Discuss this animal from a Fairy Tale.

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Discuss this animal from a Fairy Tale.

Post by tourbi » Thu May 22, 2008 4:58 am

What about the wolf.  What does it means to you.  If you see a wolf in someone's aura, what is it telling you?
You see it in a dream? What do you think?
Again, no one is wrong in doing this.  We all may see something different, have different views.  This is meant to be fun and helps us start to understand our own symbolism better and how to look at an everyday object and see the symbolism in it.
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Post by dhav » Thu May 22, 2008 11:34 am

For me wolf is mystery and protector.They have the skill of leadership and togetherness in a group.They show strategy to carry out their hunt.

I recently dreamt of one killing a woman in my dream.I don't know for sure what it meant.
But I have been very fascinated by them since long.Their eyes are really powerful when i see them.Its eems it can read oen's soul.
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Post by Molissa » Thu May 22, 2008 1:37 pm

for whatever reason, for me a wolf brings first thought of "heart".  Fierce, protective, guardian is how I've associated wolf.  a safety "sign", but with wariness involved.  Sort of, feel safe but be careful.
Caution: I brake for faeries, elves, dragons, unicorns and other mystical creatures only I can see.

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Wolf .... meanings

Post by dessa » Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:47 pm

Meanings for wolf

Wolf's Wisdom Includes:
Facing the end of one's cycle with dignity and courage
Death and rebirth
Spirit teaching
Guidance in dreams and meditations
Instinct linked with intelligence
Social and familial values
Outwitting enemies
Ability to pass unseen
Skill in protection of self and family
Taking advantage of change

The Wolf

When a lone wolf is spotted in the wilderness it embodies the energy of freedom.  When seen in a pack it embodies a sense of community. If wolf appears to you alone or in a pack it is asking you to acquire the same within your own life.  In spite of their negative press wolves are actually friendly, social and highly intelligent.

The wolf's senses are highly developed. Their intelligence is marked with excellent hearing, sense of smell and strong feeling. They are determined as well as cunning and use these skills for the benefit of the pack. The  howl of the wolf is primal and penetrating. They howl to find other pack members or to let wolves from outside of the pack know their territory boundaries.  If you hear a wolf howl it might be telling you to stand your ground and defend your boundaries.

Wolf teaches you to have a balance between the needs your family has of you and the needs you have for yourself.  They are totally loyal to the pack but do not give up their identity to the pack. If wolf appears in your life you are being asked to look at where you are being too dependent and where you may be too independent. In both family and community there needs to be a balance.

Wolves convey much with their bodies. If they are angry, they may stick their ears straight up and bare their teeth. A wolf who is suspicious pulls its ears back and squints. Fear is often shown by flattening the ears against the head. A wolf who wants to play dances and bows playfully. Their body language is symbolic for those with this medicine.  Man also uses body language to convey messages.  The study of this art can increase perception in those with this totem.

Wolves hunt in packs, relying on endurance to run down weak and older animals. They have been known to run 35 miles a day in pursuit. They are the epitome of stamina and strength. With an extremely well developed societal organization, they act together to hunt and raise their young. They do not fight unnecessarily and often go out of their way to avoid fighting. Sometimes a growl, a glance, a posture is all that is necessary to determine dominance. Wolf teaches those with this medicine to know who you are and to develop strength and confidence in what you do.


Intuition, Learning, Spirit

This totem brings faithfulness, inner strength
and intuition when he enters our lives.
But he also brings learning to live with one's self.
The wolf teaches us to learn about our inner self
and to find our inner power and strength.
But to achieve this, we must take risks
and face our deepest fears.
A wolf totem demands sincerity.

This totem demands a lot of us
but gives us much in return;
a spirit helper that is always there to help
and gives us extraordinary powers of endurance.
He reminds us to listen to our inner thoughts
and trust our insights.

They remind us not to waste resources and
to learn how to avoid trouble and confrontations.  
People with Wolf totems have the capacity to make quick and firm emotional attachments.  
Trust your insights about these attachments.  Wolf will guide you.  
Take control of your life with Wolf’s help and do so with harmony and discipline.


WOLF  pathfinder, teacher, knowledge assimilation, ritual, ceremony.  This totem brings faithfulness, inner strength and intuition when he enters our lives.  But he also brings learning to live with one's self.  The wolf teaches us to learn about our inner self and to find our inner power and strength.  But to achieve this, we must take risks and face our deepest fears.  A wolf totem demands sincerity. This totem demands a lot of us but gives us much in return; a spirit helper that is always there to help and gives us extraordinary powers of endurance.  He reminds us to listen to our inner thoughts and trust our insights.


