I need a little help please

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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I need a little help please

Post by DoeZ » Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:23 pm

:smt006 Hello everyone...I am new here and in need of help. I'm hoping I'm on the right board.  A very long time ago...could be more than 10 yrs...I went to a pyschic gathering...I had a reading and I also purchased a Rose Quartz cut & polished point pendant. I put it away for sometime but recently in the past few years I have been having a very tough time. I feel as though I have lost myself somewhere and I have been in a depression since. Well I pulled my crystal pendant out and have been reading alot and so glad I found this board...but I reall am confused on how to cleanse my crystal and also charge my crystal. I am so desperately wanting to wear this with my cross and gold nugget as well in hopes of finding myself. Can anyone help me here or direct me in the right direction please. Thank You so very much. :smt008

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Post by RoseRed » Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:53 am

Hey there,
there is alot of information on the web about this but here is just a quick link to get you started:

There are SO many ways you can do this, and if i'm not mistaken I don't think rose quartz actually ever needs to be cleared as it is LOVE.
I know kynite is also one that doesn't have to be cleared - wheres with obsidians they absorb 'negative' energy so should be cleared.
etc etc
Maybe also think about investing in a decent crystal book?
Hope this helps just for now!

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Post by DoeZ » Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:00 pm

Thank You.  I was looking at the library the other day for some books...didn't know where to start and the guy looked at me like I was a freak or something. Any books you could recommend from a library? Thanks again. :smt039

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Post by DoeZ » Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:07 pm

I'm sorry I also forgot to ask you...I want to wear this pendant with my cross and gold nugget that are very dear to me...I want to wear it 24/7 Will this be a problem? Showering or bathing?

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Post by RoseRed » Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:48 pm

DoeZ wrote:and the guy looked at me like I was a freak or something.
BAH HA HA HA HA HAAA!!! that is hilarious!
I know exactly what you mean! heeeheee :)

Ummm There are two books that I would recommend and that is The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall & Love is In The Earth - Melody.
i LOVE the crystal bible one, nice and small and packed with information. Really great!

Nope that shouldn't be a problem at all - if you want to wear it all the time :)
What I do though is that every now and again I will take it off, kinda have to force myself to do that though:), and not wear it for about 3 days or a week etc. Whatever feels right. I do this as to make sure that it doesn't become a crutch.
So if they do decide to go 'walking' as some crystals seem to do! heehe then it won't be "Oh my goodness my world as I know it is crashing down!!" hahahahaha!

Thats actually quite a nice combo :)

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Post by RoseRed » Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:50 pm

oh and dessa is another to talk to about maybe another book about crystals...hopefully she will pop her head in here!

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Post by DoeZ » Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:29 pm

:smt010 I'm so very sorry if I seem to be repeating myself here...but I'm getting different feed back from others on how to cleanse my crystal and that I don't need to because its a rose quartz which is Love...but...I recently got very ill...some major flu like bug hit me hard...I mean hard...chest was full...nose was full...it was horrible...in the midst of all this I took my necklace off...which consists of my cross~gold nugget (from father)~rose crytsal...I was just afraid I was gonna harm it or something because I was really sick.  But anyways...I need to cleanse it again to make sure no virus got on it sotospeak...what I'm confused about is that I've been told I don't have to cleanse it...or...just use plain water...when I purchased it I was told to cleanse it in "Sea Salt" of which I have...but I did not have to mix it with a water...then I was told to cleanse my other items on my chain as well as my chain. I really need to figure out whats the right way...make sure it works for me(charged) and because it is a Rose Quartz and others have said I don't need to cleanse it...what am I to do...lol I am so sorry to be repeating myself and wish that someone was closer to me and could help me I just don't know where to turn. Thank You for any help. :smt006

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Post by RoseRed » Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:10 am

okay lets have a look at this.
I seem to be a rambler so please forgive me!
But here goes:

When I first started working with crystal I was obsessed about cleansing and making sure that they were really cleansed and how did I know!
I got myself in a right mess when I used to do pendulum work and I would ask is this crystal energetically cleared and the answer was no! I was like but I JUST cleansed it!
I don't really know what happened but all I really can say now is that I relaxed about the whole thing.

