Daily horoscopes for 29th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 29th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:30 pm


Someone you admire and care a lot about will be under some heavy scrutiny today, and they could use some encouraging words to keep them feeling positive. Get out there and give them a hand! Be their cheerleader and send them sweet emails throughout the day letting them know you are thinking of them. It stinks that they are going through this, but resist getting involved more deeply than is appropriate. Use your energy toward taking care of them, not seeking revenge.


The intensity in your eyes will do more to intimidate any opponents than your tactics ever could right now, so if you are engaged in any kind of competition today, make sure you lock gazes! Send them some telepathic intimidation! Then, make sure that all of your arguments are logical and based in fact -- if you just try to bully someone you aren't going to prevail for very long. Besides, you wouldn't want to win an argument by resorting to such low blows anyway.


Your latest health concern should be addressed quickly -- that way you will know it's nothing to worry about sooner! This should serve as a good wake up call toward taking better care of your physical self. Drinking more water, taking more walks, and eating more vegetables are all good things you're not doing enough of! Drastic measures aren't required to be healthier -- making small changes that you can live with is the only thing you need to do in order to make your next checkup more pleasant.


A few emotional conflicts will be distracting you a little bit today, and they could keep you from focusing on the tasks at hand as much as you need to focus on them. You have some tough choices to make and some tough feelings to work through, but you need to have faith in yourself that you can do it! Try to put your feelings aside long enough to get your work done, and then get back to them at the end of the day when you can be alone with your thoughts.


Someone's ego is going to get in your way, today -- they aren't the type who likes to collaborate, because that means they will have to share the spotlight! But all of this bluster really just hides a deep insecurity they have. And once you figure out what that insecurity is, you'll be all set! All you need to do is make them feel more confident about that insecurity and then they will be much more pleasant to work with. Your people skills and sense of intuition are going to be invaluable.


You are currently running the risk of freezing up, under all the icy-cold-logic-thinking you're doing. You can try to analyze the unseen, but you probably won't ever succeed. Stop spending so much time thinking about ideas, and get back into the rules of the real world. There are people who need you to get back in touch with them and get involved in what is going on. Your input is too valuable for them to do without. So today, try to get out of your own head, for a change.


Nothing is wrong with trying to keep more of your money, but have you figured out what exactly you are keeping it for? Rainy days are one thing, but you should spend some time today thinking about your next big thing -- your next investment, or that big ticket purchase. It's never too early to start researching your options and figuring out the best approach. If you're just saving for the sake of saving, you could become too stingy.


Clear energy will be shining down on you today, giving you a razor-sharp spiritual vision. Better than ever before, you will be able to easily understand the connection between people, which makes you an excellent matchmaker! Playing Cupid might never have held any appeal to you before, but when you see chemistry explode between two single pals today, you won't be able to resist formulating a plan to get the two of the together again. This is going to be fun, and probably successful, too!


Your life may be a mystery to you right now, but that doesn't mean you have to solve it. Don't try to figure out why things are happening the way they are happening -- there is no reason. You're not being tested, you're not being rewarded, and you're not being punished! The roller coast ride you're on is just another part of the journey. If things get tough, rely on friends and family to keep you smiling. They're awfully good at cheering you up and reminding you how special you are.


Your gift, today, is the great ability to accept the things you cannot change in your life, which will come in handy. There is a lot going on that is beyond your control right now, and there is no point in getting frustrated about it. Your best bet is to keep busy with the few things you can control right now -- your attitude, your sense of confidence, and your focus. This period will pass soon enough, but in the meantime you should get comfortable doing what you're told.


Leave your career plans simmering on the back burner for a while -- if you really want to achieve major things right now, focus on a friendship! One of the people you care deeply about is missing you, but they are too afraid to let you know. They respect where you put your priorities, but are a little sad that they haven't scored a higher place on the list. Let them know they are important to you, too, today by calling them out and making a date to do something with them -- soon.


After a short but serious period of emotional upheaval, your life is finally going to start calming down. There could be one lingering drama that just won't die, but it will at least be small enough that you can ignore it for a while. This return to your routine is something quite welcome, and will make you appreciate the quiet joys of your life -- like having time to be bored! You'll enjoy having quiet moments by yourself, so try to get in as many as possible.


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