Jamie Sams & David Carson/Medicine Cards:
Teacher. Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share medicine. Wolf takes one mate for life and is loyal like Dog. If you were to keep company with Wolves, you would find an enormous sense of family within the pack, as well as a strong individualistic urge. These qualities make Wolf very much like the human race. As humans, we also have an ability to be a part of society and yet still embody our individual dreams and ideas.

In the Great Star Nation, Wolf is represented by the Dog Star, Sirius, which legend tells us was the original home of our teachers in ancient times. Sirius was thought to be the home of the gods by the ancient Egyptians, and is still considered so by the Dogan tribe in Africa. It stands to reason that Native American peoples would formulate this same connection and adopt Wolf people as the clan of teachers.

The senses of Wolf are very keen, and the moon is its power ally. The moon is the symbol for psychic energy, or the unconscious that holds the secrets of knowledge and wisdom. Baying at the moon may be an indication of Wolf's desire to connect with new ideas which are just below the surface of consciousness. Wolf medicine empowers the teacher within us all to come forth and aid the children of Earth in understanding the Great Mystery and life.

If you have drawn Wolf's card, you may be able to share your personal medicine with others. Your intuitive side ay also have an answer or teaching for your personal use at this time. As you feel Wolf coming alive within you, you may wish to share your knowledge by writing or lecturing on information that will help others better understand their uniqueness or path in life. It is in the sharing of great truths that the consciousness of humanity will attain new heights. Wolf could also be telling you to seek out the lonely places that will allow you to see your teacher within. In the aloneness of a power place, devoid of other humans, you may find the true you. Look for teachings no matter where you are. Wolf would not come to you unless you requested the appearance of the tribe's greatest teacher.

Contrary: If Wolf is reversed, you are being asked to expand your limited view of the present situation. Doing this may entail a great deal of courage and a willingness to look at new ideas. It could also require that you delete some old ideas to make room for the expansiveness that always comes when you are willing to learn. The gift of wisdom comes to you when you have walked enough pathways and found enough dead ends to truly know the forest. In the discovery and rediscovery of every inch of ground comes the knowledge that nothing ever remains the same.

Contrary Wolf may also be telling you that stagnation or fear of asserting your viewpoint has bogged down the flow of change in your life. Wolf reversed is always urging you to seek the teachers and pathfinders that will show you the way to new life experiences. Remember, the teacher or pathfinder may be the small still voice within, as well as a person, a leaf, a cloud, a stone, a tree, a book, or the Great Spirit.

To live is to grow, and growing comes through accepting all life forms as your teachers. Become Wolf, and take up the sense of adventure. You may just stop howling and learn to become the moon.

*Ted Andrews/Animal-Speak:
Keynote: guardianship, Ritual, Loyalty, and Spirit
Cycle of Power: Year Round--Full Moons--Twilight
Wolves are probably the most misunderstood of the wild mammals. Tales of terror and their coldbloodedness abound. Although many stories tell otherwise, there has never been any confirmed attack and killing of a human by a healthy wolf. In spite of the negative press, wolves are almost the exact opposite of how they are portrayed. They are friendly, social, and highly intelligent. Their sense of family is strong and loyal, and they live by carefully defined rules and rituals.

Wolves are the epitome of the wild spirit. Their positive characteristics are so numerous it is no wonder that Native Americans and others practically deified them. Many believe that the true test of America's sincerity about protecting the environment will revolve around whether or not the wolf remains protected and is allowed to be reintroduced into areas of the country where it has heretofore been eliminated. The wolf is the true spirit of the free and unspoiled wilderness.

There are several kinds of wolves in North America. The red wolf is the smallest and it may even be extinct in the wild, although there are efforts to reintroduce it. it's territory was in the southern United States. The Mexican wolf is a subspecies of the more common gray wolf. It is found in the southwest United States and Mexico. It was hunted almost to extinction, and is now part of a recovery and captive breeding plan. The Arctic wolf is probably the purest breed. Living in an isolated area around the Arctic circle has enabled its survival.

The gray or timber wolf is the most common. Only in Alaska, Canada, and the region around the Great Lakes area is it found today. It was hunted to extinction in all other areas of the country. The gray wolf is not always gray. It may be black, gray, brown, white, or various combinations.

Probably the biggest misconception of wolves is about their size. They are not nearly as large as most people imagine. Their thick fur gives them the appearance of greater size, but they are usually no taller than a good-sized German Shepherd.

