Help...any kind sould could enligthen me

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Help...any kind sould could enligthen me

Post by pawpaw » Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:17 am

age 17+
11 january 1991
time :9.32am
singapore gmt 8+

Months ago, my mother passed away ..
the country i am residing in does not allow children below the age of 21 to inherit any property
my mum assigned my aunt as her trustee and me and mine brother would be able to inherite the property after we reached the age of 21

Heres where the problem started
eversince we( my brother and i ) were borned into this world my father did not really taken care of us
My brother and i are not staying with him, we are residing in our own hse with our aunty

He threaten me tat if i do not LET him stay with in the hse we inherited, he will not give me any allowances anymore

i did not allow him ( he stoped giving me the measly sum of 1k per month allowances)

Now , he is susing my aunty for custody of us
in his affidevit he wrote he is a responsible man
but he also wrote despite my indebtness of 800k to the bank
i was shocked that my wife gave the house to my sons
if u do not want the hse u will not be shocked rite?

He then ended it by saying i do not seek a share of the house

ITs obviously he wanted the hse so badly to the extent tat he started lying in his affedivit

hopefully he does not win this case.......

could anyone enligthen me
will there be any big changes install for me for next year??????????
really want to know, this suspense is killing me

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Post by Youdah » Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:49 pm

I'm not doing any readings today.  I do readings when my spirit is in the right place, and it isn't own personal problem, not yours.  So, let's talk a little instead until a reading can be done.

You are very young.  This makes problems like the custody issue more upsetting because you haven't had a lot of experiences with total stupidity, unfairness, and greediness in your life and how to deal with it.  

I don't know the laws of your country.  But, most governments recognize the wishes of the deceased, and when it goes to court, there will be plenty of opportunity for you and your Aunt to give a differing viewpoint and show the father for the greedy jerk that he is.  The attempt to gain custody is clearly just an attempt to gain control over the money, and this is something that he will be suspected of in any court of law and equity.  A Father who has been absent from his children's lives won't sound very convincing when he only shows up when money is involved.

For now, he can withhold allowances and every other little nasty thing he can dream up to intimidate and pressure you to do it "his" way.  So what?  You have the choice to stand your ground and believe what you know is right, or give in to unreasonable demands.  This becomes a test of your resolve and character.  Don't give in, it will hurt your soul all your life if you do.  Say your truth, and say NO when it is appropriate and called for.  Eventually, when this works its way through the courts, he will have to give you the delinquent allowances he withheld.  And withholding it to intimidate you only proves your side of him being a greedy, despicable person.  So, rejoice in his stupidity and threats and intimidation, because it only will cause his own plans to fail when it is told to the court.

Get ready to that I mean to stand up for yourself.  This is the first of a hundred times in your life when someone will try to do something that is unfair to you.  Small things, big things, it's unfortunately a part of life.  So, gain strength from this, respect your own inner wisdom, speak your own truth, and don't let the greedy bastard win.

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Post by pawpaw » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:18 am

he told me not too WORRY abt it its the adult business,he tried to keep me out off this
and badmouth my aunt saying tat i will have no future with them
they will force me to sell the hse
he keeps on talking abt money money money , house, house, house
how good he can provide for use blah blah blah......
he also say it is a must for us to FOLLOW him, let him win because we are his SONS tats why he deserve to win
wat an ungratefull man.........

actually,my aunt and him are eneimies....
i did questioned him why did he sue for custody
he said its to get back at my aunt

inother words itis to use his son as a prawn for revenge!
thankfully i recoreded that phone call out.
next week my brother and i will be meeting the court counsellor for evaluation, i would have the chance to personally present evidence  :)

this is not the first someone caused me trouble but this is the wrost i had seen yet.................somedays i tried not to think too much abt it

i am not intending to give in to him,never will
and i gonna question him why did he lied in his affidivent and record it down

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Post by Youdah » Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:38 pm

If you got it on tape that he is only suing for custody to get back at your aunt, then you're home free.  That's an excellent piece of evidence...take it with you to court, or give it to whomever is helping your aunt (make copies before you give it to anyone, though).

