Daily horoscopes for 3rd November, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 3rd November, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:30 pm


It doesn't matter if you have a drive for success if you're not moving anywhere! Today is a day for making the most of your potential. There is too much at stake right now to let other people take control or to let other people tell you what to do. You have a goal, and you have the skills you need to get there. Have confidence in your gut, and trust it to help you make the right choices. Stop looking to other people for guidance about things they don't even care about.


It might feel like you are losing some of your idealism today when a harsh truth hits you square in the face, but do not lose sight of your hopes and dreams. You can see the better side of people if you choose to, so don't give up. Sure, every once in a while someone will disappoint you with their actions, but that doesn't make them a bad person. If you care about someone, you need to give them a second chance. You will be very glad you did.


You need to slow down right about now. Why are you trying so hard to rush past everyone else? Why get ahead of them? You haven't stopped to realize than once you zoom right by everyone, you'll be all alone! There is much more value to being in synch with the pack right now than in crossing some sort of finish line before the rest of them. You can't think of it as slowing down for the sake of others -- think of it as keeping yourself in touch with what everyone else has got going on.


Today is a great time for you to look ahead toward your future. Start putting some new goals into place, and try to get a little bit more aggressive about achieving them. It's very wise to create attainable goals, but it's only the loftiest goals that can inspire you to stretch yourself in new ways. Time is going to move forward whether you are aware of it or not, so you need to make every day count. Creating an awareness of where you are now versus where you want to be will help you do just that.


You shouldn't speak or act too quickly today because you are going to be around people who are quick to judge -- and slow to listen. Not only could they misinterpret your goals, they could start talking to other people and spread news or gossip around that isn't accurate. Also, while your confidence is healthy and well-managed, it could come off as arrogance if you are not careful. You need to know your audience -- and then you can avoid saying things you'll regret.


Today, any first impressions you are going to make will be very important, and your ambition requires you to play along with some political games. Use a classic combination of calm and cool to help you take advantage of a gigantic opportunity when it appears in front of you later in the afternoon. Don't show how enthusiastic you really are right away. Save that for when you are celebrating later with friends. An objective demeanor will be called for most of the day.


You may really want to help a friend or coworker who is struggling to keep up right now, but there are limits to what you can do. Don't beat yourself up if you can't make their world as sunshiney bright as you feel it should be. Everyone goes through tough times, and this person will get through it. More than anything, they just need your support right now. You might not be able to change anything for them, but you can be their friend -- and that's priceless. So just aim for that.


Your already-healthy ambition needs to get a little bit more exercise to stay on top of its form -- so how about putting it to work in your personal life? This is a great day to start making powerful improvements in your romantic life. If you don't have a romantic life, it's a great day to start one! Whether you create an account on an online dating site or ask a fascinating person out on a date, make sure that the actions you take are bold, bright and confident!


There's a bit of a battle brewing between your more cautious and conservative side and your more outrageous and radical side, today. No matter which side comes out on top, you'll still be fine -- so don't worry, this day will be a win for you. You'll even start to enjoy how your mood swings between being quiet and calm to being boisterous and ready to the hunt for the next party. Your unpredictability is making you very attractive to a certain someone -- pay attention!


If you're putting negative energy into a tricky situation at work or school, then how on earth are you going to ever have a positive outcome? You have to work for the good of everyone, not just yourself, right now. Acting out of spite or jealousy or greed might get you an instant payoff, but farther on down the road it is going to cost you big. So be altruistic in every situation and try to consider others. When you do that, they will consider your needs later.


You have to listen to your body today. If you are feeling tired, then go get some rest. If you're feeling antsy, then go get some exercise! Do whatever your body craves and it will lead you to fulfillment. It's too easy to lose sight of what is best for you when you are always so busy doing what is best for other people. For a change, how about letting other people cater to your needs? They really would be happy to do it. You merely have to ask them once in a while.


Today could be a very productive day, thanks in no small part to all of the generous friends and coworkers who are offering their helping hands. Are you going to accept their contributions? Don't let your ego get in the way of doing something that makes sense, like calling in some favors or accepting the help that's offered! These people want to help you, so why not let them? They are only doing what you would do in their shoes -- offering to come to the aid of someone they like and respect.


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