Strange connection with regal relatives.

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Strange connection with regal relatives.

Post by PrettySiren » Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:40 am

Ever since I was little, I have had these dreams in which I was in this place. It was kind of cold and we were wearing winter-y turn of the century clothes. It was in first person, meaning that I was in someone else's body. And there were others with me who I felt were my family, even though they looked nothing like how my current family unit looks; for instance, I had a brother...and in this life, I only have two sisters.

There are certain people from the past I feel very drawn to. I feel as though I know Lady Jane Grey on a personal level. She's someone I care about. Also, I've always been extremely scared of dying from decapitation, even though, given where I live (Alabama) and the time I live in, it's highly unlikely to happen. This decapitation fear has been ongoing since I was a small child, even before I knew what the word meant, I was scared of getting my head hacked off -- as though it was a real and immediate threat.

I am very closely related to Jane Grey -- almost as closely related as any modern person can be to her, as she had no children. I am her first cousin.

So, I have to wonder if this connection I feel to her -- is it because we are so closely related? Or did I know her in a previous life? Or could I even have been her in a previous life?

Also, back to the turn of the century thing...I have known details about the Romanov family since I was very young without knowledge of how I knew about them. Perhaps someone told me and I was too young to remember -- I dunno. But I felt very close to them for some reason too and still do.

Funny thing is, I'm also their cousin as well, though I'm related to them much more distantly than Jane Grey. So, do I have sympathetic DNA or is there more going on? Any comments would be highly appreciated!

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Dreaming of Royalty

Post by daizyblackrose » Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:15 pm

Um.......that's odd a few years or so I had a dream bout the Romanov's.
In the dream I was myself but I was in some big palace walking around not knowing at first why I was doing there.
But while looking I found the big hallway I was in had turn into a mini dance room.
In  this room I noticed two people, one was a man that looked like a king & also a father.
The other person was a little girl who looked like the man, both looked very regal but friendly & kind at the same time.
They noticed me in the room & mention that they had been waiting for me to arrive.
I had wondered why & asked.
At that point they started looking very scared & then smelled smoke from a fire.
At that point the both of them & I were running to an exit to the building cause the palace was on fire.
They were right behind me while we running, but when I got outside they were not with me.  
I had wondered what had happen for them not to be with me still.
Btw when I got outside there was snow on the ground & it was still doing while I stood there.  
But from there on it leads to a different dream.
Tho I do say this that I feel the two was Nikolas & one of his girls.  
The girl was very young say bout round 5 ish to 7 ish years of age.

The dream had shook me a little, at the time I was just in high school (which was back in '99' & 2000.)
Yet every time I hear bout the Romanovs I think bout that dream, to be honest it scares me sometimes not knowing what it meant in all.
Tho I do at times have a royal streak run thru me lol.

Daizy Blackrose.
The Fairy Princess.

P.S. I always had this fear of drowning while in a car & I don't know why.


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Post by PrettySiren » Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:30 am


That sounds like an awfully intense dream you had. I don't recall Nikolai's family ever having had a fire during that time, though maybe your dream was symbolic. I'm not good with dream analysis, but you could definitely ask someone else on these boards who knows more about it than I do.

That being scared of drowning in a car could be tied to a past life. From what I have learned so far (and I'm still learning), is that we sometimes carry baggage from one life to the next -- usually it's because something traumatic happened in the previous life. Hope that helps!

And thanks for sharing! :)

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