Wolves are very ritualistic--in as many ways as humans. They live by carefully defined rules. There are specific territories that are sacred. Their social behavior is based upon hierarchial structure. Each has its place and function within the hierarchy. There is an "alpha" male and an "alpha" female.

Wolves do not fight unnecessarily. In fact, they will often go out of their way to avoid it. Though they are extremely strong and powerful, disagreements rarely end in serious fights. Often a glance, a posture, a growl is all that is necessary to determine dominance. They don't have to demonstrate it, but they are capable if it comes down to it. This is part of what wolf medicine teaches. The wolf teaches you to know who you are and to develop strength, confidence and surety in that so that you do not have to demonstrate and prove yourself to all.

Wolves have a complex communication system--using body language. The movement of the head, an erect tail, direct eye contact--all have great meaning. The postures are often subtle, but each wolf learns from the time they are pups how to read and respond. The facial expressions of the wolf are varied and useful in conveying the mood to the other members of the pack. It is a most important visual center of communication. It also uses its tail position to effectively communicate as well. Usually those with wolf totems are very expressive with hands, posture, face or in some other manner. If you have difficulty conveying your moods and ideas to others, meditate and study the wolf. It will teach you how to empower your verbal communications with appropriate body language.

Wolves also have a complex system of vocal communications. They howl, whimper, whine, growl, and even bark. Even the howls for which they are famous have a variety of meanings. The howls may serve as a signal to call others of the pack or to locate the other members. They may be a social expression. They are used to greet one another and to define certain territories. They even howl just for the joy of it.

Every member of the pack knows its position in relationship to everyone else within that pack. The ritualistic behaviors that establish the wolf ranks are part of its magic. Wolf packs are not entirely autocratic--under the supreme rule of the alpha member. Neither are they democratic. There are times when both occur, and it is this flexibility which adds to the success of the wolf government. Wolf can teach the lesson of proper governorship--a balance between authority and democracy. Wolf can teach you how to use ritual to establish order and harmony within your own life. Wolf helps us to understand that true freedom requires discipline.

The alpha male and female often mate for life. Breeding seasons is usually in late winter, with the female giving birth about two months later. All members of the pack show great care and affection toward the playful pups. They are extremely tolerant. If the mother or father is unavailable to care for them, then another member will adopt the young. Some wolves will even serve as babysitters. Adult wolves are friendly and amiable toward pups, and wolf medicine teaches respect and honro for family and for children.

Wolves become sexually mature at about the age of 22-24 months. For those who have a wolf come to them, look for its energies and influence in your life to take this same possible time pattern.

Wolves are, of course, predators. Their prey consists most often of th esick, the young, and the old. Deer is their most common prey animal. Wolves will not waste much time on a healthy adult moose that stands its ground. Wolves travel great distances in their hunting. They have a stamina and strength that enables them to travel far, and for extended periods. They have been clocked at 24-38 mph. Although the wolf can't maintain that speed for any great length of time, it does seem to trot indefinitely at about 5mph. In winter wolves will use frozen lakes and rivers as travel routes and can travel 15-25 kilometers in a single night.

Wolves usually consume all that they capture, gorging themselves. For those with wolf totems, this can indicate a need to make use of all that is available to you. Sometimes wolves show up as a totem to remind us not to waste, as much as to remind us to keep our spirits alive.

The wolf has an extreme intelligence. It goes out of its way to avoid trouble or danger. Some believe that wolves even use ravens as aerial spotters for possible food sources. The raven has a connection to the moose in Eskimo lore, and since moose can be a prey of wolves, raven is linked to them as well. Ravens will often follow wolves. They will fly ahead, land in a tree and wait for the wolves to pass, and then fly on again. Wolf expert David Mech reported a playful behavior relationship sometimes displayed between wolves and ravvens. Ravens should also be studied by those with wolf totems.

Wolves have extremely keen senses, particularly that of smell. It is said to be 100 times greater than that of humans. The sense of smell endows it with great discrimination, and the sense of smell has often been associated with spiritual idealism in metaphysical circles.

The wolf also has an excellent hearing sensitivity. Its hunting depends strongly upon its sense of smell and hearing. This would be a reminder tothose with this totem to listen to their own inner thoughts and words. The intuition will be strong. This idea is even further emphasized by the thick coat of fur the wolf has. Fur and hair have long been symbols of psychic abilities. The wolf has both an inner coat and an outer, giving it the ability to reflect the archetypal forces associated with psychic insight.

