charging fees for reiki

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Post by RoseRed » Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:29 am

Heartworx wrote:Is it necessary to pay for the food that you eat.  :) When i charged for Reiki, I kind of felt guilty doing so, but i think, that was just me thinking that i did not deserve to recieve.  Now, I recieve gladly with love for the giver and for myself.  So perhaps this is an issue that many healers struggle with, particularly when we believe that the energy that we give is not ours in the first place.  If we are one then the energy is ours as well as the clients, so all we are charging for is our human time. (which is an illusion ) :) But remember whatever and whenever we give we are doing it for ourselves anyway.  

With Love
WOW wow wow!! So perfectly said! Thank you so much for sharing these Wonderful thoughts as I also completely agree. Hit the nail on the head in my opinion!

And welcome to MB!  :smt006

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Post by Heartworx » Sun Oct 26, 2008 2:12 pm

It is always feels good to share one's thoughts, it helps to clarify your beliefs .........(and yet again i'm actually doing it not only for others but for myself hee hee :) )

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Post by TheAlchemist » Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:06 pm

Good for you Heartworx!   you have a wonderful attitude....may you always be blessed with much love and light!

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Post by Heartworx » Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:59 pm

Thank you Alchemist, and what you have given is what you shall recieve


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Post by TheAlchemist » Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:35 pm

ahhhh so true so true :)

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:31 pm

RoseRed wrote:The exchange issue is always a touchy one but a very necessary one.
The view that a true "Healer/Giver" would never charge or expect compensation for the work.
The attitude that people only value what they pay for vs the attitude that spiritual energies are a gift from God and must in honor be free.

Dr Mikao Usui, stated that one must give some exchange to recieve full benefit and must balance any exchange of energy and that free treatment creates an unacceptable spiritual debt for the healee/person recieving information etc.

Story 1:
Usui Sensei healed in a slum for many years until discovering that many beggars preferred to remain beggars.
The meaning: Not everyone wants to be healed/recieve advice.
It is common for people to devalue themselves to the point where they will not pay for something that could help their own well being.

Story 2:
A woman went for free reiki treatments, she really needed the treatments.She offered to pay for it, yet the Master declined saying he would rather she 'paid' him in her own way. (No not sexual favours!!! hahahaha!) She stopped going for treatments after awhile. The master bumped into her one day and asked,"Why did you stop coming for treatments? You really could've benefited from it!"
Her reply was that she felt like she owed the master something. She hated owing anyone and hated being in 'debt' to someone, she felt she didn't have any skills to offer in return.

It is VERY important that no one feels abused or used. I also feel that it is not fair to castigate someone as being 'greedy' if they want a fair payment for the time and energy and work they do.
I also wonder why so many people feel that their own health, happiness and spiritual evolution is not worth a modest cost for a session or treatment...

The tradition of exchange is a valid one, we all return to the Universe, we recieve what we send out. Exchange can be any use of the energies for the universal good.
The issue gives us the opportunity to clarify our own understanding of our own values and needs, and encourages us all to become clear on how we feel about it, rather than accepting as an absolute anyone elses unexamined opinions.

Kinda comes down to, "I'll do it for free, if you'll pay for my rent, car repairs, food etc"

I really don't think it has to be money, it can be a really awesome conversation sharing views, it can be a tarot reading, a healing, a cd with awesome music on it, a drawing, a service, it can even be a cake! Whatever! Just something in return..
Unfortunately in this world money is an exchange of value...

Love & Laughter
Hi RoseRed,
I do agree with all you say and will go even further.
Isnt going to a concert, to see a film, or even eat a meal out in a restaurant some kind of a mental, physical, emotional AND spiritual healing? And we pay an arm and a leg for that one hour of entertainment to hear this singer or watch that musical........... all to bering us emotional and YES, spiritual pleasure - healing.
Why not pay a Reiki practitioner for that one hour treatment? It is not as much as the cost of a concert or a Show on Broadway, is it?

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:17 am

cedars wrote:Isnt going to a concert, to see a film, or even eat a meal out in a restaurant some kind of a mental, physical, emotional AND spiritual healing? And we pay an arm and a leg for that one hour of entertainment to hear this singer or watch that musical........... all to bering us emotional and YES, spiritual pleasure - healing.
Why not pay a Reiki practitioner for that one hour treatment? It is not as much as the cost of a concert or a Show on Broadway, is it?
That is SO true!! You're right! We do pay an arm and a leg without even thinking about it for those things and they really do bring us some kind of a mental, physical, emotional AND spiritual healing!
Well certainly in my case that's for sure :)

I mean I certainly want to be paid to stand for an hour!! heehee only joking  :smt003 but yeah there's a little truth in that  :smt002
Just have no idea why ppl are so adverse to the idea of payment for a service - we do it each and every single day of our waking lives. And without a bat of an eyelid we just dish out our well worked for income and sometimes we don't even know what we are paying for but we do pay for it without thinking about where its going.
One just needs to look at insurance... :smt005
No one questions about other why on Earth would ppl question so intensely about paying for reiki or for that matter any healing practise?
Yeah you can say well youre concerned about your health well i have gone to doctors and I pay for my bill and I have no idea why i went there or for what i even paid them for.
So in my opinion - ppl just don't want to take responsibility for their own happiness.
So its like a failsafe - like a mental block: "reiki should be free therefore I don't have to take responsibility".
Its so much easier to live your life blaming others and saying life dealt you a 'bad' hand etc. than to actually put in the work and create a happy life for yourself in all ways.
Funny that, ppl (SOME ppl not all) will work themselves to death over their jobs but won't put a single little breath of effort into themselves.
Humans....gotta love it!
Strange strange creatures we are!  :smt004

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Post by suzisco » Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:39 am

From a psychological point of view:

Some times as humans we pay alot of money for a service because we feel its important to pay what its worth.  I think intrinsically we all believe Reiki is a great therapy so are prepared to pay alot of money for a session.  


We have as humans a great mistrust in things that are free, if its free its worth nothing...  If we pay alot of money then it must be good.  This is a common attitude amongst our fellow human beings.


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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:25 pm

I agree with you Suzi and I also agree with RoseRed. Poeple pay for psychoanalysis, physiotherapy, reflexology, to mention but a few.....

I am planning to start my Reiki practice along with my day job and the question of fees and how much to charge has been a lot on my mind. I have invested time, money, energy into this and I do feel I should charge something and I pray that the Universe gives the patients much, much more than they pay me :)

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:34 pm

great posts!...beautifully said!....I believe that an exchange should take or IS keeps us all one feels they gave away too much or have taken too much....I once gave a reiki session in exchange for a hamburger....  :)

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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:48 pm


That is a wonderful way experience, even for a hamburger!
I've just given myself Reiki and it feels so goooood...

Blessings to all.

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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:51 pm

Sometimes my fingers have their own mind when I am typing.


That is a wonderful experience, even for a hamburger!
I've just given myself Reiki and it feels so goooood...

Blessings to all.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:02 pm

yes yes I know the feeling :) ahhhhhh

the hamburger/reiki exchange was with my neighbor who was in need and i was the exchange worked perfectly...she felt better and my tummy was full
walllah a balanced exchange....

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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:04 pm

And wallahi it sounds great to me!

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:23 am

i m a reiki grand-master n i have never taken fees for giving reiki for someone's help. but i charge when i give reiki attunement. it depends from master to master.

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