Parents are supposed to love, care and protect their children.  It's in the rule book somewhere.  Yet, not all parents can come even close to the commitment their past physical affections have brought to them.  Not all parents should be parents.  The scars this puts on children is horrifying.  If I had my way, these monsters would be locked up somewhere or castrated so they couldn't create more children to abuse.

He sounds like he is using a great deal of manipulation to get his way.  Trying to use your love for a parent to intimidate and manipulate you.  I'm glad you can see through his song and dance.  He can talk the talk, but not walk the walk.  When he can't fool you, then you will always be the person who is stronger...even if your years are younger.  

It will be interesting to see how he "shows" his "love" for Christmas!  LOL!  What do ya want to bet that you get more stuff from him than you have before!?!  Or perhaps he'll just forget about Christmas and continue his whine that he "loves you so much" that he wants to upset you, jerk you out of your home, take control of your rightful home against your wishes, destroy the person who has been caring for you, and etc., all at a time when you are still mourning the loss of your mother, and do it all in the name of "love."  What a butt-head!

You sound like you are handling it very well.  It's important to express your anger and frustration in appropriate ways...but it is also important to find time when you can push the problem away for awhile so your mind and body can relax, recharge, and fight off any effects of this stress.

Although both you, your brother, and your aunt are under the same kind of stress, try to support and be there for each other...making small surprises or gift for your aunt, spending time with your brother, listening when they need to talk about this, etc.  And, allow yourself to express, give and receive, while this is going on, too.

Do you get to talk in the court hearing?  If so, before you go, organize your thoughts, perhaps on paper, so that you won't get sidetracked when your "father" starts to give his side.   Things he'll say, the way he acts in court, etc., will all be to act like a perfect gentleman and be very convincing for the judge.  The things he says can get you more angry, upset, and sidetracked, so you forget to say some of the things you need to say.  So, write them down so you can clearly give your side to the judge also.

Hang in there.  You're doing better than most people far older in years.

Warm regards...

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Post by astrologer50 » Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:36 am

sounds like you have old head on young shoulders, so good luck, do as Youdah suggests, take the tape recording to court.....

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Post by pawpaw » Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:10 am

sorry abt the late reply ...was busy with school work the end of the semester is comming and there are a few projects left to rush

but it is diffcult to not think abt it.
i tired very hard to refrain my myself frm thinking abt this issus
somedays i could not get any slp at all worst still i know i am worrying execissively but i just could not help it
maybe its the fear of authority..the fear of yesteryears
during my childhood days, my aunts were very,very strict on me and harsh as well.No toys no games, i got insulted every day,i got scolded , labeled "stupid" "slow" "fat and stupid" and many nasty things....very hurtful indeed for a 8years old...
my teachers were no better....i used to dread going to school.
life was difficult during my childhood days...i had to endured all of this insult and mental torment.

sometimes i thought abt wat life would be if he freedom? rights?? inother words its the fear of the unknow..
things like this makes u want to peer into the future for answer...

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Post by pawpaw » Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:24 am


i am going to talk face to face to the judge ....on the 10 of march..its a hearing
will it end well for me, any predictions???
hope so

lawer mention that he is the father , thats why maybe he have the advantage :smt009
however he also mention that his affidevit did not mention the children at all, only the hse , only the money he payed and money and more money

so its out to me and my brother to lend the final decisive blow....i am so stress.....
i need to be as aggressive as possible, be as strong as possible...but the future seems so uncertain....

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Post by pawpaw » Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:44 pm

today i went to the family court
and guess what happened
my lawyer receive a notice saying that my father lawyer mother had passed away...

erm.what a coincident,,
but i remebered him,he is an old man by any standards look ard 70?
and if his mum is alive she would be a 100 years old?. lol
not mean to be disrepectful or anything.
but if he is delaying for time,he is using dirty tatice  :smt018

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