The wolf has a capacity for making quick and firm emotional attachments. Learning to trust your own insights and to secure your attachments accordingly is part of what wolf medicine teaches. The wolf can help you to hear the inner an dguard you from inappropriate actions. It will guard you as it teaches you--sometimes strongly, sometimes gently--but always with love. When wolf shows up, it is time to breathe new life into your life rituals. Find a new path, take a new journey, take control of your life. You are the govenor of your life. You create it and direct it. Do so with harmony and discipline, and then you will know the true spirit of freedom.


Brad Steiger/Totems:
For many traditional people, Wolf is the sage, the Grand Teacher. In the Wolf Lodge Journal, Ghost Wolf reminds us that the Old Ones have told stories about the beginning of time when it was Wolf who taught humans the ways of living in harmony:

"It was Wolf who taught us how to form community upon this Earth, for Wolves have an intuitive knowledge of order...and they possess the ability to survive change intact. Wolf medicine is very ancient and born of living experience. Wolf will look deep into your heart and share the greatest of knowledge, but will demand full participation and absolute sincerity. Wolf...will rekindle old memories within your soul...Wolf medicine can make you whole."

One of th emost popular of all clan and totem animals among Native Americans, the wolf was also the sacred totem of many European clans during the Middle Ages. Pick up the telephone book from any major city in North America or Europe and count the number of names under Wolf, Wolfberg, Wolfe, Wolfenbarger, Wolfgang, Wolfman, Wolfsen, Wolfstein, and so on.

According to Norse mythology, Fenrir, the great wolf of the North, will be set free on doomsday to swallow the sun. Just as many Viking warriors, berserkers, wore a bear-shirt into battle to demonstrate their ferocity, so did many don the wolf-coat to warn the enemy that they might change into wolves before their eyes and become even more vicious in their attack.

A quick reading of history would indicate that in order to found a city, an empire, or a country, it is a prerequisite to have a wolf somewhere in the family tree. Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin founders of rome, were suckled by a she-wolf. Tu Kueh, fabled founder of the Turkish nation, later married the divine she-wolf who suckled and reared him.

Siegfired, one of the mightiest of the Teutonic heroes, who conquered dragons, the heart of the Queen of the Valkyries, and a number of warrior opponents, had been nursed by a she-wolf after his mother died in childbirth.

Wolf Moondance, a Shaman of the Osage people, says that the parenting instinct is very strong in wolves. They are natural mothers and fathers. "When you are in need, when you are in danger or feeling separated and abandoned, you can transmit psychic energy and pull to you the energy of the She-Wolf. You can allow the feeling of that desire to draw you to the principle of the mother embracing the child."

In the Christian tradition, the wolf is the emblem for St. Francis of Assisi, St. Edmund of East Anglia, and St. Wolfgang.

If the wolf has been designated as your totem animal through dreams or vision quest, be assured that you have a spirit helper that will always back you up, regardless of the consequences. This totem guide is known for its extraordinary powers of endurance, and it will willing grant those strengths to you. Wolf is the Great Parent, the Great Teacher, the Great Friend, and your spirit helper will expect you to carry on its traditions and to fulfil your own responsibilities to your family, your community, your friends, and those less fortunate than you who need your help. Wolf will tolerate no shirking of duty, so while you have a fierce guardian on twenty-four hour notice, you also have an example of trust and nobility to respect and emulate.

*Patricia Telesco/The Language of Dreams:
Things that you fear about yourself, a situation, or others, and have been unwilling to face directly. Some type of obscured threat (e.g., the "wolf in sheeps clothing"). In Freudian analysis, this threat is construed as sexual intimacy. The loss of innocence and naive outlooks. In fables, the emblem of evil craftiness that threatens to devour all goodness. Alchemically, a symbol of duality; the light and dark aspects of all things. Howling at the moon: Discovering and announcing a secret alliance or treacherous plan. Altenatively, acknowledging the lunar/feminine aspect of self.

*Bobby Lake-Thom/Spirits of the Earth:
Wolves almost became extinct in this country because of the European fear and hatred of this animal. But the Native American people have historically had high regard for Wolves. The Wolf is considered a good sign, a protector, a good hunter, wise, cunning, intelligent, strong, gregarious, courageous, and yet mysterious. Although Western people have perpetuated a stereotype that Wolves attack and kill people, even eat them, such has not been the case in Native mythology and lore. Shamans and warriors drew their symbolic and spiritual power from the Wolf. Some tribes even had Wolf clans, Wolf societies, and Wolf ceremonial dances in recognition of the sacredness of this animal.

