I need to know which gem would help me...

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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I need to know which gem would help me...

Post by amberdtc » Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:56 am

I am looking for a job and want to be successful in my search...is there a gem that will influence this in the positive manner?

Do you need more info:?

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Post by dessa » Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:43 pm

You can use specifically one stone, or create healing bundles to carry with you, a little medicine back to keep in your purse or pocket of a mix of stones such as

For business :
Lepidolite is a protective stone that can bring success in business ventures and or in your career.
Garnet is known for stimulating success in business.
Petrified Wood is sometimes called the "Stone of Business". It promotes successful new beginnings and enhances practical aspects of any business endeavor.
Citrine is known as the lucky "Merchants Stone". It has money Energies. It’s believed one should keep Citrine in your business retail cash drawer or on your desk.

For Success:
Amazonite is considered the prosperity stone. It encourages the pursuit of your unique path in life. It helps self expression, artistic creativity, communication, confidence and leadership.
Aventurine enables abundance and brings good luck, money, joy, balance and clarity. It enhances creativity, career success, prosperity, and independence.
Citrine helps attract abundance. Known as the lucky"Merchants Stone", it has money energies.
Lepidolite is a protective stone that brings success in business and or a chosen career path.

For Prosperity:
Amazonite is known as The Prosperity Stone.
Aventurine enables abundance and brings good luck and money.
Gold Tigers Eye has been used to stimulate wealth and once acquired it also has the stability to help maintain it.
Agate Green Moss attracts abundance and is a stone of wealth.
Citrine helps with prosperity by attracting abundance. Known as the lucky "Merchants Stone", it has money energies. Put a citrine in a retail cash drawer for luck and attracting abilities.

For Fulfillment of Desires
Amber helps with bringing what you desire into a state of reality.
Malachite is helpful in removing obstacles and clearing the path that leads toward our goals and desires.
Sunstone emits a sense of abundance in fulfilling our needs and desires.
Opal is a stone of love and helps release inhibitions in our pursuit of physical desires. It’s a stone of peace and tranquility for the aura.

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