Pluto is still considered ?

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Pluto is still considered ?

Post by Marigold123 » Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:11 pm


I was going through the lessons and syllabus topic when I remembered that a couple of years ago, scientists have discovered that the planet Pluto is no longer following its orbital path. So, from now on seems like Pluto is not considered as one of the planet of the universe. Is that true ?

If it is true, then will it still have effect/ vibration on we, the human beings ? I have heard somewhere that the Pluto relationship talks about the karma. If that is the case, when Pluto does not even follow its Orbital path around the Sun, how much karmic effects is it going to influence on us ?


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Post by Youdah » Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:32 pm

Most planets in the solar system orbit the sun in an ecliptic shape, which is about the shape of a circle.  Pluto's orbit is different in that it's orbit is elliptical.  The orbital path is believed to be influenced by other factors, similar to gravitational pulls from Neptune, the moons orbiting Pluto, etc.  Although Pluto's orbit is not like most of the other planets, the orbit is stable and is following its expected least for the next million years or so.

Pluto was also "demoted" from being a planet to being a ?.  I say ? because there is still a lot of controversy over what Pluto actually is!  Some say it's a comet, some say it's still a planet, some say it's a moon broken from orbiting Neptune, some say it is just another object in a belt of similar objects (Kuiper belt), etc.

As I have mentioned before, I would rather quote someone who has said something well than try to re-invent the wheel, so to speak.  I found this quote fromm Wikipedia:


Modern astrologers differ on the source of the planets' power. Some hold that the planets exert their influence directly through gravitational or some other unknown power. Others hold that the planets have no direct influence in themselves, but are mirrors of basic organising principles in the universe. In other words, the basic patterns of the universe repeat themselves everywhere, in fractal-like fashion, and 'as above so below'. Therefore, the patterns that the planets make in the sky reflect the ebb and flow of basic human impulses.

Whether or not there is an actual "force" in the universe that explains astrology -- or if it is only metaphorical of life -- Pluto, like all planets or heavenly bodies will continue to be valid in astrological interpretations. (we'll talk about this "force or metaphor" controversy later in class.)

There are other planetary bodies that exert an influence upon astrology.  For example, the moon's nodes are not really a place or thing at all, but only a "sensitive" energy position.  The moon's nodes are used in karmic astrology more often than Pluto.  Although anything in the chart can be used for karmic astrology when doing a chart solely for past life readings.

I hope this answers your questions!  :)  We should keep these questions around for when we talk about Pluto more!

Does anyone else have any comments or insights into this?

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