*Timothy Roderick/The Once Unknown Familiar:
Key Words: Fierce, resourceful, enduring
Magical Influences: Grants physical and mental endurance; evokes the aid of benefic spirits, transforms negative energy
Personality: Wolves are determined people. Once they decide upon a particular goal or accomplishment, they will work at achieving it non-stop. They are able to endure stressful situations without feeling too put out. Wolves don't like to live in the same place for a long time; they want to experience a variety of climates and cultures. One setback of the wolf is a tendency to gluttony.

*Denise Linn/The Secret Language of Signs:
Wolves have a very strongly developed sense of family and community. They act together to hunt and raise their young, and they have a very strong sense of social hierarchy in their packs. There has never been a case of a wild wolf killing a human being in North America (though there are several reported cases in Europe). As a rule, wolves are nonaggressive, and very rarely do they engage in violence among themselves. Do you feel supported by your family? do you need to balance your psersonal needs with the needs of your family? This is a powerful sign that speaks to you of your relationship with your personal family and your sense of family. Are you eating too fast? Are you "wolfing" down your food? This sign may indicate a need for more affection or emotional support. For some, this can be a sign of fear, especially when it concerns being pressed for something you do not have as in the saying "a wolf at the door." This can also be a sign of inappropriate flirtatious behavior. Are you being a "real wolf"?

*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Wolf signifies cleverness and evasiveness; will sometimes infer self-interest.

*Barbara G. Walker/The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets:
Sacred totem of many European clans during the Middle Ages, as shown by the frequency of the name Wolf or Wulf in place names and family surnames. The old Saxon year beagan with Wolf-monath (Wolf Month). Wolf mothers or wolf nurses figured prominently in the biographies of pagan heroes. An early version of Siefried was nursed by a divine she-wolf and was name Wolfdietrich.

Worship of the wolf among heathen clans led to innumerable superstitions about wolf-demons and werewolves. Wolves were associated with death and reincarnation, since they were carrion eaters, formerly believed to carry the dead in their own bodies to the pagan heavens and hells.

*Lady Stearn Robinson & Tom Gorbett/The Dreamer's Dictionary:
This animal, as expectedm, a symbol of hard times or financial embarrassment, so pull in your belt, unless you managed, in your dream, to kill it or drive it away, in which case it predicts success in spite of all obstacles.

Artic Wolf :
Role ~The Teacher~
Lesson:  Learning & Using Potential
Element: Earth
Wind:  North, Wisdom
Medicine:  Manifestation

Keywords: Teacher ~ Resistance to Change ~ Stamina ~ Resilience ~ Wisdom ~ Determination

Resistance to Change

Arctic Wolf lives in a land frozen in time where, for three quarters of the year, frigid winds blow across the tundra, creating landscapes of sculpted ice.  Here, all life holds its breath while awaiting longer days that will bring the sun to gently bathe all in it's golden light, coaxing the emergence of new life to dance for awhile in its brilliant rays.  Walking across these bridges and valleys of glimmering snow, the Arctic Wolf, thick white coat ruffled in the frosty breath of the Northern wind, is in a state of contented ~Oneness~ with his surroundings.

***It is said that at the door of each of the Four Winds, a wolf keeps silent vigil, each bringing change to the life of those who walk the Good Red Road and with the change, a lesson unique to that Wind.

The Arctic Wolf is the Wolf of the North Winds.  He stands quietly in rigid determination, unyielding at times, much as the barren landscapes of his home appear to resist the beginning of Spring.  She is a soul that is comfortable with her surroundings and therefore sees no "reason" to change.

Yet the promise of the North Wind is Wisdom unfolding through gratitude and acknowledgment.  This is the Direction in which Wisdom is sifted from the sands of experience and then fashioned into a Red staff of Manifesting that wields personal potential.  Therefore, if White Wolf Soul can accept change when it appears, yet remain true to his/her values, then the higher vibration of Wisdom and Truth can emerge from beneath stubborn resistance like shoots of sweet summer grass bursting forth from a blanket of winters snow.  Thus, Personal Power can be embraced, understood and ultimately, the souls individual potential manifested.***

In a climate in which very little life can exist, Arctic Wolf thrives.  Drifts of snow gather in intricate patterns and shapes, castles of frozen snow glittering in the brilliant light.  Wind, cold enough to freeze exposed flesh, passes nearly unnoticed by Arctic Wolf as he roams the blinding white expanse of his territory, thick white fur keeping him well insulated . . . Mother Earth has prepared him well.

