quincunx signs; Cancer quincunx Aquarius and Sagittarius

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quincunx signs; Cancer quincunx Aquarius and Sagittarius

Post by astrologer50 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:07 pm

Quincunx (aka Inconjunct) 150?

Cancer quincunx Aquarius and Sagittarius

Cancer is cardinal and water sign. All water signs play on peoples feelings and probably Scorpio is worst for doing this. All four cardinal signs want to start, initiate projects ie: get things moving, not always great at finishing though. Cancer is like Capricorn shrewd in business and good with money and hanging onto it. Very sensitive, moody (all water signs are) and nostalgic. Very strongly attached to family members, home roots and home and emotional security very important to them. You find a lot of cancerians and water signs in the caring professions, nursing, caring for elderly etc. Like food and cooking.

Aquarius and Sagittarius belong to group of three signs, Aries last one that will always want and need lots of freedom and independence and freedom of movement in particular within relationships. Cancer will never understand this requirement, they will feel that family should be enough for anyone cos it is for them. Both these signs want a social life and social contact with people and Cancer may feel bit left out and of course moody and oversensitive with it.

Aquarius tends to talk to lots of people but can be rather private sign as well. Very humanitarian will always fight the cause for the underdog. Good with computers, electronics doesn?t do hospitals or sick people. Very talkative and this is the only sign I have found that tries and wants to stay friends with the ex. Friendship is first thing they look for in relationships, second they want the mental connection and rappor and certainly want their minds stimulating before their bodies (sorry Aries, Taurus and Scorpio). Well maybe if you talk dirty to them then??. Cancer wants lots of cuddles and reassurance which Aquarius may find draining. Cancer worries about everything, Aquarius does not and will talk about it endlessly.

Sagittarius is fire and mutable sign, therefore restless wants lots freedom and independence and movement within relationships. Sagittarius the sign of born careerist, teacher and traveller. Very philosophical, broad minded free thinking and duplicitous. ALL the mutable signs can be duplicitous, do as I say but not do as I do! Sagittarius doesn?t usually like being stuck at home doing nurturing it wants to be out having social life and social contact (and drink?.) with people and independence.

All fire signs tend to act first and think later. Some Sagg can be bit of thrill of chase me merchants or catch me if you can, cos they like to play the field first and usually quite late for settling down. Cancer family is everything to Sag it is not, there is whole wide world out there??

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