in your relationships, and this one is a necessary one.


You have the time to be more charitable, today, so put yourself in the service of someone who can't do everything they need to do for themselves. An elderly friend or relative would really appreciate help with something, and it won't be much of an inconvenience for you to make a huge difference in their day. They will make it worth your while, too -- they know someone who you should get to know. A potentially life-changing introduction could be coming soon.


You might not be in the midst of a sizzling affair, but there is certainly something exciting brewing between you and another person. Someone is on exactly the same page with you, either in a professional or social situation, and today brings you an opportunity to connect with them on a whole new level. It might be up to you to get the conversation going, but once you do, the other person will drive most of the talking -- and you'll start to feel like you've known them all your life.


If you spend too much time thinking about another person's motivations, right now, you'll only get overwhelmed. You won't be able to predict what they will do next, so why even try? Let them be them and just focus on doing your thing. If you're waiting for them to make a decision before moving forward, then you're giving them way too much power. Go your own way, and if they want to come along they will let you know. It's not healthy to depend on someone to any great extent right now.


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