Daily horoscopes for 8th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 8th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:30 pm


Strange but interesting ideas will be bursting from your brain early today, but good luck getting any of them to become reality, right now. You are likely to deal with some unexpected eruptions from other people, which will definitely distract you. So don't have expectations that are too high, today. You need to slow down anyway -- you've been going too fast for too long and it's time to let other people take the lead. You might have the idea, but they have the energy and the resources necessary.


Today is a very good day for you to look into your future and try to identify possible pitfalls in your latest endeavor. Troubleshooting before there is trouble is a very smart habit to cultivate, so get started! It's not that you are thinking negatively about your project, it's just that you like to be prepared! Having an alternate plan (or two) ready to go will not only put your mind at ease, it will keep you at the head of the pack. So use your imagination to figure out what might go wrong.


One of your newer friendships will hit a snag today, when a misunderstanding causes a confused conversation that could result in hurt feelings. But have no fear -- it's hiccups like this that tend to strengthen a relationship, not break it apart. So take things as they come, and if you or the other person gets ticked off, talk about it! Not only will you get resolution quickly, but you might actually be laughing about it by the end of the day. You can't fear conflict right now.


If you are looking to expand a personal relationship or a business partnership, today might not be the best day for it. Instead, focus on creating a balance between your personal life and your professional life. One of them has been taking over the other, and things will start to fall apart soon unless you adjust your priorities. If you have been calling in sick when you're not really sick, stop. And if you have forgotten your best friend's name, call them immediately and make some plans.


Open your life to renewed relationships, today. Let go of the past and give a second chance to a person who you've been on the outs with lately. Put yourself in their place, listen to what they say and give them the benefit of the doubt. They have needs, and you should try to help them with them. Your generosity and compassion will not go unnoticed, and it will ensure that the two of you get things started on the right foot. A rewarding journey is sure to follow.


Today, it's time for you to hop off the career ladder and stop working so hard to move yourself upward! Ambition is a powerful and positive force, but it has been taking too much control over your life, lately. You need to mix things up and remember what it's like to have some good clean fun. Get back in touch with one of your wackiest friends and schedule in a night out, soon. You need someone in your life right now who can get your mind off of work when you're not at work!


You'll be immensely entertained today when a voice of authority in your life reveals that they don't know everything after all! In fact, in one particular area, you will be the expert while they will be the novice. Try not to lord this over them or make them feel silly -- after all, you want them on your side! Show them how knowledgeable you are, and thus how valuable you are to them! This is your chance to prove your worth in a big way. Things could start changing soon.


It's perfectly acceptable to rely on your network of friends and associates to connect you with the career opportunities that you seek. But they will only send you down the same paths you've already been on -- isn't it time to try something new for a while? Don't be hesitant to go down a road that is unknown to you. If you want a change, why not make it a big change? If you are having the urge, that means you are ready for a major transition. Go explore something that excites you.


Just about anything you suggest, no matter how outlandish or odd it might seem, will be heartily received today -- you have an original mind, and people are loving what it's coming up with! This puts you in an ideal position to lead your coworkers or your friends today, whether into an intimidating meeting or to the mall. Just don't put too much pressure on yourself to come up with every single idea or option. It will intimidate people a bit too much.


Are you ready to make a big impact on someone else's life, today? Good -- all you need to do is open your heart and be there for that person when they need you. It won't take much -- a sweet smile, an extra handkerchief, a sympathetic shoulder to cry on. But the littlest gestures you make will create a positive outcome in the life of someone who could use a friend. And you don't have to come up with words of encouragement, either. Listening is all you need to do.


Today, it's time for you to take a larger view of your life and how your recent actions might have affected your path. You took a turn down a new road -- was it the right decision? Think about it and figure it out before you continue going any further. You need to be more reflective about your actions, and add some more discipline into your life. Hold yourself back from falling into temptations. Doing so will prepare you for something big that's coming soon.


Whether you want to expand your social circle or your career network, you have friends in high places who can help make the connections you need! They won't think you are using them if you call them up and ask them to make an introduction or two for you. In fact, they will love the opportunity to help you meet your goals! Just put yourself in their shoes -- wouldn't it give you a thrill if you knew you had the power to make someone you care about happy?


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