Daily horoscopes for 5th November, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 5th November, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:30 pm


You can always try to plan ahead in life, but you can't always succeed at mapping out your future down to the last minute. So don't get to feeling hopeless if something you really really thought was going to happen just doesn't look like it's going to pan out after all. You had things all lined up, and now you're just going to have to line them up in a new configuration. This is actually a very good day for you -- you're learning a valuable lesson at a very affordable price.


Give people the benefit of the doubt today and you will dramatically increase the chances of having a stress-free day! Just let their grumpiness roll off your back and try to remember how funny or amusing they can be. If someone says something that rubs you the wrong way, just laugh it off. The alternative -- getting all frustrated or angry -- isn't going to make you feel better, and it could start up a fight you don't really want to deal with. Stick to your guns if it gets too tough.


If the social life you've been living has been getting a bit tired and stale, then today offers you the perfect opportunity to radically change things up! There is at least one person around you today who will come up with a kooky plan for fun -- and you should get in on it as early as you can. And if it's something you never though you'd do in a million years, that's even better! Taking yourself out of your comfort zone has never felt better, and it has never yielded better results.


Try to accept things they way they are right now -- even if they're not exactly how you want them to be. Keep in mind that things will never be perfect. So the sooner you can learn how to be more flexible, the better! Being uncomfortable, either emotionally or physically, isn't necessarily a bad thing, anyway. There is a lot of opportunity for growth when you are struggling to make things better. If everything was easy, then attaining things wouldn't be very rewarding.


Start flexing your muscles, today, and using your power. It's only when you start using it that you start to understand how much power you have. If you are a little bit more demanding, you will start to understand that you can be in control without being too bossy. It's good to challenge people to meet your high standards -- they appreciate the fact that you believe they are capable of great things! You have to be willing to be disliked if you truly want to inspire other people.


You add sunshine to the lives of other people, but only if they let you. Today, if someone refuses to be anything but gloomy or grouchy no matter how many knock knock jokes you tell them, just move on. Why worry about one person who is still stuck in their own personal fog? They have to be open-minded enough to see that they can choose to be happy. And if they're not, you can't make them. Let them find their own way to happiness -- it's much more rewarding that way, anyway.


Romance has a way of giving you a new outlook on life, but that doesn't mean that a lack of romance in your life means that you need to feel stuck in a rut. If you're single right now, today will give you an opportunity to see life in a fresh perspective. Take a chance, and you'll start to appreciate your independence in a whole new way. If you're in a relationship or just starting one, you and your partner may be entering a phase of separation. It's healthy, so don't worry!


Put your household on the top or your priority list -- there has been some tension growing there, and you need to try to create more harmony between yourself and your family members or roommates. It won't take much. All you need to do is start the conversation that needs to take place. Then things will move forward from there and resolution will be found before you know it. Anticipating these kinds of conversations is always worse than actually having them!


You've been needing to say something to a close friend for a while -- and today is the perfect day to say it. The energy centered around communication is very strong, and instant clarity is likely. There is very little chance that this person will misinterpret you or get defensive. Find a place to talk where the two of you can be alone and won't be interrupted, then just speak from your heart directly. And don't make them pull the information out of you!


Today you will see that there is the right time for being tight with your money, and a wrong time for stinginess. Sometimes, spending can actually help you save in the long run. But be wary of anyone who tells you what to do with your finances -- nine times of out of ten, the advice they give you benefits them more than anyone else. You have the skills and the instinct to manage your money well, so try trusting yourself more. Do the research, and you'll never doubt yourself again.


Know how you can make today a great day? By getting as involved as you can in the lives of others. This is not to say that you should butt in where you are not wanted or invade anyone's privacy -- but you should try harder to delve deeper when you have an otherwise typical conversation. Instead of skimming the surface with light small talk, ask more questions. Probe. And when you're asked for input, don't be shy about giving it. Exchanging ideas leads to increased positive energy.


The decisions you make today are going to affect more than just your life -- other people are more involved than you realize. This doesn't mean that you should make different choices than you were planning to make, it just means that if you do, you should be prepared for some conflict -- not everyone is going to be happy. Is a compromise possible? You have always been someone who is open to new ideas and change, so investigate a way of making everyone happy.


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