***The individual with Arctic Wolf as their Power Totem is one who is capable of withstanding numerous challenges and setbacks, only to emerge stronger than before.  It is little wonder that these souls will often face adversity in their lives in order to build the resilience with which to overcome obstacles?  Paradoxically, they are also gentle souls with a great deal of emotional sensitivity . . . and this is the area in which they are likely to encounter their greatest lessons.  Yet by calling upon the inner strength and resilience of the Arctic Wolf, they can triumph and raise their heads with gratitude to the loving rays of the Sun.***

The Arctic lands stretch for miles, blinding white expanses that demand respect of all who dwell there.  Upon this vista of pristine white, the Arctic Wolf roams his territory in search of food, a mate or any encroaching threat and will travel up to twenty miles a day, or more, to perform his tasks.

To withstand the harshness of the unrelenting winds, the brutality of an unforgiving and bitterly cold climate, and to do this while traversing many miles, the Arctic Wolf has been engineered with tremendous stamina to fulfill her role in Nature.

***Arctic Wolf soul is an individual who is capable of performing nearly miraculous bouts of stamina that would weary other souls as she travels the good Red Road.

He possesses within him the ability to push his body and mind to the limits, and in fact, can appear to even derive pleasure from doing so.

With each new goal that has been met, Arctic Wolf individual will then set his/her sights on the next task at hand.  Preferably the new goal will be even more challenging than the one just completed, as this engenders the ~acknowledgment~ within their own reasoning that they are ~worthy~ of that which has been given to them, yet the truth of the matter is that anything they have received, has been honestly won.***


Red Wolf :
Role ~The Teacher~
Lesson: Life, Death & Rebirth, Unexpected Change
Element: Fire
Wind: South, Recalling the Child
Medicine: Creation`s Flames

Keywords: Forced/Unexpected Change ~ Compassion ~ Transformation ~
Innocence ~ Uniqueness ~ Creativity

Forced & Unexpected Change

The Red Wolf stood upon the crest of the sun bleached hill, her eyes cast across the valley spread out before her, searching, yearning to see another, such as she.  Yet none came.

Where had they all gone, her Brothers & Sisters?  This valley had once rung with their sweet music, washing across the rolling hills and nestling into the dips of the valley like gentle ribbons of morning mist, vibrant and alive.  Now . . . the silence was thundering.

As she turned toward the setting sun, her eyes caught the sight of an approaching wolf.  Red Wolf`s noble heart leapt in joy.  Then she noticed this Wolf was unlike any she had seen before.  The approaching figure  was larger than any other clan member she had known, and all about his reddened fur, was a white light that glowed and pulsed like the fading sun.  Then, as the Other One raised his head and called to her, she knew . . . she was returning Home to where her Brothers a& Sisters would greet her with howls of ecstasy and joy.

The Red Wolf is now considered to be extinct in the wild, having been slaughtered by humans and robbed of their natural resources by the encroaching spread of the two-leggeds.

In 1973, the US Fish & Wildlife Service garnered protection for the Red Wolf with the passage of the Endangered Species Act.  A captive breeding program was then successfully initiated to bring back the Red Wolf from the brink of complete extinction, and thus today, the population of Red Wolves has reached the near 300 mark.  Perhaps through the awareness of, and the due respect of this beautiful creature, we can prevent what would be a tragic demise of a splendid and wise fellow inhabitant of Earth Mother.

***It is said that at the door of each of the Four Winds, a wolf keeps silent
vigil, each bringing change to the life of those who walk the Good Red Road and with the change, a lesson unique to that Wind.

The individual who has been blessed to have Red Wolf walk beside him/her as their Totem, can expect a life blessed with abundant change and, hence, tremendous growth, as this is the Wolf that stands at the Southern Gate.

Growth is often initiated for the Red Wolf with unexpected events catapulting the Red Soul into action.  She does not assess the change in logical, controlled movements, rather she approaches these changes with instinctual timing and instantaneous decisions that lead her exactly to where she needs to be.

If Red Wolf Soul can tap into her ability to elicit positive change and growth in this life, then the full potential of her ability to Create Positive Change will be manifested.***

The heart of the Red Wolf beats strong as he gazes into the eyes of the prone female, listening to her faint cries and whimpers.  His mate is dying, her physical form writhing with the currents of pain that assault her and he, Alpha male of the last surviving wild red wolf pack, is powerless to help his beloved.

