LESSON 2.1 The Sun, Leo, and Fifth House, part 1

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LESSON 2.1 The Sun, Leo, and Fifth House, part 1

Post by Youdah » Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:10 pm

Now that we've talked a little about the Houses, we can start understanding the planets that are in the Houses.

In any astrology chart, there are themes that repeat.  The more important or stronger the theme, the more often you will find it repeated in the chart.

There are groups of astrological factors that all mean pretty much the same thing.  We will study them all together, to make them easier to remember.  This is also how the themes repeat, because there are several things that mean the same thing (almost).

The first group we will look at is the Sun, Leo, and the Fifth House.  These three all mean similar things.  

The Sun "rules" the Fifth House.  When we say that something is "ruled by" something else, we are just saying that the energy of it is in that thing in a greater proportion than anything else.

So, we could also say that Leo "rules" the Fifth House.  Or that the Sun "rules" Leo.

I asked you to make a notebook or index cards.  Now we are really going to start working with your notebook pages and start adding to them.  For this Lesson, I'll do a lot of the pages for you.  But, after this lesson, we will talk about each thing, so you can add to your pages the things we discuss so you can use it as a reference later on.

The First page, below, is about the Sun.  I like to work in keywords, or concepts.  If you can collect the keywords, it will be very useful when you begin to do Horary charts, or other kinds of charts, because you will know what places and things are "ruled by" the planets, houses, and sun signs.  The list below are all things that are ruled by the Sun.  They are also things that "mean" The Sun.

According to wikipedia.org,

The sun is considered a very important part of astrology. It, as well as the Moon, are the most important of the astrological planets. In Roman mythology the sun was represented by Apollo, the god of light and Helios the god of the sun. The Sun is the star at the centre of our solar system, around which the Earth and other planets revolve, and which provides us with heat and light.

Astrologically the sun is usually thought to represent the conscious ego, the self and its expression, personal power, pride and authority; leadership qualities; and the principles of creativity, spontaneity, health and vitality; the life force. The sun also involves creative enterprises that are a projection of the person, from art and business to having children and parenthood (especially fatherhood). It also rules the fun side of life from sport and recreation to holidays and social events. In short, any occasion that 'allows us to shine'. The first-century poet Marcus Manilius in his epic, 8000-verse poem, Astronomica, described the Sun, or Sol, as benign and favorable. In medicine the sun is associated with the heart, circulatory system and the thymus. The sun is the ruler of the 5th house. The Sun is the planetary ruler of the zodiac sign Leo.

The Sun is associated with Sunday. Dante Alighieri associated the Sun with the liberal art of geometry.

You are welcome to download and print the page below, or make your own.

Look around the internet, or in any books you may have, to see if you can find other things about the Sun.  It doesn't have to be keywords, just things that you like.

If you have questions or would like to discuss this, please post.  If you find more things about the Sun, please share it.

When you are ready, please go on to part 2

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:21 pm

Okay so we have the first group: Sun, Leo and 5th House
Sun "rules" the 5th House AKA Leo "rules" the 5th House or Sun "rules" Leo
Can I say by deduction that the Hierarchical order of strength is Planet --> Sign --> House ???
Cause even though Sun and Leo can be the "rulers" of the 5th House, when they 'face' each other off, then Sun will be the dominant one.
Or am I being too black and white about this? My either/or dilemma heehee

I like the way of working with keywords and concepts, makes in much easier to get to grips with.

Forward march!  :smt005

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:27 pm

when I was about to move away I noticed the word "exaltation" in Aries, wasn't exactly sure what that meant per say in this regard so I looked it up ASAP.
1) ecstasy: a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion; "listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture"- Charles Dickens
2) the location of a planet in the zodiac at which it is believed to exert its maximum influence


??huh?? :smt017

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Post by soulsearch » Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:10 pm

Sun's exaltation sign is Aries. Exaltation would be the place where the sun shines the brightest.

First House

Sun would shine the best ( provide vitality) to the self ( 1st house) by initiating,dynamic,enterprising ( cardinal)through the fire elements of Aries- energy,enthusiasm,passion.Thats where the life force would get the best energies...shine the brightest.

