Is he being honest?

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Is he being honest?

Post by teme » Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:40 pm

Is my partner being honest with me or is he lying or trying to escape smoothly?
(Is he really so burdend up at this time or is it maybe just an excuse for being with me less?)
Nov 13,2008, 00:09, 20:30E, 44:50N

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Post by Youdah » Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:36 am

There's something he isn't telling you (Scorpio mars square neptune 1/3rd House).  But, it doesn't seem to rise to the level of deliberate deception (moon trine jupiter and saturn, opp. mercury, sextile uranus).  I would call it more "man stuff" so that he doesn't want to talk to you about what's really going on with him (Scorpio mercury in 1st H.).  And, yes, I think he really is burdened in his career.  (Virgo Saturn in 10th).


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Post by teme » Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:16 am

I didn't post the picture of horoscope above, so now here it is.
Virgo is on Asc, not the 10th house.. (GMT+1) :)

Thank you very much for your reply, can you please check it again now?


In this horoscope Neptune as the co-ruler of 7th (him) is square Moon (me?) and Mars (ruler of his 3rd-his words..), this is what bothers me, although his co-ruler Jupiter is great here...also 2nd ruler of his 3rd (venus) is 'interesting'??

HIs coruler Neptune is in his 12th house, how to interpret that?

Also, in his 7th is Saturn opposing Uranus in his 1st, can it be that he sees me as a burden right now?
(btw saturn and uranus are rulers of his 12th, so we have 12th again highlightened?? - can it be that I'm not the burden, but that we shared some burden together (we did..)

Then again, if I am Mercury (ruler of 1st), am I weakened, because it is close to the Sun?

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Post by Youdah » Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:07 am

I used the following information from your post:

Nov 13,2008, 00:09, 20:30E, 44:50N

Meaning 00:09 for time, or 12:09 AM, coordinates at 20:30 East, and 44:50 North.

Since you didn't give me a place, I'm not going to search all over the internet to try to figure out where 20E 44N might be.  So, I used my current location for the GMT.  (Your chart uses GMT+1, my current GMT is -5).

Whenever the astrologer does not have an accurate time/place, it is permissible to use the astrologer's time/place.  It has been my experience that this can sometimes make confusion, and sometimes affects accuracy.  This is why I've asked people to read the Sticky Notes at the beginning of this forum before making a horary request so the appropriate and complete information is given.

Making the adjustments to GMT (changes in bold):

There's something he isn't telling you (Scorpio mars square neptune 3/6 House).  But, it doesn't seem to rise to the level of deliberate deception (moon trine jupiter and saturn, opp. mercury, sextile uranus).  I would call it more "man stuff" so that he doesn't want to talk to you about what's really going on with him (Scorpio mercury in 3rd H.).  And, no, I don'tthink he is really burdened in his career.  (7th House Uranus, derivative 10th is Sagittarius 4th House)  The big problem is that he's wanting space and freedom (retrograde Uranus 7th House).  Because Uranus is retrograde, someone is going to have a change of heart.  Either you will change your mind about him, or else his little trip into freedom won't be what he really wants afterall.  

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Post by teme » Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:57 am

Thank you very much Youdah, I admit I haven't read the notes, sorry for a little confusion about the place..
Youdah wrote: The big problem is that he's wanting space and freedom (retrograde Uranus 7th House).  Because Uranus is retrograde, someone is going to have a change of heart.  Either you will change your mind about him, or else his little trip into freedom won't be what he really wants afterall.  [/b] [/i]
Are you saying here that he won't be the one to cool down on me really & forever, but that he actually might get closer to me after a 'little trip to freedom'?
(because now he's acting distant, and we're still not a real couple, just a date...) ?

P.S. He is really not burdened by career, but by his personal life, he recently had some death cases in family, and he wants to change the place of living, also he is desperate to find 'the right one'..
(I hope he can conclude that's me?...  
We're just at the beginning of our relationship and still don't know each other totally...)

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Post by teme » Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:53 pm

A question more: can this horary tell precisely did his grandma really die?
(if that's so, i was the one 'beside' him (via telephone) when he went through it..)?


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Post by teme » Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:09 am

Youdah wrote: The big problem is that he's wanting space and freedom (retrograde Uranus 7th House).  Because Uranus is retrograde, someone is going to have a change of heart.  Either you will change your mind about him, or else his little trip into freedom won't be what he really wants afterall.  [/b] [/i]
And can this mean that he is backing away and wants to return to his previous love??

I'd really appreciate any further answers, I'm totally new in horary and I want to learn, also this man is very important to me..

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Post by Youdah » Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:25 pm

Horary can't continue to answer new questions after the chart has been made.  It can't answer a never ending scenario of everything you want to know about a subject.  It answers the one question only.

As for your relationship, I've already made my comments in another thread.  When there is so much suspicion and mistrust, you either need to get that resolved with him, or forget it.  No relationship can last with this kind of ugliness and problems in it.  So stop fussing and chasing after something that is already dead.  If he's really lying to you, have some self respect and stop putting up with it.

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