Magical Spells

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:37 pm

Hi Spy!

I'm thrilled you were able to get in to this and get it done. Please don't think you are out of the woods yet. You need to do this during meditation at least 2 times per month because you have a child with him. Keep moving forward and remember, you are in control. My ex was spiritually bankrupt too and man what a dang mess. lol There are great things coming too you but you have to be ready from them. You have taken huge measures to ensure this already. If you need to find me, PM me and I will tell you where I am. I am not going to be here a whole lot anymore. I have my own group to run. lol Please take care, kiss the baby from me and you keep moving forward in love and light. You did great!!!!!

Gentle Hugs,


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Post by ammo » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:24 am

The effectiveness of a spell really depends on the amount of energy that you put into it. If you take it as a joke and approach it with scepticism then most likely it will fail. Ingredients play a huge role, different candle colors emit different energy or vibes, plants all have unique energies, you have to know how to get the right combination, especially for special or unusual requests. Being an empath really comes in handy, you don't have to research as much, you can just feel when you've struck the right or desired balance.

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Post by Antigone » Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:11 am

If the spell caster is different from the people involved in the spell, does it make a difference?

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Post by ammo » Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:43 pm

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Different in what ways?

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Post by Antigone » Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:58 pm

Like will it work better if the caster is the same person? Or will it be the same or even better if the caster is a powerful witch?

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Post by ammo » Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:16 am

Experience definitely helps, but there is nothing that a "powerful witch" can do which an inexperienced person can't. As long as you pour your desires and your energy into a spell and envision your desired outcome, you will be able to acheive anything (given that it's within reason). A very important factor to keep in mind if you have someone else perform a spell for you is that the witch should explain everything to you, what kind of spell, what ingredients, what the ingredients do. Some witches will just say "I'm going to do this kind of spell for you" and leave out all the details.

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Post by Antigone » Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:56 am

If the witch leave out the details...what happens?

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Post by ammo » Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:42 am

If the witch leaves out all of the details then you will not have a full comprehension of what the spell is comprised of, hence you will not know what kind of energy forces the witch is gathering to work for you.  Example, say there is someone in your life that you want to go away but you want this to occur peacefully without anyone getting hurt. If the witch casts a spell on your behalf using  a ton of cayenne pepper, either your energy (hoping for a peaceful departure) will most likely neutralize the spell's malevolent energy, causing absolutely nothing to happen. If the spell is powerful enough then the person you want to rid yourself of with no harm intended may suffer some misfortune which in turn would be the reason they leave your life. I hope that this is decipherable, adequately explaining things like this can be tricky. let me know if there's something I should elaborate on more.

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Spells casting

Post by Kabiyesi » Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:40 pm

This is interesting.
Please show me the ways. I have been hearing of spells but has not try any before.

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Post by ravenuriel » Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:23 am

Spell casting works

the tools you use tho are just that .. focal point for your intent
what is your will or passion

they say but your heart into your work or find work that inspires you..
same thing with spellwork

you do not have to be a poet or use all the exotic herbs and toys..

to sit here and list a spell in general wont work for everyone the spells have to be tailored for the person they are meant for.

I have been doing this for more than 15 years.  others will argue with my point of view and thats fine that is what makes all unique.

some are more traditional and then there are those who are just starting out with magic so they are either set in their ways or they are just starting out
and have not had that much experience with spell work.

here is one for money
everyone wants more of it so its pretty general..

take a small wooden block cover it with oak moss and coins  at the top place one small white candle and one small green candle..
burn the candles on thursdays in the evening focusing on your desired goal a of achieving more money..
but you have to remember in order to get money you have to do something for it.. so be realistic
can you do more readings what type of work do you do and what can you do on the side to make money easier?

there is no quick fix to anything .. spell work is a modality to aid you to achieve your goals the end result is you have to apply yourself as well.

My favorite quote for this is this..

this is not McMagic... you cant get your spells supper sized!

learning where you are mentally and spiritually and experienced plays a big part in how your spell work turns out.. how much intent and focus did you put into them
are they for the betterment of others or are they selfish in intent? you have to also make sure that  you are not going against the grain
Protection spells i think are the only spells that can go against the grain.. if you are trying to ward off a nasty person then infringing on their will
even tho should be done delicately can be done.. ( suggesting that they no longer enjoy your company or being in your presence )

its all in the wording and the intent.

in doing anything with spell work you have to make sure that you are will to accept the reprecousions. ( my spelling sucks I know)
if there any.

wow I got abit long winded! lol  thats not like me

Raven uriel

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Post by ammo » Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:20 pm

Uriel is definitely right, there is no such thing as a "quick fix". Many times people will do a money spell and expect to find a winning lotto ticket the next day and things mostly do not work that way. There are two elements that will directly impact the success of a spell. 1) the amount of energy you put into it and 2) the amount of EFFORT you put into attaining your desires. One candle setup that I think most people should have running constantly is a reveral spell for protection. You never know when someone casts you an envious eye or speaks an unkind word! I learned the hard way that little things that people say and do can have a REALLY big impact on the "flow" of your life. Simple as this:

A reversible black candle, a piece of parchment paper (or brown paper bag). Turn the wax part of the candle upside down and insert wick in opposite direction. Place upside down candle back into the glass casing. On the paper write down "reverse all negative intentions and energies back to the person they came from". Fold and stick it under the glass casing, light it and pray for a couple of minutes a day for your energy to be cleared and to block negative effects from outside sources. works particularly well to help with stress related insomnia.

This is basically like a "maintenance" spell to ensure that things keep running smoothly.

and btw, pardon the huge rant

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Post by ravenuriel » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:20 pm

They could also anchor their home in white light so that it is constantly being cleansed and flushed out..
its simple

visualize a pillar of white light coming down from the universe into the center of your home.. then see it bubble around your house from the bottom upwards..
allow the energy to flow constant cleansing the house  the cleansing energy dissolves the negative energies and intents.. keeping your home clean.. it also helps with healing.. and wards of sickness.. nice to have when you have kids..

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The answer to what you seek

Post by justmei » Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:04 am

I have studied various systems (even Abramelin - that was hard going!), and if you think about it, they are all based on the same principals,  reading the link below may help cut through the mist: ... cal-Magick

There is one section in the essay - I would be interested if it is understood, or misunderstood - you will know it when you see it.


May you become what you are

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