Daily horoscopes for 13th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 13th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:30 pm


Try not to get involved in anything that confuses you, today -- it's only going to lead to frustration. This isn't a great day for learning new tasks or starting new projects. Your mind won't be able to focus quickly on adapting to new methods or ideas. If you feel that you're unclear about a rule or a law, get clarity immediately! Ask someone in the know what the real deal is, and don't be worried about looking like you don't know what you're doing. Your pride should not enter into things.


Today you are finally coming to a deeper understanding of a task that has been particularly challenging to you. You're getting a handle on things and feeling more and more empowered about what you need to do. This will be a wonderful day for you -- your power is growing and it feels very good. You are starting to think that you could pretty much overcome any obstacle that comes your way. And you know what? You are absolutely right.


The idea of making some big changes in your life is very appealing to you right now -- possibly even including making a career change. But be careful not to assume that a new job will equal a new life. There's much more to it than that. A different daily monotony is still a daily monotony, no matter what the new title may be. So it's important to add a healthy dose of reality in with all of your wishful thinking and fantasizing. Give this idea a little bit more thought before acting on it.


Today you need to take time to be grateful about where you are. You have so much good energy around you, and you know that was not always the case. The tough times are behind you, and it's a wonderful day to take a deep breath and relax! Take stock and do a mental inventory of the people who leave you feeling energized and good about yourself -- and the people who leave you feeling drained. Moving forward, make sure you choose to spend time with only positive influences.


There are always consequences for your actions, but today they might be the kind that you can't predict, so make sure you listen very closely to what other people say. They will give you all the clues you need to guess how the group will react once you announce your big decision. If you fear their reaction will be bad, that doesn't mean you should change your mind -- it just means you should be prepared to explain yourself. They won't take a simple 'because I said so' for an answer.


You might be moving too quickly for others, today. Your brain is firing on all cylinders, and not everyone is going to be able to keep up! But don't give it a second thought -- let other people go at the pace that feels the most comfortable to them. You can't adjust your timetable to suit the needs of others, and moving on without them won't create any tensions at all. It's sort of an every person-for-themselves time in your life, when you just have to do what you have to do.


Every goal you set for yourself doesn't have to be a big one -- who are you trying to impress, anyway? Everyone who needs to think you are a rock star already thinks it, so take a breather and just relax. Today, set a few smaller goals instead of one big one. And don't get upset if things don't progress at all! You're not in a race, no matter how much you would like to be the first one finished. Focus your energy on smaller tasks that need to be done around the house.


Step out of reality today when you have the chance, and check in with your fantasy life! It's been stuck on pause for far too long -- you need to get back in there and fill in some blanks. Dream about where you'll be in ten years, fantasize about who you will be with and what you will be doing. There is no harm in having the line between reality and fantasy blurred right now. In fact, it will make your reality all the more clear. Daydreaming can help your day go by!


Are you afraid of hearing something you don't want to hear? Or confused about what you'll do if you do hear what you want to hear? Waiting for news can be excruciating, but there is no getting around it. To distract yourself in the meantime, get in touch with someone who has been through what you are going through. Ask them about their experience and listen to them reminisce. Not only will you help the time go faster, you will learn a lot that you can apply to your own life in the future.


Getting too much attention could be dangerous for you, right now -- you are not quite ready for a high level of scrutiny, so beg off making any major presentations, today. There is no need to do anything before you are ready to do it, and no one will be pushing you. So don't try to be a star before you've got the material you need to back it up! Hang back and wait until you know you are ready for prime time. If you want to advance a project, just work on it some more.


If you are being pulled and pushed back and forth by two different people right now, you have to get out of the middle of it! These other people have their own issues, and they need to deal with them without you. You don't need the stress, and you certainly don't deserve the responsibility of fixing something that you didn't break. Let them know to count you out of the fight today, and keep yourself busy making some headway on your chores or work goals.


As much as you would like, you simply cannot be friends with everyone -- so why even try? It's not that you should write certain people off or starting being rude to people who don't fawn all over you. But you should stop wasting all of your energy trying to charm someone who just doesn't seem to get where you are coming from. Instead, put your energy toward the people who deserve your time and who give you back the kindness and respect you give to them.


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