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Post by soulsearch » Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:21 pm

I am just making the index cards. Have to ask...how do you get Almonds and daughters in the 'Sun' category :)

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:27 pm

so would you say that the Sun as a planet is most apparent in the sign Aries?
I always thought that Leo and sun where like hands are to a glove....??

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Post by Youdah » Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:03 pm

I don't think I'd say it is "most apparent."  But, the Sun "rules" Aries.  

For each planet, the energies are most "like" itself when it is in its "rulership" position.  With the Sun, that position is Aries and First House.

In the next lesson, you'll learn about the Moon.  The position where the Moon's position is most "like" itself is Cancer and Fourth House, and so on through all the planets.

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:53 am

Okay got it - just a little confused when you look at your summary of the houses.
Cause 1st House is Aries and Mars...

and about the hierarchical order?

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Post by Youdah » Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:21 am

RoseRed wrote:Okay got it - just a little confused when you look at your summary of the houses.
Cause 1st House is Aries and Mars...

and about the hierarchical order?
I don't think I understand the question.  ??

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:51 am

RoseRed wrote:Okay so we have the first group: Sun, Leo and 5th House
Sun "rules" the 5th House AKA Leo "rules" the 5th House or Sun "rules" Leo
Can I say by deduction that the Hierarchical order of strength is Planet --> Sign --> House ???
Cause even though Sun and Leo can be the "rulers" of the 5th House, when they 'face' each other off, then Sun will be the dominant one.
Or am I being too black and white about this? My either/or dilemma heehee

I like the way of working with keywords and concepts, makes in much easier to get to grips with.

Forward march!  :smt005
And confused about how Sun and Aries are a pair.
Cause in the summary chart of the Houses that you did,
1st House is Aries and Mars...
5th House is Leo and Sun...

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Post by soulsearch » Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:13 am


Even I was confused about the same. There are certain dignities of planets :
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=57196

Where a planet is exalted or in its domicile or fall and exiled.
In astrology, exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet. Each of the seven traditional planets has its exaltation in one zodiac sign. The exaltations are:

Sun in 19 Aries
Moon in 3 Taurus
Mercury in 15 Virgo
Venus in 27 Pisces
Mars in 28 Capricorn
Jupiter in 15 Cancer
Saturn in 21 Libra

Planets in Exaltation, Detriment and Fall
In addition to the planetary rulerships, there are also planets which are exalted in the signs, which again means that they are comfortable and tend to function well in those signs. The table below indicates which planets are exalted in the various signs. Planets will be in detriment, however, in signs opposite the signs they rule. Planets in detriment are traditionally considered to have difficulty operating positively in these signs. Finally, in addition to planets in detriment, planets are also said to be in their fall in certain signs, which means that they are debilitated in those signs.

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:07 pm

aaaahhh thanx soulsearch!
That now makes sense - not too sure what it all means but I will get to the appropriate lessons and then I'm sure it will help clear some of the mud away. :)

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Post by astrologer50 » Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:01 pm

soulsearch wrote:Rosered,

Even I was confused about the same. There are certain dignities of planets :
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=57196

Where a planet is exalted or in its domicile or fall and exiled.
In astrology, exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet. Each of the seven traditional planets has its exaltation in one zodiac sign. The exaltations are:

Sun in 19 Aries
Moon in 3 Taurus
Mercury in 15 Virgo
Venus in 27 Pisces
Mars in 28 Capricorn
Jupiter in 15 Cancer
Saturn in 21 Libra

Planets in Exaltation, Detriment and Fall
In addition to the planetary rulerships, there are also planets which are exalted in the signs, which again means that they are comfortable and tend to function well in those signs. The table below indicates which planets are exalted in the various signs. Planets will be in detriment, however, in signs opposite the signs they rule. Planets in detriment are traditionally considered to have difficulty operating positively in these signs. Finally, in addition to planets in detriment, planets are also said to be in their fall in certain signs, which means that they are debilitated in those signs.

You REALLY dont need to be looking at Exhaltion and Fall of sun signs and planets at this stage. Just stick to basics

These things will come in much later and add information at that time, try not to complicate matters too much. Baby steps, baby steps

Keep to the Lesson and theme.... :smt004

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