Finally, the ~transition~ comes and he watches her form go still, watches as the air leaves her lungs and her chest sinks back, then watches as the sparkling mist of energy leaves the body and feels her as she moves through him on her way to the Blue Road of Spirit.

Sensing their pack leader`s grief, the other pack members gather beside him, eyes cast at the lifeless body before them as they huddle close to comfort him with their presence.  Then, on some silent cue, they all raise their heads and sing a song of temporal parting to a friend, and a song of comfort to the one left behind.

***The individual with the Soul of Red Wolf is one who is profoundly compassionate, sensitive to the pain of others and will do anything within their ability to alleviate suffering.  As such, these individuals will often be found in the healing professions, either in terms of "medical professionals" or as energy/spiritual healers.

One of the greatest challenges of one who has Red Wolf Totem, is to learn that true compassion comes from knowing when to assist another, and when to draw back enough that the one they are assisting can walk the Path they have come into the ~physical plane~ to fulfill.***

Red Wolf trusts that all that which she needs will be available to her, be it the prey she will eat to sustain her own life, or the shelter of the earth in which she makes her den.  She knows that Nature is Kind, Loving and Provides.  She has belief based upon experience that tells her her pack members will defend her if/when needed against attack.  She gives love and receives love with the acceptance of one who has known no rejection, no judgment and no fear . . . she is the essence of Innocence.

***Red Wolf Totem walks with one who operates from an ~innocent~ heart, and thus, the individual blessed with this Totem is either born with an instinctual innocence, or they have come into this lifetime with one of their key lessons being that of maintaining, or re-kindling, innocence.

This is where they facilitate their primary Role of Teacher, to teach others the humbleness of Innocence, the gift of Belief and Trust.  Yet in order for the Teacher to impart his Knowledge and Wisdom, he must first walk through the experience himself in full awareness and facing his own personal Truths.

To do so, and then embrace others, free of judgment for the betrayals that may have gone ~before~ . . . to come back to himself with belief that all will be exactly as it is meant to be, is the returning Home to Self, it is the ~Return to his own Innocence~


Grey Wolf:
Role ~The Teacher~
Lesson: Adaptation to Change
Element: Water
Wind: West ~The Quest Within~
Medicine: Shapeshifting

Keywords;  Regeneration ~ Adaptation ~ Growth ~ Guardianship ~ Loyalty ~ Mystic

Transformation & Regeneration

As the cub first enters the physical plane, her eyes are frozen shut and she is, in essence, blind.  Yet as she matures, her eyes open, revealing a splendid new world to explore and investigate  As her eyes turn from the gray-blue hue of youth and innocence, to yellow/gold, burning with the inner fire of experience, she becomes a fuller extension of all that she is capable of being.  She is ever changing, transforming herself throughout her cycle of life, attune with the process of renewal.

***Often, the soul who has inherited the Gray Wolf as their Power Totem, is a soul who is constantly transforming themselves, improving themselves as they encounter the lessons and challenges of Life.***
Change & Growth

The Gray Wolf is constantly presented with change and opportunities for growth.  Despite all that is thrown in the Path of the Wolf however, he adapts himself to change.  To understand this, one  need only look at the environment the Gray Wolf inhabits.

Currently, there are a number of gray wolves that were reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park in an attempt to bring natural balance and order back to the area.  The region covers a portion of NorthWestern Wyoming and extends partially into the southern tip of Montana.

The fluctuation in season where the Gray Wolf dwells, necessitates that he adapt to change as the warm, golden days of summer when prey is plentiful and the whole pack can be fed quite easily, is replaced with the shortened days of Autumn.  The Wolf begins to grow his winter coat in preparation for the long, cold months of winter which loom over the distant horizon of red and yellow leaves.  Then, winter arrives.  The cold breath of the North winds blow across the forest and plains, blanketing everything for a time in snow that glitters like miniature crystals sprinkled by a Divine hand.  Gray Wolf searches for food with which to sustain the Pack, and always the elements, the threat of starvation, keep him on the move.  And then it is Spring once more and the welcome rays of the Sun penetrate the frozen landscape, encouraging new life.

***It is said that at the door of each of the Four Winds, a wolf keeps
silent vigil, each bringing change to the life of those who walk the Good
Red Road, and with the change, a lesson unique to that Wind.

