Daily horoscopes for 30th November, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 30th November, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:30 pm


A rude or insensitive person could cause you some complications this morning, but at the same time they will help give you a fresh perspective on your life -- they'll show you who you don't want to be! This person offers an example of what not to do, so pay a lot of attention to them. Take notes on their behavior. You are doing perfectly well with your choices lately, so don't listen if this person criticizes you or gives you unsolicited advice. Smile sweetly, and then ignore them.


Be careful of other people who seem too good to be true today, because they probably are. Your instincts about people are usually dead on, so if you fear that someone who is making big claims is full of hot air, alert those in power about your reservations. There is nothing wrong with demanding proof before you buy into anyone's story. Your skepticism might make waves today, but in the end it will save everyone a lot of stress and regret. They'll thank you for it.


Right now it's your emotional nature that is going to be your driving force in life, but that needs to start changing. You need to think more with your brain and less with your heart. It isn't steering you wrong, but it could be sending you in circles. Think things through and get some alone time if you feel that you need it. Being practical might not feel very sexy, but it's definitely the intelligent way to go! Temptations soon disappear when you look at them with a critical eye.


You will be doing yourself a service by taking your time, today, especially in terms of any decisions you have to make. From what kind of coffee drink you want to order to what investment fund to buy into, you need to think things through! Your gut seldom lets you down, but your gut could be tied up in some distracting (albeit exciting) emotional stuff right now. So if you have doubts but you don't have time, get another opinion on the issue. Get help thinking things through.


The past is coming back, not to haunt you -- but to thrill you! Whether it's an old flame coming back into town to see what you're up to, an old photo you find that stirs up some hilarious memories, or even just a song on the oldies station that reminds you of summer camp, your past is suddenly very present. This is a wonderful day to travel down memory lane and let yourself remember the person you used to be -- and of course, marvel at the person you have become.


Running around at a frantic pace is not going to help you get more stuff done -- it will only give you stress and increase your blood pressure! Today, you need to move away from multi-tasking and just try to focus on one thing at a time. When you talk on the phone, just focus on talking and listening. Don't force yourself to deal with driving in heavy traffic and grocery shopping at the same time! Toward the end of the day you will start to finally find a nice rhythm.


Try to make exploring with people from other cultures your new hobby today -- different beliefs and customs can offer you some fresh new ideas and inspire you to find a way around a problem that's been plaguing you. New ways of thinking and a foreign perspective will give your creativity a boost. They will give you the drive you've been lacking for a while now. It's an ideal day to step out of your comfort zone and into someone else's world.


Try to avoid making any impulse buys right now -- especially on big ticket items. Throwing your money around without thinking it through, even if it's just to take a cab when you could walk the distance, could chip away at the careful balance you've been working so hard to achieve. Shift from using your credit cards to using cash to pay for things. That way, you'll always understand that you are giving something up every time you make a purchase.


Even without trying, you are going to be a source of inspiration for someone today -- and they won't be shy about letting you know it! You might feel embarrassed at first by the fawning attention, but you'll get used to it eventually. Don't miss your chance to soak up the spotlight that they're shining on you! This is your time at center stage, and it won't last long. Enjoy it as much as you can, and believe in your heart that you deserve every single accolade you get.


Are you being too idealistic about a new person in your life? If there's someone in your social group who everyone dislikes but you, then maybe you should give this person another, more objective review. Your tendency to only see the good side in people is charming and generous, but it's not always useful for keeping yourself protected against people who might not be healthy for your life goals. It's not about judging a person -- it's about judging behavior. Do not accept negative habits.


Your friends might know what is best for you right now, so listen to their feedback and follow their advice as closely as possible. Your pace may get you where you want to go faster, but it could also be leaving a few people behind. So slow down and spend more time with the people you care about. Make time to share a meal, a long phone conversation, or a short road trip to somewhere fun. Checking in with the people you like spending time with is what you need right now to stay grounded.


Why do you have to take the rules of someone who is in authority today at face value? Dissent is not only acceptable in this situation, it is wise -- if you have an issue with what they are decreeing, then step up to this person and say so. Of course, make sure you communicate in the most respectful and diplomatic way possible! Compromise is possible, and the act of standing up for what you think is a powerful way to make a great impression on influential people. They will respect it.


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