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Tell me about me...

Post by nancyrella » Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:14 am

So recently I posted a topic on premature/late birthdays.
I got some very straight answers, how they were straight I'm not sure...

But I am a Capricorn according to my birthdate. I was born three months premature. I think I know myself pretty well but I don't think the description to my signs fit me all that well.

Is anyone willing to do a birthchart for me and explain to me how I fit into this? Or why I don't fit into it?

January 12th 1989
Los Angeles, Ca
2:53 am

I've done an online chart for both my birthday and my due date (April 12th).

I have my own opinion on which fits me better but I want to know about my actual birthdate. What am I supposedly like? In every aspect and what if I am not?

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Post by Youdah » Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:36 pm

Since I know that your request is to help you determine whether or not your true natal chart is accurate, I will address some things in your chart to help you decide if it is accurate or not.  :)  I am not going to do a complete chart analysis since this is very time-consuming.  I am deliberately looking for strong placements such as squares, oppositions, and difficulties.  Anyone can tell you that you are bright, caring, sympathetic...blah, blah, are wanting to know if your chart is correct.  So, harsher indicators are used because these are the things that "hit" people at a gut that you can know that your natal chart is accurate...or not.

You have had conflict and difficulties with your mother. (Chiron 8th cancer)

You tend to take others' beliefs upon yourself, even when deep down in your heart you believe different things. (chiron 8th cancer)

You tend to be dependent upon others' for financial support.  (This will not always be true). (Chiron 8th cancer)

You have some problems with losing your temper. (mars sq. sun)

You can be very secretive at times. (scorp asc.)

You have trouble "getting started" on new projects, ideas, school, etc. (few fire signs)  You find study or prolonged thought about anything exhausting.  If it doesn't come easy for you, you quickly lose interest.  (merc sq plu)

You tend to be stubborn (few mutables)

your strengths and greatest interest are with fields of communication, philosophy, arts, etc.  You will do well in college if you can overcome your tendency to procrastinate and let things slide.  (wide 3/9th H)  

You do not make friends easily, but once you do, you are loyal and patient with them, even when they may not deserve it. (sun cap)

Sometimes you are "too" honest, causing unintended harm to others, since you value honesty so highly.  (merc aquar)

You are uncomfortable with public displays of affection, although you feel these things deeply (sun cap)

Given a strong work ethic by your parents, sometimes you feel guilty for just doing nothing, even when doing something fun instead of something productive (scorp asc)

You can get involved in difficult relationships, several before you actually give your heart to someone.  (scorp asc)

You prefer darker colors over pastels. (strong cap/scorp)

Although I already know this, capricorn sun shows lower than average birth weight.

you attract beneficial people to you, but you tend to refrain from any emotional attachments so you are free to do as you please.  (Jup opp. asc)

Relationships of all kinds are often unsatisfactory to you, because you end up giving more, and they take more.  This is because you haven't learned the fine art of compromise and speaking your mind without being too harsh.  (ven conj sat)

Around September 3, you weren't feeling well.  Nothing major, just a loss of energy.(mars sq saturn/nep)

Currently, you are experiencing a crisis in a relationship.  This is because you have not yet learned to compromise (mars sq. mars, sun sq merc)  This conflict is full of temper and harsh words.  the conflict began to build around Sept. 27.  It is now departing, except for the mending that needs to be done.

If you can honestly tell me that all/most of the above is not accurate, I will do more work here.

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Post by nancyrella » Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:42 pm

Well it's the only things that seemed that it applied to me were;

You prefer darker colors over pastels. (But then again not necessarily dark but more rich and bright.)
You tend to be stubborn.
Around September 3, you weren't feeling well. Nothing major, just a loss of energy. (I think it goes deeper than this, I've been anemic for six years but I still have my general sense of energy.)
Tendency to procrastinate. (It really depends)
You find study or prolonged thought about anything exhausting.  If it doesn't come easy for you, you quickly lose interest. (YES.)

What didn't sound like me were pretty much everything else;

I get along with my mother fairly well, she's eccentric and it's sometimes overwhelming but we are very close nonetheless.
I follow my heart and hardly agree with others.
I do not have trouble "getting started" on new projects, ideas, school, etc. I have trouble finishing things.
My interests are technology, art and literature.
I was actually 5 lbs and 3oz. which is a good weight for a 6 mnths preemie.
And my crisis at the moment is not a relationship but rather my health.

Not trying to contradict you, my natal chart or anything but honestly I just want to know why it doesn't add up.
I appreciate your insight and would be so grateful if you were to continue this.

Thank You.

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Post by Youdah » Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:40 pm

The only other thing I can suggest since you don't feel that your chart fits you is to be sure that your time of birth is accurate.

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:33 am

I might rather suggest that she acknowledge those qualities she feel she has, and develop, and hone them, and don't bother to much about qualities she don't feel she has, because that takes focus away, regardless of any birth time, and date. :)

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