I like to put my crystals under running hot water just in my hand sort of just let the water run off them and then I will put the plug in and leave the crystal in there, under water, while I brush my teeth and get dressed and then i take them off and put them on my window sill.
I find that this work fine for me.
One obviously needs to make sure that the crystal doesn't dissolve in water or colour gets diminished by the sun. Mine have never has a problem with the sun but it is something to watch out for.

What I guess i am trying to say is that just set a casual intent - you are cleared and don't worry or stress about it.
I find that when is much more relaxed about the whole thing it just tends to work!
So I guess that brings me to FAITH, that it is working, that it is cleansed, that there is nothing wrong with you, that you can't possibly contaminate it! etc etc

that brings me to another point, the rose quartz and gold might be bringing out some stuff out of you, so if you take it off you might start to feel better, don't think that the reason for this is that the actual crystals are 'contaminated', cause i do not believe that anymore.
But its more like youre taking away the cause that is bringing out all these things within you.
What I would say is have a look also at gentler stones...i know rose quartz is gentle but it can also be very very powerful.

To energize my crystals I just lOVE leaving them out of a rainy day/night, full moon is WONDERFUL! the gentle breeze, any of the elements. I like to leave my crystals outside for some time as I feel that they love it too! Being with nature! heehhee

Lets see what ya think of this and then we can take it further!

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Post by DoeZ » Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:53 pm

Ok...I think I understood that more...I had them in "Sea Salt" only for a day...then set them outside in the sun for a day...now they have been sitting waiting for the full moon which I will set them out tonight for...have I done this right? I certainly hope so...I want to wear it again... lol.  Thank so much for all your help. :smt008

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:08 am

Great stuff! Your crystals will be singing their praises to you! hahaha!
With the full moon you only have to leave them out there for that evening.
I believe that it is not necessary for you to leave them out for a long time, but for your peace of mind just let them chill out there for maybe 3 days??
Its only for now. When you get more used to them they will let you know in their weird kinda ways when they want to chill again ;) heehee!
No prob!  :smt008

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cleansing of crystals

Post by dreagle329 » Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:05 pm

Yes one might be confused as there are so many teachings of cleansing of crystals. My being a Reiki Master I just use Reiki energy to cleanse the crystals, no detailed or many steps needed. I think that just the INTENTION of " cleansing crystal" in your mind is more than enought to do the cleansing. It's that simple I feel. Love Light & Reiki

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Post by DoeZ » Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:56 pm

Ok...not to be a bother again...I'm always secnd guessing myself...but I was reading in one of the books I got that I should disguard any remaining salt that is left...Now I use "Sea Salt" and really dont have the money to get more...but I never threw it away...I would put my crystal in the salt time and time again...this is not good I assume? OMG...now 've gone and messed it all up again. :smt005

I'm so very sorry David...but I am not familiar with that. Can you tell me about it?

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:27 pm

I'm also a reiki practitioner and will use the reiki on a new crystal- when i get a new crystal i will dedicate it to the highest of light with my hands 'on' and then give it a bit of a good nuking. :D
Reiki is a hands on healing technique.

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Post by DoeZ » Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:56 pm

Lol...So which one should I be using then? The way I have been or Reiki?  :smt102 I'm not familiar with that at all. And what should I do with the Sea Salt after I drench my crystal in it...disguard it after each use? I"m so sorry to be a bother...Its sitting outside over night right now...full moon...tomorrow I would like to put it back on...I've been missing it... :smt005

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:02 am

hahaha aaahh DoeZ!!!
Okay back up a second.
Breathe in breath out! heehee
Now lets look at all this...
First: Reread what everyone has mentioned to you.
Breathe and absorb it all.

Okay first of all - rose quartz does not need to be cleansed.
You are doing this only because you feel like it.

