Lesson 1 Discussion and Interpretation -- The Houses

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Post by Naomiel » Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:55 pm

Can I post my natal chart here or is there a new discussion thread for that?

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Post by soulsearch » Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:23 am

Hi Naomiel,

You can put your chart here. Do let me know if you need any help :)

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Post by soulsearch » Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:51 am

Hope its correct.

Naomiel's chart.
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Post by Naomiel » Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:05 am

In my chart my Sun was 12 degrees Aquarius.....
Youdah, could you please tell me which chart is right.... and how did Soulsearch and I get different charts? In Soul searchs chart that she posted for me My sun sign is 11 degrees Pisces ..... *says scratching head in total confusion*

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Post by soulsearch » Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:13 am

Naomiel your sunsign is a Pisces. So your sun should be in Pisces????Did you by chance get the dates mixed up 2/3/72 instead of 3/2/72. Just a guess?

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Post by Naomiel » Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:20 am

Thanks again Soul search.... I just assumed the date format was in american.... silly me! oooops  :smt044

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:54 pm

Hey guys! I'm back!!!
"that walk in the park" hahahaha!! Try animal planet!!! hahahaha! Gosh that made me laugh!! heehee - Thanx soulsearch for the heads up! My exams went really well (which is a first since my school days - lets just say these last 4 years haven't been very study orientated :smt002 )
Okay so lets dive on in and see what gets dragged to the surface!
Hoosiergal wrote:don't have a spontaneous bone in my body
hahahahaha!!! man I laughed out loud at that!
Thank you for being so clear, I now know, think I know, where I need to work on.

Also about the printscreen also known as PrtSc on your keyboard – I do a PrtSc for the whole page or a Alt PrtSc (only does the active box) and then I paste it into a word doc, microsoft paint (can loose quality) or any graphic application.
Youdah wrote:I do encourage everyone to do reading, and to research different things in astrology as the interest hits you.  But, please, try not to do it for interpretations.
Right gotcha!
Youdah wrote:it's just that I think you've been trying to make it more difficult than it is.  (KISS)
Oh the story of MY LIFE!!! I seem to have an inability to keep things simple :) hahaha! Kinda like complicated things make perfect sense while simple things just throw me off – my brain just goes “falter falter- there needs more input-it cannot be so simple-need for info.” heehee
Youdah wrote: 5th House = pleasures, creativity, children, romance
   Fire Sign (the triplicity)
   Suceedant (middle of cycle)
Aquarius (because this is the Sun Sign on your 5th House cusp)  Friends, goals and hopes
   Air sign (the triplicity)
   Suceedant (middle of the cycle)
Jees when you put it like that! It’s a complete replica! (besides the fire air)
I’m not sure if that means that I am very 5th house orientated, like I fit the ‘mould’ of a 5th house character? There are ‘good’ things about a direct replica and there are def some ‘negative’ things. Nothing in excess as they say. But could be deemed as strong…
Or …umm I don’t actually know what other reason there could be.
Youdah wrote: The snag is that you aren't trusting your OWN WISDOM!
ta da!!! the OTHER story of my life.
I find this all quite foreign to me – I have never come across this particular kind of thinking – not explaining this very well but kinda like I will say something and it REALLY is a thought that I have just thought up for the first time so it feels weird. Kinda empty and without the backup of other info that I am used to. I’m sort of throwing out the paper jet – the thought feels all shaky and light, without strength.  Like I am truly taking a stab in the dark and am very very surprised when it comes back okay.
Youdah wrote: What comes to your mind if you blend masculine with masculine (yang and yang).  What happens to Yin when it isn't represented here?  What happens to all the Yang qualities?

What happens when you blend suceedant and suceedant (the middle of the cycle)?

