General Questions on Mediumship

Post your questions here. Have a healthy discussion, and learn to develop your psychic skills as a novice medium.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:27 pm

OK the tool for getting in touch with your own body, mind, spirit (the instrument of psychic work) is meditation.  When you meditate you focus your mind energies to an this case we are suggesting a piece of fruit.  So how do you meditate?

There are quieting of the body exercises (breathing, humming, etc.) then we focus our mind on our meditation purpose.  Examine the fruit in a state of quiet.  Then close the eyes and take it to a deeper level within yourself.  I often refer the student to opening then feeling the flow of energy/light from the crown throughout the whole body.  At this stage some would use chakras to open their abilities.

Does this help?

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Re: I am confused

Post by dreamfairy » Sun Jul 29, 2007 11:26 pm

Nelope123 wrote:Again, I don't mean to sound stupid, but do we physically "eat" the fruit, or just imagine eating it?  I understand that we are suppose to use all of our 5 senses, but I don't understand what the other (2) things we are suppose to add.  What do you mean when you say, "add 2 more (intuition (from the mind) and I know (from the heart - it neither sees nor hears - it just knows) and take them to the psychic sensitivities within your whole body, mind, spirit.  The tool we use is meditation."

Again, I am confused.  Can someone please help me understand this better.  I feel like a person with an IQ of Zero here.
:smt017 I am confused too, do you use your imagination or actually eat the fruit? And "add 2"... etc what does this mean? I understand meditation, I practice meditation and visualisation, so do I go into a meditative state and imagine eating the fruit?  And how do I take it to "a deeper level within myself" dreamfairy :smt101

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:32 pm

The fruit exercise is getting in touch with all your senses (the ones you use in the material expression of life) and then you open yourself to the psychic and add intuition - from the gut and I know - from the heart.  

There are many vibrations around our earth and we can attune to other than the gross matter material vibrations.  that is what defines there is 'more' in the universe than we realize.  Are we not in an altered state of consciousness when psychic abilities arise?  

And perhaps recognizing that we are in this altered state is a part of taking charge and understanding our own gifts.

The fruit exercise is just one of many that works to open the senses.  You can eat the fruit in the end.  There is no meditation involved here...merely a material examination of the fruit then a closed eyes, more sensitive view.

BTW have you read ANY of the material posted?  And in particular I would recommend the tools of your own consciousness to begin to understand the self, then the altered states of consciousness when working with the more in the universe.

God bless, J

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how do you develope mediumship?

Post by BASSTONYA » Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:07 am

I was just wondering how a person can develope mediumship. I have been told that I am Empath, and underdeveloped psychibility. I was just courious. Anything will help. Thank you

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:23 pm

All learning experiences begin with self culture - in psychic work it is the taking charge of your own body, mind, spirit.  It is not an instant thing.  

Reading through all the write ups gives some help and aid to all the efforts that the individual is practicing.  It also gives a good base for doing the psychic development.

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where do i start?

Post by lluvia » Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:47 am

what courses can i take to start ,or tools or software where do i go from here,a little confuse thanks lluvia be blessed :smt017

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:32 am

It is totally up to what you want!  For a certification (Speaker, Healing, Demonstrator) course in Spiritualism, we require a commitment to doing essays of 500-1000 words.

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Re: General Questions on Mediumship

Post by HuntinOwl » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:58 am

chrisdee wrote:A few months ago a spirit was brought to me (i have written about it in another part of the forum) up until then i could go to open circle and receive pictures some times accompanied by words from spirit and give small messages but as soon as i had one episode of assisted rescue work my ability in circle vanished could you please tell me whether you get tasters of whats to come and i am developing as i have now seen my Guides and i can still feel the emotions of spirits when there around or did i not pass some kind of test
i know this may be difficult to answer but i would appreciate your comments
I did not really see where your answer was, but I think one person gave you a theory. Start at your meditative center and feel your energies build allow yourself to reach out(at your crown chakra) let yourself expand and see the......light,door, or place that makes you feel good while in the astral ask your guide to help you.
Get back in--touch with what your missing. good luck.

It is totally up to what you want!  For a certification (Speaker, Healing, Demonstrator) course in Spiritualism, we require a commitment to doing essays of 500-1000 words.
I wrote this; do you think this helps:
Divination and how it works

 When you think about Divination, you think about tarots, Runes, I Ching and other types of scrying.  All of these forms  of divinations rely on three things. Symbolism, Intuition, and your Aptitude.

 Aptitude is what someone is, that has been doing a skill for a number of years. Sometimes you won’t have the ability to be adept in a specific skill. But don’t worry, no one can master all the different types divination. To be adept in something is to know that thing works completely. Front to back, inside and out.

 Intuition is to have Insight, Instinct, awareness a Sixth Sense of what things (cards runes, etc.) mean when you look at them and how they sit together. Intuition is also the feelings you get, when you get into a circumstance that you have not been directly prepared for, or to say studied. Intuition is how your guiding sprit lets you have a preconception of His/Her (the guiding-spirits) thoughts. Intuition also protects you when you’re in danger or about to be, that's another discussion. Intuition also works with symbols.

