Daily horoscopes for 7th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 7th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:30 pm


Someone you don't know very well will propose an idea today that other people might balk at -- but you see some sort of brilliance in it. To you, it is just so crazy that it might work! Put all your energy behind making it happen, and let this person know you are behind them all the way. Right now you can't do anything half way -- you've got to put your energy into things one hundred percent. Risk is the only way to give yourself the excitement and the success that you're craving, right now.


It's a good time for you to move forward with any travel plans you've had brewing, but you should not sign any legal documents or invest any large sums of money in this trip just yet. Ride things out for a few more days and wait to see if prices go down or a better option crosses your path. Keeping your options open is a smart thing to do as a rule right now -- committing yourself too early will only get you involved in something you might want to get out of later.


You will be able to read other people like a book today -- what once were the vague undercurrents of their true feelings will be blatant and obvious to you. This insight on what will motivate people today is extremely useful for you, especially if you are working through a negotiation. You're going to understand exactly what you need to say in order to get what you want. But don't feel guilty -- this isn't some kind of evil manipulation. You'll create a win-win situation for everyone.


Today, you will reach a turning point in one of your relationships -- although you might be the only one of the two of you who is aware of it! If this person doesn't seem to be seeing the same thing you are seeing, wait until they do before bringing it up as a conversation topic. Let them come to you and broach the subject. Otherwise, you could put them on the defensive and make them feel like you are making a power play of some sort. It's not a good place from which to start a heart-to-heart talk.


Your enthusiasm for what you believe in is more powerful than ever -- use this energy to turn other people on to your cause! If you want to make things happen, today is the day to do it. You can easily persuade others to see things your way, so go for it! Jump into things heart-first, and you stand a greater chance of making your mark and impressing people with what you have to say. Don't hesitate or worry about being too impulsive. It's just not possible today.


Today is a good day to throw yourself into something that could really shake up your life. Sure, it might be a little bit scary -- but it's also going to be very exhilarating! It's time to discover a new hobby, food, sport or hot spot -- anything that will inject some new energy into your daily routine. There's a world of exploration in your own back yard, so get out there today and start poking around. You're sure to meet at least one fascinating person along the way.


Things are going to be very unpredictable today, so watch out for last minutes changes, cancellations and metaphoric wrenches getting tossed into things! Nothing is for certain, and nothing is going to be written in stone. But in a way, not knowing what is going on could be kind of fun. There has been so much predictability in your life lately that this day of shake-ups could be exactly what you have been waiting for! There's no pressure to fulfill plans effectively when the plans will change.


Right now, it's more important than ever that you connect well with others. The energy of other people will inspire you and keep you feeling content with where you are going. So even if you are feeling like you'd like to stay somewhat detached from other people, you need to find a way to get better connected with them, today. Talk to people and find out what you have in common. There are many ways to create stronger connections, you just have to find your favorite one.


When it comes to investing your money for the long haul, being conservative and cautious is totally appropriate. But when it comes to sharing your feelings, you need to start taking a lot more risks. The more you can show your vulnerability to the people you want to be closer to, the faster you will strengthen your relationship. Once you are aware of the boundaries people have, you can talk to them without worrying you are sharing too much or too little.


It's going to be nearly impossible for anyone to hold you back or hold you down, today! You're like a wild horse, ready to blast off in any direction, just to get away from someone who wants to dominate you. This is a wise urge to follow, right now -- the people who are trying to tell you what to do could stand in the way of you achieving what you have been working so hard to achieve. So beware when someone comes to you with a new rule to follow.


One or two things are going to change with little or no notice, today -- but this fluctuation will do you some good. Sure, you could choose to flail about and try to fight to put things back into the little boxes you want them to live in, but what's the point? You'll only tire yourself out. Don't deprive yourself of surprises and spontaneous adventures. Go along with what the crowd wants to do and you will have more fun that you thought you could.


When you're in charge, you have to be in charge! Letting your group of coworkers just do whatever they want to do might make you think you are winning their hearts and minds, but you sure aren't winning their respect. People need discipline right now, and they need to get it from you. By giving orders, you may be helping them be better at their job -- or even in their life. Discipline is more important than ever for everyone in the group today, including you.


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