Candles and Roses

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Candles and Roses

Post by hthrshorty » Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:49 am

I was told that you can use red candles to remove any negativity. I was also told that you can use two red roses. One red rose take off the pedtals and put them in a tub of water and take the other rose and put it in the corners of my house to take any negativity away. Is this true?

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:44 am

There are MANY ways of getting rid of negative energy.
First is to change your thought pattern. There is not actually anything that is negative out there.
Fear = lack of love.
Perfect Love/ Unconditional Love is the only thing that exists therefore fear does not exist.
If you take a candle into a darkened room there is no more light. Light and Dark cannot exist together.
Therefore because there is only Light, which is Unconditional Love which in essence is Truth, there is no ways that there is 'dark'.
Yes we do have a destructive side or a shadow side but it is not dark.
Its just another form of love.
This takes some time to totally eradicate the fear so in the mean time, rose is very soft, gentle and comforting. Jasmine is great for the self-confidence.  
When I feel a little on the downside I usually take a nice hot bath, put some lavender oil and St Johns Wort Body oil (natural antidepressant) in the bath water [ ... -oils.aspx - check out some of the other oils like the moor lavender], I also put some rose quartz in the bath water so I kinda have a rose quartz elixir that I'm bathing in :) I also tend to burn rose and pine incense.
Gosh I always feel in top form after that.

Black is a protective colour, funny enough :)
Also you could look into maybe throwing a net over your house? Like those nets they used to catch dragons with on Movies? Set the intention, protection, and throw it out from the third eye over the area you want protected.
You could have a look at crystals, certain corners of the house mean different things.
You could also have a look at the feng shui of the house. Imagine that the room in filled half way with water, where would the water collect? Those are areas that will collect energy too so you can put a wind chime there or a crystal or even a dream catcher etc.
Pretty much anything that you can think of and be creative!

But here is also a little something:

Getting rid of negative energy
• Get into your own space.
o Switch off your phone and make certain you won’t be disturbed.
o Light a candle or burn incense, anything you feel that should cleanse the area and to make your intentions clear on what you are doing.
• Rock your body backwards and forwards until you feel centered. You don’t have to rock yourself to and fro if you feel silly, but it’s a great way to centre yourself.

You could do a breathing exercise,
o As you are breathing in, imagine that you are breathing in light. Imagine that this light is flowing in and through your system and out through the bottom of your feet.
o And as you breathe out, imagine that you are breathing out anything that is not necessary at this time, just letting it go easily and gently. Imagine that angels and beings of light are whisking away whatever you are breathing out, and taking it someplace where it can do good.

A tree meditation,
o Send roots into the earth from feet or if you are sitting, you may want to visualize the roots coming from the bottom of your spine.
o Feel the dirt,
o Send your roots to meet water.
o Sense the pulse of the Mother Earth.
o Send branches into the sky from crown of head.
o Feeling the breeze through the branches.
o Send branches up to meet sunlight.
o Sense the pulse of the sun's energy.
o Draw the water and earth energy from root into trunk.
o Draw the sky energy from leaves into trunk.
o Just sit there and enjoy the sensations. (Become the Entire Tree.)
o Slowly return the energies to their respective places and relax.
o When you feel ready slowly open your eyes.

Anything to ground and centre yourself.

• Call on Archangel Michael to assist you. His chief role is to escort lower energies away.
• Prayer (out loud)

I invoke the Holy Spirit in the name of the Lord God, creator of the Universe.

I demand that any & all negative entities who may be attached to me on the inner planes, or that are otherwise attempting too manipulate me in any way,
Leave me NOW!!!

I call out to my higher self.
I call out to my soul.
I call out to my Angelic guides.
Be with me!
Guide me!
Protect me!!

• Ask Michael to escort any remaining negative entities back to where they belong.
• Take some time for yourself.
Burn some Frankincense incense. (It clears a room)
Believe that you have accomplished the task; affirmation is the greatest tool in life.

Note: This is just a guide, an outline.
You can take certain elements that appeal to you out of it. Adapt it to suit you.

Hope this gives you something to work with! :)

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Joined: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:55 am

Post by hthrshorty » Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:02 pm

Thank you very much. this really makes sense to me. I really like lavender alot I also like sandalwood. It really calms me but lately I've been feeling really bad. Hopefully I'll start to feel better. Thanks again.

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