 Symbols are a form of communication. Symbols can be equated to the signs of the times. A sign tell you what’s going on. Symbols are how the spirit world talks with the living. Sometimes you may see symbols while your walking or riding around that gives you a feeling. This feeling could be a Spirit of the area (not your guiding spirit) trying to tell you something. If the symbol make you feel confused then most likely more not familiar with the symbol you have seen. At that moment (it take second or two) the uncertainty will be replace with the feeling your suppose to have. In that moment you’re guiding Spirit deciphers what the other sprit was trying to tell you. And in most cases if you’re not in danger you won’t get the deciphering. Instead the feeling is that you need to look up the symbol. We are here to learn how the spirit world and how our world deals with symbols. It is OUR duty to learn as many types of symbols as you can in this lifetime. The first symbols can be found on cave walls. It was a way to communicate and share what a person was thinking. Later anthropologist studied these symbols to find out the meaning. From the Druids, we have  
twenty-seven trees or plants that have a symbolic meaning behind them. They deal with Month, Color, and Classes (three different types) Letters, Meaning (spiritual, physical or emotional). The Ogham is from the same area and have some of the some trees (Birch, Rowan, Alder, Willow, Ash, Hawthorne, Oak, Holly, Hazel, Apple, Vine, Ivy, Reed, Blackthorn, Elder, Silver Fir, Fur, Heather, Mistletoe, White Poplar, Aspen, Yew, Spindle, Honeysuckle and Beech tree. Oh by the way not all of the aforementioned trees were considered sacred. But all do have meaning). Color, shape, size and maybe the historical upbringing of any symbol that your trying to shed light on could have different meaning at any giving time. It really all depends on how you “feel” about the symbol or sign that you see at that time that allows you to coherently decipher it. Symbols may have different meanings when they are next to, or in back of another symbol.  
The Pics and Celts watched nature and how things work together. With the understanding that some things happened when certain things occurred. They would take note of an outcome from the things they seen. In that way you could say that nature was telling them what was going to happen. It is like the “Odinistic” walk. When you take a walk in nature and while meditating or in an alter-state you allow yourself to see the different runes of Odin. This is a way to allow deity to let you in on what’s going on in your life, or in the near future. Now that I said as little as I could on the subject without getting in to too much detail here is a Picture of Symbol they're for discussion purposes. Now Lets Talk.


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:17 pm

The astral is the lowest of planes with the uneducated and sometimes disruptive energies of lower spirits.  Reaching for the higher realms aids in the spiritual as well as mediumship journies so that our true spirit guides who love us are available.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:52 pm

Yes - is there a question?

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Post by cedars » Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:06 pm

I am getting a bit confused what to post where with regard to the Mediumship course.

I did the fruit exercise....... In fact, let me retract... While I was reading the posts on people who did the exercise with a lime fruit, I did not need to do the exercise at all, as I already sensed the smell and the citrus taste in my mouth while reading some of the experiences.
Now I just did the apple exercise but it was not as as strong as the lime exercise, may be because an apple has a more subtle flavour (it was red delicious by the way) than a cirtus fruit.


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:24 pm

The idea of the course material was for reading, enjoying the ideas, and then perhaps questioning any experiences that meet or don't with some of the material.  That is the intent of the material.

As far as the exercises, everyone gets things differently and they can experience it according to their own mediumship.  I would say that you have a strong intuitive sense and are picking up energies on the internet from others.  It is not unusual but is a unique thing to your own mediumship.  And, as you say, citrus fruits are stronger than an apple.

The more we try out these exercises and open our own senses (all 5 + intuition from the gut and I know from the heart) the more potential to strengthen it comes to your own mediumship practices.

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My daughter hears spirits and see's them

Post by eliparoto » Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:00 pm

Not sure if I am posting this right but, my daughter has been hearing spirits in my home and seeing them, they even pull on her blanket and pillow when she is in bed. She's been hearing more of them like as if they are all conversating around her, and some say "we know you can hear us" and " Irene can you hear me". My daughter is only 13 and she gets so overwhelmed I don't know what to do for her. I have never experience that, though the craft runs in my family and I have certain kinds of dream that warn me of the next day and I forsee when I am going come inot contact with a friend or family memeber. I have heard the little girl my daughter says she seen not as much as she has, but my son has been seeing them and hearing them and they even been touching him on his head, back, arm he goes off on them when that happens. My daughter has 3 younger sisters and they are scared because they don't want to see it, but they have heard it as well. I just don't know how to help my oldest its particulart her the spirits take to, and they are always calling her name, she has to wear headphones with music to sleep because they will literally call her name back and forth. I just don't know what to do.......

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:11 am

Has anyone discussed protection and grounding with you or your daughter?  The first step in psychic/mediumship work is:  TAKE CHARGE!  It is your (or this case  your daughter's) body, mind, spriit.  She can open and close when she chooses.  Do not allow that spirit is in charge - the medium is in charge.

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