Daughter In Trouble

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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Daughter In Trouble

Post by sunstar7 » Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:28 am

My daughter is in a relationship that is not good.  She has been in this relationship for 7 years.  She is so special.  One of the kindest hearts that you could ever be around.  What stone will protect her and give her courage to end the bad relationship?

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Lady of Avalon
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Post by Lady of Avalon » Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:42 am

That is a tricky one, to be honest no stone can give that. Your daughter needs to dig deep in side herself and realise what she has to do and then want to do it. Now that is a tall order for any crystal! However, I would suggest that you see if you can take her to a crystal shop and let her choose the crystals she is drawn to. That way the right individual crystal will find her rather than someone elses impression of the right one.

Otherwise, Jade and Apatite may be of help and perhaps an amulet of Tigers Eye :)

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Thank you

Post by sunstar7 » Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:43 pm

I think you are right.  I appreciate your kindness.


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Post by dessa » Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:29 pm

I agree with Lady of Avalon that no stone is going to replace what is deep inside of her and what she needs to bring to any relationship.

However it will help to look at aspect of the situation, even consider a medicine bag of different crystals and stones.

For instance you have said she is in a long term relationship that is not good, and we tend to absorb some of the feelings, and can be influenced by them of others around us, so perhaps this person is projecting so strong emotions on her that she is surpressing her own.

If this is the case then of course Hematite will be helpful as this helps to block the emotional, psychic baggage of others from clouding us. Some qualities of some stones that may help with her emotional and mental state which can then help her find what she needs within herself.

I will list some stones and their properties that might help her, however there is a medicine pouch of multiple stones you may wish to put together for her.

Combining These Stones Creates A Powerful Synergy ~

Lepidolite has a strong relaxing and calming effect. It brings courage, strength and hope and helps one get through transitions with trust that everything will ultimately turn out for the best.

Labradorite reduces fears, while increasing strength and courage. Helps one during periods of change in knowing the "right time" for things within your inner self and the courage to act upon it.

Red Jasper eases emotional stresses, gives us courage to speak out and have personal independence.

Jet draws out negative energy, alleviates unreasonable fears and promotes taking control of life.

Or you may wish to put something else together based on what you know of her.

Some the stones that encourage courage  

BLUE CHALCEDONY- Uplifting of the spirit, engages courage, level mindedness, return to reality.

CARNELIAN - To ward off evil thoughts, jealousies, animosities, and psychic attacks toward the individual, inspires bravery and courage.  

GARNET - Repels negativity, gives courage and confidence, builds a defensive aura around oneself, guards against depression and melancholy.

CITRINE -  Wards off fear forms that are generated from others suggestions, instills confidence in the personal self.

AMETHYST - The healer from antiquity, healing for the soul, body and mind, it has the universal vibration and enables the holder of the crystal to be connected to it.  

BLOODSTONE - Warrior stone for overcoming obstacles, calm ones fears of a real or perceived enemy, helps in maintaining blood harmony and guarding against blood disorders.

But again the truth is if she is not ready the stones are limited in how they can help her, she needs to find some of this within herself, thogh if she is looking to do that,  the stones can help her find some of it with in, by the energy they share.

Good luck


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