
If health is wealth, then surely beauty is what reflects it.

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Post by usmmjenny » Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:44 am

I wish I could be fruitarian all the time, it makes me feel great, but I just can't seem to stick to it.
Here is what I do for a couple of weeks every now and then, just to clean myself out and boost my energy level.
I eat nothing but berries and melons for 2 days, then I slowly start adding other fruits and eat a big variety for a couple of more days, then I add veg fruits, nuts, seeds, rice and beans for a couple of weeks.
I eat only raw uncooked foods, with the exception of the rice and beans.  
All organic, no sweeteners or salt, no spices or herbs, no hot drinks or ice teas etc.  just fresh water and raw whole foods.  I use lemon juice and fresh salsa for seasoning.  I eat one banana every morning, no more than that.  I eat as much melons and berries as I want, but everything else is in small portions.  I never ever eat roasted nuts.  Only raw unsalted nuts, like almonds, walnuts, pecans, macadamias, and only a handful a day.
I eat rice and beans together once a day, usually at lunch with salsa.
I don't eat salad or any leafy or root vegetables.  Only the fruit of the vine, or the sex organ of the plant.  Never eat the plant, just the seed, pod, berry, flower etc.  lettuce is a no no.  leaves are too toxic, no herbs teas or spices either.  This is a great flush and I loose weight too.  Try it, you won't believe the energy you'll get.

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Post by Antigone » Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:57 pm

I wish I can try this. But fruits are so expensive here. =(

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Post by CassandraOh » Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:57 am

In watermelon season i do periods of just eating watermelon because it's a very great way to detoxify your body. I find fruit is fantastic in any kind of detox diet.

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Post by prasanna » Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:30 am

Dear friends,                                          

  My daily in take of food contains any one fruit of the  fruits which I write here daily.  Every day I do eat an apple and half pears,   as my morning break  fast and little nuts  and two cups of coffee.  I eat very little rice and more vegetable salads . I keep my weight under control and look very thin. which makes    many ask me ,what is the secret of u being younger in this age? I love fruits. I am a strict vegetarian from my birth. Likewise I do take fresh fruit juices only and not any soft drinks like coke.

             I too wish  to be a Fruitarian all the time as quoted by Jenny here. I too feel very fresh , living with fruits. But I do accept,  many fruits are costlier in many parts of the world. One must have the afford  ability to be a Fruitarian. But if U want to lead a healthy living then go with fruits, and before eating do wash fruits in running water so as to remove the pesticides from them . Do not eat Apple with skin, peal it before eating so as  to avoid the wax coating in them.  Be careful to avoid risks in taking fruits.


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