What happens when you blend fixed and fixed?
okay let's think, keeping in mind “pleasures, creativity, children, romance”:

yang and yang – lots and lots of activity, movement, strength, rigidity, light (aka transparency, in full view?)
like lots of variety and movement – no stalemate here, maybe too much strength…
hummm relating this to the romance – don’t allow things to germinate and …
Okay relating this to myself: I’m often too sexually orientated, I have quite a large appetite :smt003 , I really enjoy being romantic with my partner and often feel like there could be more or that I want more; don’t know if I’m ‘allowed’ to say all this but its a huge aspect of my ‘romantic’ character. It's one of the things that can get me really down and confused at times. And this explains it.  Just way too much yang in there. heehee ;)

Things that are fun: Like to do active things, go dancing , chat, do things, see ppl etc
(the thing here though is that as a child I was a major introvert and this has always been my downfall is that while I love to party it's actually not really good for me, for my soul. If I do go out and rage it up then I need an entire week or two before I can do so again. My whole life has been a life of contradictions:))

Children: ???
One thing def here would be that I could be too Iron Fist with them and uncompromising…?

Lots and lots of heat and dryness – well the first thought that actually entered my mind was a crystal – how certain crystals are formulated…under intense pressure and heat. No idea why that popped in but maybe it's a thought I can reconsider later.
Okay lots and lots of heat creates a burning blaze of heat, too much dryness sucks the life out of things. Hence too much of the both could suck the life out of projects, things etc.
Maybe the intensity is just too much sometimes and it is something to watch out for, allow things to ‘cool’ aka ying, down abit.

Lots of Upward direction – one needs balance and too much up leaves you all in the air. Need some groundedness.
In all aspects  “pleasures, creativity, children, romance”, there is one hell of a lot of ‘maleness’ i.e. strength, rigidity, movement. humf….my mom always used to say I should’ve been born male 

Succedent (middle) and Succedent
a stable, unchanging, fixed quality, deriving from their central position in each quadrant of the chart.
hummmm….now that’s a whole lot of rigid, unchanging again – God help my children and my potential partner! hahahahaha!!!
But I kinda like the central position doubled – I get a feeling of strength with that. Like no matter what - will hold the centre. Ummm but that doesn’t make much sense as I have a lot of yang and that is quite ungrounded…ponder ponder ponder. But I still def get the feeling of being behind the scenes and holding a very powerful position of strength to pull from. But then again with some thought being in the middle means that you are in the middle of everything. So if it was I hate you sandwich then I would be the filling. So maybe being bombared on all sides, kinda getting squashed. Being influenced by forces around me at all times?

fixed and fixed: stability, permanent, unchanging.

This is getting worse!!! hahahahaha!!!
Okay what has come to mind here is very def what you said Youdah about it being a progression of time, as when I was a child I was extremely rigid and unchanging. I would cry for weeks because we would get a new kettle. I hated change. I would only try a new food once a year. I’m a very one at a time person even though I come across as dynamic etc…humm maybe I don’t actually…aaahh projections! heehee Well anyways what I mean to say is that as I have gotten older I am more open to being more adaptable, changing, spontaneous, enterprising etc a lot more so! But that is purely through my spiritual journey that has allowed me to become like so. Yet I think that I can easily revert to being ‘rigid’ quite quickly. As it is very apparent…heehee…

okay after reading some others, let me try the KISS approach...yikes
what do you get with Fire and Air a Blast!
what do you get with yang and yang: way to much yang
what do you get with middle and middle: no beginning and no end always stuck in LIMBO!!! aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! heehee The reason why i mention limbo as it is a feeling I have had for some time now - just stuck in the 'limbo', just hovering.
what do you get with fixed and fixed: a stuck in the mud :)
Those were just the word associations I came up with :smt005 , and are actually pretty kewl when i look at them after taking a step back to consider what I wrote earlier.  
Last edited by RoseRed on Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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My planets, and ‘natural’ position of planets.

Post by RoseRed » Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:00 pm

I didn’t do the planet part:
Okay so 5th house is sun and Aquarius is Uranus
Do not know anything about planets so I did some astro searching to help me. (I’m sure there is more info but just did a quick read)
“The sun represents your will or life force. It is the conscious, extroverted, positive, male side of yourself.”
“slow moving planet aka tells about generation that one was born in. Uranus represents the process of individuation, and can manifest itself as independence, rebellion, revolution or eccentricity. “