Gray Wolf is the Wolf who stands at the Western Door.  The winds of change will gently flow through the life of the Gray Wolf Soul, stirring her to greet the change with the knowledge of the lessons that such transitional times will herald. Gray Wolf Soul understands that Change is merely Growth, an essential part of Life, and thus, embraces Change easily.

The essence of the West Wind is Adaptation to Change through the Quest Within.  This is the land of ~Wakan Tanka~ where the individual journeys within to divine the mysteries of Soul`s Purpose in order to integrate personality with spirit.  Gray Wolf Totem stands on the cliff of evermore gazing across the misty chasm of tomorrow in quiet contemplation.  She doesn`t strain to see what is not yet visible on the other side, merely acknowledges that the changes will surely take place, and that the choices she makes, will fashion the bridge across***


The complex social structure of the Wolfpack is a society that is formed with the primary intent of Survival of All.  Therefore, all pack members  take guardianship of one another, assisting in the hunting and killing of prey so that the pack can be fed, huddling together to provide warmth to the very old, young or ill when the cold settles in, and guardianship in watching over the cubs of the Pack, as all members participate in the rearing and educating of the young.

***The Individual with the Totem of Gray Wolf, understands the importance of protecting and nurturing Life in all of its varied and brilliant forms.  He is the Soul that desires to be of service to others and thus enters a profession which will be in alignment with these principles.  She is the soul who desires to nurture the spark of soul awareness in the other members of her society, so as to ensure the survival of the species.In whatever form this urge of Guardianship manifests itself, the Gray Wolf Totem will always strive to be of Benefit to the Whole.***

Among all of our winged, finned and four legged brothers and sisters, Wolf is one of the few who mates with one for life.  Once they have "chosen" one another and are recognized by the rest of the Pack as the dominant male and female, this Alpha couple will share a deep and abiding bond that will only end with the physical ~transition~ of one of them as that mate departs the physical plane to wander the grounds of the Blue Road.  Only then will the surviving mate contemplate another to be by his/her side.

In addition to the bond between mates, the bond is nearly as strong to the other members of the Wolfpack, as each member will lay down their very life if necessary to protect another.  It is this deeply rooted sense of loyalty that reminds us of some of the best qualities within our own nature.

***Wolf Soul is one who understands the depth of connection with another, be it mate, friend or family member.  These individuals will tend to be monogamous in nature.  If a mate is not found that shares this same sense of loyalty, then Wolf Totem will choose to live as a solitary wolf yet will still have deep and abiding bonds with friends and/or family.***
 Blending of Intuition with Cognizant Thought

Gray Wolf is known to be a skilled hunter, capable of taking down game of both a much larger size, and strength, from their own.  This is due in large part to their ability to recognize opportunity, and to intuitively know when to strike.

The hunt is initiated when keen observation is employed to select the best prey candidate . . . often one that is either weak, very young, or old.  This is the process of cognizant thought.

When the prey has been selected, a silent communication takes place as pack members fall into the intuitive dance of the hunt, moving in silent unison, sensing the thoughts and energies of both one an other, and their prey.

***Gray Wolf Totem is drawn to individuals who possess the ability to employ rational thought coupled with intuitive understanding.  As he walks through life, Wolf Soul uses his keen intelligence to assess issues and situations which demand resolution.  He then follows the ~prompts~ he receives from his own higher sense of ~knowing~ to achieve  necessary growth and learning***

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:33 pm

My 1st night in California I shot up in bed when a wolf howled outside my bedroom window.
I thought I was dreaming - being all excited about the SIZE of everything, I lay back down, tried to sleep and damn me the bugger howled again.
I asked my daughter in law about it the next day, turned out it lived in the house next door.
Every day I went up to the fence and every day the wolf sniffed mt through a hole in the fence, then growled and stood on her hind legs with her paws just on the top of the 7' fence.
To cut a long story short we went out to a bar, came back started the tequila shots, then I drank the worm and waited for something to happen, nothing happened except I became very sick, very, very sick indeed.
I couldn't make it to the toilet so I dashed outside and threw up in the barbeque.
I'm not squeamish so in between bouts of upchucking I thought I better clean the mess up - we'd had a gorgeous steak. So me I picked the bits of steak up and then she howled at me, so I threw the vomit covered pieces over the fence, swam in the pool to clean up and went to bed.
Next morning we had the usual ritual of sniffing through the hole and I drew back ready for the growl, instead this gorgeous soft tongue came through the hole and licked me and she did it every day for the rest of my holidays - true story.
Some days you are the cart and other days the horse; either way you still get shafted.

"I thought you'd be bigger," (read it how you will).

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