Pet souls

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Pet souls

Post by TheAlchemist » Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:40 pm

this is a long story but i will make it short....i was not in the market for a new pet...but one day my husband asked if he could bring home a kitten..(very unusual for him to want to bring a pet home...that was usually my job)  ..he brought home a kitten and i instantly recognized his soul.....he was in my life previously in different circumstances ...and there were many synchronicities  surrounding this particular pet soul...

Has anyone experienced the return of an animal soul into another pet?

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Post by Crow » Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:56 pm

Did the animal come to you when you refered to this pet by the last name you knew it by?  I have cats that come back.  One being from the time I was a little baby.  When this cat is not in a body, I and others have seen it.  I know by the way they describe him.  Friends, ex partners, family members all have seen this from the corner of their eye.  Sometimes he startles them.  Speacialy those who remain skeptic.  What did they just see but a cat jumping  or walking across the floor!  Then it is gone. I just chuckle since I am used to him.  Doesn't happen everyday or all the time. Just sometimes others will catch a glimpse of the cat.  Doesn't matter where I move to, he always tags along. For some reason this cat has followed me since birth. Why? Dunno. So I believe that they do come back.  Perhaps your familar?  Do you feel really safe when this cat is around too?  They are known to alert us of spirits.  Usually when there is a cat in my home I do not get pestered with many visitors.  There is a calm feeling when they are near. Does this happen for you too?

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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:09 pm

'there were many synchronicities  surrounding this particular pet soul...'

Are you sure you got the right word? a synchronicities are  "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events."
Just curious.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:54 am

I have 5 1/2 cats :) love them, love them, love them....all different personalities.....Crow, seems your cats spirit is very connected to you...isn`t that sooo amazing!!...I have a dog past on & occasionally feel his presence  ...the cats sense him too.....unfortunately the cat I`m referring to is passed too...he has come into my life at least three times (in body form)....stays briefly then leaves earth....I get saddened when i think about i guess that`s why I`m hesitant to talk about it in detail....this was ten years ago when i recognized him for the first time... Prof. Akers  I think synchronicity is the correct word...the most striking coincidence was where the cat came from..(the same street) i found myself driving to that street to see which house and I was astounded to find he came from the same house! on the same street!...and there were many years in between the incarnations...

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Post by Crow » Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:53 pm

Yes he is, but why?  That is the question. What is the message there?  You see when he is not in body he appears like the very first body I remember him as.  Sometimes he will be female, calico, tabby, white, etc.  But in spirit he will always be a certain breed, this is how I know when others describe him.  Again not all the time, he could go a year or more without me or others see him again.  So perhaps your feline friend does come around and you just haven't noticed yet.  Take heart, if he has come 3 times here to you, I am sure he will come around again.  Maybe this time as the local stray.  Hugs

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Post by TheAlchemist » Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:19 pm

oh so interesting...i did have one stray who befriended another cat of mine and again he didn`t stay long...perhaps this was him again.....I think your cats spirit shows himself as one particular breed so you and others will recognize him as the same must be soul have helped him and he has helped what ways? I suppose only you would have the answer to that...fascinating that animals and humans form such special bonds...peace my friend....much love to you and your kitties!

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Post by SassyKitten » Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:34 pm

For several years, I had the most wonderful cat, Sebastian, he was originally my roommate's cat but became mine when I moved out, he bonded with me immediately and we were soulmates.  We had a wonderful time together, then all of a sudden at the age of 5 he passed away from kidney failure, I couldn't stop crying for months.  This happened immediately before circumstances led to me having to move away from the place in which I was living at the time.  A lot of time passed before I got another cat, then I adopted Anya, who I don't think I've known in this lifetime but I think I did know her from another one.  Then several months later, I wasn't intending to get another cat, I was at work, a tiny kitten was trapped under the woodwork because of a storm.  When I saw the eyes looking through I could swear I was staring right at Sebastian all over again.  Either way, I couldn't let a kitten be stuck out there, so I got a manager to go out there with a hammer and crowbar, he rescued her, and I took her home questioning whether I could handle another cat but feeling like this kitten definately came into my life for a reason.

I've become more and more sure this kitten is Sebastian, she responds to his name and his own personal nickname, likes a lot of the same foods, has a lot of the same habits and personality traits(very peculiar personality traits at that!), plus I was told after he passed he'd come back to me as a she.  He is a she this time, her name is now Giselle, her and Anya get along like a house on fire, and well I've known along that Sebastian is extremely special and can never go away from me completely!

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Post by TheAlchemist » Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:15 pm

thank you for sharing that... your story made me  smile....and brought me the feeling of joy....peace my friend...may the purrrrs be with you :)

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Post by SassyKitten » Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:37 pm


That's what our kitties are here for

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Post by TheAlchemist » Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:55 pm

indeed!!...they are precious companions!

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Post by elevenat11 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:05 pm

I believe that our pets only have to have one incarnation down here and that's it.  Then they go home to the Other Side and wait for us.  God loves our animals too and he would never take them away from us.  I know that many times I have felt a cat jump up on my bed and curl up behind my knees.  Thinking that this is my current cat (I always have one), imagine how often I've been surprised to see "nothing" there.  I don't move anyways, I wouldn't want to disturb a cat when its sleeping.  I've also read that our animals are the first ones to welcome us home after we pass away.  To me, this is VERY comforting.  :)

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Post by CMyst77 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:27 pm

I've enjoyed all of your stories and posts!  I have that kinship with a pet, but it wasn't a cat...  It was with the small spirit of a Fischer's Lovebird...  Green Phase...  Her name was "Little Bit"...  She was my most special friend!!  Sadly, she got sick when I brought home a little baby chick (also a special friend of mine!  LOL  He ended up being a little Banty Rooster I named Joley), and died exactly 1 year to the day as my OTHER special friend (A mini Doxie named Mysha)...  Little Bit greeted me every day by flying to me as I opened the door to my bedroom and excitedly chirped and chattered and offered me kisses and beak rubs!  She was the coolest bird in the whole world!!  When she died, I was devastated!!  I mourned her every morning and evening (and any other time I was home in my bedroom) for MONTHS!!!  And then one night, I had a dream about her...  She first appeared to me in my dream dead...  and as I held her in my hand, she slowly came back to life, lifted her little head, flew to my shoulder and gave me all the kisses and beak rubs she could manage to give me...  and then her feathers slowly grew fainter and less colorful... and she laid herself back in my hands, gave me one last sideways glance, made one more little peep, and closed her eyes...  And from that moment, I knew that she had found peace, and that she would be waiting for me with all of my other special friends from this life at the Rainbow Bridge when I finally pass...  And she still visits me from time to time...  I partially wake in the middle of the night to feel a fresh nibble-kiss or eyelash preening...  But when I wake, she is never there...  Just the lingering feeling of her visit...  And I always smile, and tell her that I haven't forgotten her...  And that someday we'll be together again...

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