Daily horoscopes for 1st October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 1st October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:30 pm


One of your more outgoing friends has been acting out of character lately, and today their emotions could get really get in your way. If this happens, you need to value the relationship with them much more than whatever it was that they messed up for you. Keep things in their proper perspective and support them. It could be time for a talk -- get them alone and find out what is going on. Once you get to the heart of the matter, you'll be able to help them.


Today, try to surround yourself with people who look at the world from a different perspective than you do -- people like your older relatives, younger siblings, and friends from different cultures can help you solve a problem that's been nagging you for a while. Sometimes all you need is for someone else to put in their two cents about a situation in order to understand the true value of it. So be proactive about asking for advice, and you will gain insight.


Intelligence isn't always about what degree you've earned or what books you've read. People don't walk around with their resume tattooed to their face, so when you walk into a room, assume you are on equal footing with everyone else. In short, you are as intelligent as you believe yourself to be. Do not let other people intimidate you -- what you have to say and contribute to a brainstorming session is valuable, and when you share your thoughts people will see that.


A friend or coworker has quite a few troubles on their mind, and they will feel the need to tell you all about them, today. It's kind of you to sit and listen to them go on and on about their dramas, but you don't have to -- especially when you find their troubles to be trivial. Tolerating their emotional intensity and upheaval could send them the message that you're always going to be willing to enable their drama-seeking -- which is not helping them. You need to give them some tough love.


Right now, you have a heightened sense of intuition, and you should rely on it to help a friend who is about to start a project or go on a journey. If you are worried about them, let them know how you feel and tell them what you fear. You owe it to them to elaborate as much as you can: The more details, the better. Maybe you had a dream or maybe it's just a gut feeling. Regardless, you won't be able to relax until you know you've said what has been on your mind.


If your feet are not planted firmly on the ground today, you run the risk of missing out on something special. It's important to be grounded right now, so try not to let your emotions get the better of you. From time to time, it's your emotional nature that serves as your driving force in life, but right now you need to follow your brain -- not your heart. Think things through and don't act too hastily. Being practical might not sound sexy, but it's definitely smart!


Your grasp of complicated financial ideas is getting stronger -- so take advantage of it! Grab a few financial magazines, visit a few websites, and start growing your education about what to do with your money. Ask a friend who knows their stuff how you can learn even more. It might be intimidating at first, but when the concepts start to click, you'll be hooked! It's a very educational time for you, and it could lead to a very financially profitable time. Just don't get frustrated if you get confused.


Creating a vision of what you want to accomplish is the very first step to accomplishing it. So pick your toughest goal -- losing weight, landing a new job, asking that cutie out, whatever -- and create a crystal clear picture of it happening in your mind. Give yourself a road map to follow, and then you'll make it easier to succeed. Don't let doubts or fears creep into the periphery, either -- those just don't have a place in your positive storyline.


Reaching out to others doesn't always have to feel like a risk. Sure, wearing your heart on your sleeve can leave you feeling vulnerable, but it's also a great way to show how much you care. Don't be shy about your feelings for someone -- especially if they are positive! There is great energy around sharing your thoughts and hopes today, so don't waste it. When you feel the urge to confess how you're feeling around someone, do it. It will make their day.


The universe is sending you a lot more introspective energy, which might cause you to shy away from the world, right now -- but that's perfectly fine. In fact, you should follow your instincts to stay at home, even if friends are dying for you to come and join them for a fun night out. But, being your friends, they will totally understand if you feel like taking a pass. It's a good time to explore your own ideas and to think about what goals you want to tackle next.


If you're looking to have more privacy in your life, you simply have to ask for it. People are so excited about the idea of spending more time with you that they are not going to pick up on the subtle hints you've been laying down. So if someone asks to hang out with you today, don't hem and haw or tell them 'I'm not sure.' Go ahead and own your time -- tell them 'sorry, no.' You don't have to give them an excuse -- your time is yours to do with what you will.


You'll be a great mood, today, full of good humor and unlimited hope -- so it's a great day to pick an obstacle and fly right over it! You are feeling confident and energized enough to go the distance, no matter how far it is. Pick your battle early in the day, and by tonight you should have a very satisfying solution all worked out. This accomplishment, although it might not seem huge to some people, will make you feel warm and fuzzy all over -- and ready for the next success.


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