There are MANY ways of cleaning a crystal or anything for that matter.
All the different options are all extras. They are bells and whistles.
You do not need them.
The only thing you need is Intention.
Thats It!
Thats ALL you need! The power of the thought is HUGE and vast!!

Reiki is just another one of the options. You also need to be attuned to be able to do reiki.
Some are naturals but for simplistic reasons lets keep it simple.

With the sea salt:
"Do what you feel comfortable with and what makes sense to you. Experiment and see what works for you."
"You don't really need to soak your crystals very long in salt water. A minimum of 7 hours is usually all that is needed"
"If very 'toxic' I will soak the crystals is heavily saturated salt water for 3-4 days"
I do not agree with them about the transfer from the water.

http://www.ehow.com/how_2031578_cleanse ... aling.html
They have some nice extras - i like the freezer one.

http://www.crystalsandjewelry.com/clear ... tones.html
"Crystals can be placed in coarse sea salt for up to 24 hours to clear them."
"You can also simply ask the crystal to clear itself."
"Trust your intuition and higher self to lead you to the best methods and lengths of time for you and the stone."

http://reviews.ebay.com.au/How-to-Clean ... 0001245548
"Placing your crystals in dry sea salt will negate the crystals of all energies.  It is a powerful way of cleansing your crystals.  Place some dry fine sea salt into a glass or crystal bowl and cover your crystals completely, taking care not to have them touching each other. "

http://healing.about.com/od/crystalther ... stones.htm
"To use dry salt, place the sea salt in a glass or non-plastic container and bury the crystals with the points facing downward into the salt. Again, leave overnight. Sometimes a stone may take longer to clear, especially if it has been used in a deep, intense healing. If this is the case, leave another day or two in the sea salt."

"It has absorbent properties both physically and on an energy level."
"Place crystals in a bowl of sea salt. Use your intuition or dowsing to guide you to the length of time to leave them. Be aware though that salt can damage some crystals."
"Fortunately you can use the power of intention to cleanse crystals. Hold the crystal in your palms and visualise it being cleansed by a stream of white light."

http://www.moongoddessjewelry.com/Clean ... stals.html
"he crystal should remain in the salt for at least several hours. You can let them remain in the salt overnight or for several days. You should then thoroughly rinse your crystal under cool running water to remove the remaining salt. Be sure to discard the remaining salt as it should never be reused. "
"Visualization or "thought energy" is another safe way to cleanse your crystals. Hold the crystal, focus on it, and visualize a bright white light surrounding the crystal. Now visualize a beam of white light coming down through the crystal, passing all the way through and exiting from the bottom of the stone carrying with it all the unwanted energies from the crystal. Continue transmitting your thought energy to the crystal until you feel comfortable that the white light has done its job."

"Either bury them into the dry salt or leave them on the surface.  They should be left in the salt for several hours, overnight or for several days.  Your crystals should then be rinsed thoroughly under cool running water to remove any remaining salt.  After use, the salt must be thrown away and never  re-used because it will have absorbed negative and unwanted energies."
"You can also use visualisation or 'thought energy' to cleanse crystals."

"Dry sea salt is wonderful for removing negative energies, and since it is itself a crystal, it resonates well with crystal items. Simply fill a bowl with sea salt and bury your crystal in it for 24 hours. After 24 hours, remove your crystal and wipe clean. Disgard the salt, as it now carries the imbalanced energies."
"Our intention is to purify the crystal to remove any energies or imbalances it may have picked up in handling by others on its way to you. Of course, crystals will also rebalance and cleanse themselves over time if left unused and not handled."

You see!
If you go to all those sites - They all say use your intuition and Intention.
Just ask! :)
And with regards to the sea salt- they all had different ways of doing it and it all worked for THEM.
So find what works for you. Whatever you chose to do will be correct for YOU.
And only 3 of the sites said anything about throwing away the salt.
So do what you feel is right! You can even cleanse the salt with your intention if you are worried about it.

I hope this helps for now.
Let us know how it goes!

P.S) keep in mind what they all say about salt sometimes damaging your crystal- make sure you rinse it.

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