In my opinion with the ‘natural position’ is very much like what Youdah mentioned about the houses (I’m just using the same concept) and the info about ‘natural position’ that Castitatis Lilium has,
Youdah wrote:Another thing that can happen is that the native isn't ever really settled in that House....things of one sign are always being "at war" with the next Sign within the psyche or with others in the environment, and this battle continues until the native can successfully integrate the qualities of the next sign.
Youdah wrote: It is most "comfortable and happy" here, because there is nothing that needs to be blended with it!  It is pure and unchanged when it is in its "natural position" or its "rulership."
So in Castitatis Lilium’s case the one planet is not ‘fighting’ the other, they are in harmony and hence a feeling of comfort around things concerning 5th aspects. There is no constant battle of ‘personalities’ of sorts about NB things in your life (5th house aspects). It's all in accordance to one another.
While for me, I have Sun and Uranus, maybe one day I could be thinking in a ‘sun’ attitude and then the next day I’ll be thinking with a Uranus headspace. And the ‘worst’ is when I have to make an NB decision about a relationship; children or extra mural activity etc and I can’t decide which way to go. It's like a battle of the planets? going on in my head. Not knowing which one to follow or which one might be the best route for me to take as they both could be ‘good’ paths to choose.??

But as I look at mine per say they are quite similar actually, they work well together…?

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Post by Youdah » Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:38 am

RoseRed, You are getting it!  Good job!  :)

One thing, though.  Don't always think it terms of "either"/"or".  Think of blending the two.  For example: Sun with Uranus doesn't always mean that one day you will be this way, and the next day the other way.  It can mean someone who is distinctive and original.  That would be a good blending of sun and uranus.  At times, others could think them a little wierd, but because of the Sun with Uranus, would also be exciting and fun (5th House)!

I can hardly wait until you get to the next lessons!  Your posts are fun to read.

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Post by Naomiel » Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:00 pm

I've been looking at my chart that Soulsearch very kindly posted for me and then when I look at my own chart on my pc its all different.... I'm assuming that I've done something wrong and that Soulsearch has my chart right, because I'm a beginner.....
 Youdah , how can we tell when the birth chart is right or not?

In my 1st house I have a moon north node meaning there are goals that must be achieved in my life.
In my 2nd house i have my sun sign
3rd House Mercury and kiron
4th Venus at 5 degrees and Mars
5th House I have Saturn on the cusp
6th is empty
7th has a South Node
8th is empty
9th Moon Pluto and a symbol I cant identify
10th two symbols I dont know yet!
11th Neptune
and 12th Jupiter

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Post by soulsearch » Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:30 pm

Rosered- Glad to see you back !!!:)

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Post by Youdah » Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:41 pm

Naomiel wrote:I've been looking at my chart that Soulsearch very kindly posted for me and then when I look at my own chart on my pc its all different.... I'm assuming that I've done something wrong and that Soulsearch has my chart right, because I'm a beginner.....
 Youdah , how can we tell when the birth chart is right or not?

In my 1st house I have a moon north node meaning there are goals that must be achieved in my life.
In my 2nd house i have my sun sign
3rd House Mercury and kiron
4th Venus at 5 degrees and Mars
5th House I have Saturn on the cusp
6th is empty
7th has a South Node
8th is empty
9th Moon Pluto and a symbol I cant identify
10th two symbols I dont know yet!
11th Neptune
and 12th Jupiter

I can't recheck it to see which is correct, because I don't have  your birth data.  So, I'm not sure why your chart is different than the one soulsearch did.  If you're still having problems, post your birth data.  Or, post in What Watch q's and I'll try to walk you through making a chart.

Hey, Naomiel!  You understand the charts, now!  When we started, you weren't sure which house was which!  Now, you are seeing the entire chart, the houses and all the planets!  :)  It may be overwhelming, but you are getting it!  :)

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Post by Naomiel » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:40 am

I guess the only overwhelming part is the amount of information you need to learn :)..... plus not fully knowing the what watch program doesnt help

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Post by Youdah » Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:41 pm

Naomiel wrote:I guess the only overwhelming part is the amount of information you need to learn :)..... plus not fully knowing the what watch program doesnt help
Take it slow.  No one learns advanced mathematics all during the first week of class.  You learn and little, then start learning a little more, then continue building upon that foundation...and the next thing you know, you're got your own TV show.  :)

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