odd moments

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odd moments

Post by dessa » Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:37 pm

The past couple of days stranges dreams don't always remember what they are, but images of things that are not usually put together are together.

But today I am sitting in my room/ space / office, whatever, though it has a day bed in it, and has since also become a guest room for when my niece visits.

The sun is shining in the window, I had let the dogs out into the yard, and was just reading posts, emails, and getting ready to shud down puter, do some chores around the house etc.

I have some questions, and I will be doing focused meditations seeking a sign, but I don't think this is related to that.

Anyway I closed out email, and mysticboard.org, but for some reason I opened it again, then one of those moments you know hwere you are aware of what is going on around you but it is not fully registering?

I heard the one dog come into the hallway facing in this direction she was barking loudly, trying to get my attention, but I was kind of half and half as to being there.

Then I saw a bird fly across the room, the sun was brighter in the room, this bird flew past and then right through the wall.

Well obviously there was no bird in the room, and certainly didn't fly through the wall. But I SAW it, I know it was there.

So I stared in this direction, and watch, thought maybe could it be the sun creating shadows, trees and sun creating shadows? I kept watching figuring if the trees were doing this, then it was a pattern that would be repeated, however after 30 minutes it has not been repeated.

During this entire time of writing this I kept trying to see if it would happen again, but no bird pattern flying through the wall.

No shadows on the wall, that could explain this pattern.

While I was writing this, the dog that had barked during the time when the bird was flying past and then through the wall, well she came back in looked at me didn't bark then left the room, then came back in and lay down quietly ... no barking since the bird moment.

Those odd moments so interesting... I wish I knew what kind of bird it was, but it was just the shadow of a bird that I saw,

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Post by looking_glass » Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:44 pm

I heard from a bird... lol

So tell me, were the symbols/patterns a bunch or circles that went in a circle (all of this in one big circle)? Did it remind you of Aztec art work? The universe as it exists at that moment...

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Post by Doe » Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:38 pm

Hi, Dessa,

I've been shocked on several occasions to see the spirits of sea birds (usually) over the ocean or the Hudson (once I saw--I kid you not--the spirits of bats outside of my mother's house in Florida in the evening).  Each time, they seemed to be flying around (and, in the case of the bats, diving for bugs to "eat") among the living creatures, apparently unaware that they were no longer living creatures.  They were beautiful--I couldn't decide if it was sad or nice (the latter, I think).

Could that have been what you saw?  Or did you think that it was more of a symbol or omen or something?


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:48 pm

A bird can symbolize freedom and a higher perspective.  You were having the vision to put this in perspective with situations in your life.  And maybe even something that you had seen on the computer and did not quite have the answer for, but it was kind of niggling at the bottom of your mind?

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