right track, reading please?

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right track, reading please?

Post by lstar33 » Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:00 am

After i break up with someone or something pivotel in my life has changed my perspective or has made me change my perspective, i try to grow. I have had some insane and overwhelming family problems and bad relationships where i have given to the point of sacrifice and I am trying very hard not to slip back into being a doormat. Could someone give me a reading as to me being on the right path? Like, if i am trying and if it will it get better, life that is (or that i might need to brace myself for more), ...because to be honest I am having difficulty seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and i guess i am looking for some hope and to not be so alone, even though i feel that this is chosen for me. Thank you and sorry for the overly solicitous wordy rant!

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Post by cedars » Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:34 am

Dear lstar33

Before I lay the cards, I would like to link in with you ‘visually’ or as we may call sometimes clairvoyantly and see what is going on around you.
I see you sitting on a fence with no sense of direction, looking right and left and dare not take a step towards any of these directions. I sense that one side of the fence is green and the other is pale and not so green. The fence itself is rotting away but still able to hold you on to it as a crutch that you currently need.
The ‘oldness’ of the fence indicates to me that you cannot rely on it far too long; what are you going to use for support when it breaks? I do see some horses grazing peacefully on the greener side of the fence – healthy, brown and white horses. You are naturally drawn to them but still holding on to that rotting fence.

Let us see what the cards have to say more about this. I am using a 7-card spread of the energies around you and the energies you need for the way forward. I am also using the Rider Waite deck.

You at the present time:
Seven of Wands: (Fire element)
Struggling against six wands pointing at you, all on your own, without help from anyone. You are on a cliff edge – almost – but you are at a point of advantage as you have the upper hand in this struggle. Yes, it is a lonesome fight, but I have confidence that you will overcome it.

The Current Energies around you:
The Fool. The Chariot. Three of Cups.
Two major Arcana cards which signify important events/energies around you at present. These signify to me a fresh start – almost to the unknown –with an element of risk and a sense of adventure combined with it. The Fool indicates new beginnings and in some ways taking the plunge into unchartered territories: the unknown. He is on the edge of a cliff and does not care that he might fall over. He is holding a white rose in one hand – the symbol of innocence, purity and secrecy. Along with this new beginning comes the skill of manoeuvrability of the Chariot. The new start may not all be a smooth ride and the strength of the Chariot will come handy for you to direct your horses to your desired destination and outcome. It is a skill that the Universe will bestow upon you to guide you in your path. Celebrations and partying in the form of the Three of Cups in the making too as you raise your glasses in your social circle, friends and/or family, celebrating good times and giving thanks. I can only wish for you that the Fool’s new journey will lead you to that :)

Energies for the Way Forward:
Five of Pentacles. Ten of Cups. King of Sword.
When hard times befall upon us, it is best not to lose hope and, more importantly, Faith in our higher self or that which comes from within. It is so easy to fall victim to the failures of the past and give in to despair. But there is always a silver lining out of all negative experiences that come to pleasantly greet us. Look out for that and do not lose your faith. Do not be, please, entangled, with the past. Only then you will be able to embrace the ultimate happiness in your own personal and family life – Ten of Cups which is the dream-card of every one. This is the ultimate happiness and harmony of love in a family surrounding, next to it is a father figure who has not had it easy in the past and will not tolerate anyone taking his kingdom away from him. This is either someone in your life or his qualities that you may need for the way forward: He sits on an armless throne, almost refusing support from anyone, he is astute, a man of fair judgement, more of the brain than the heart; he has seen some difficult times and his advice is full of the knowledge of his past experiences. He has gone through a lot of transformation and struggle and, as a result, may come across as ‘heartless’ sometimes, but by no means a man without a heart. If this is not a person in your life, perhaps the King is telling you not to be complacent as and when you achieve your goals and always remember that you did not get there by sheer luck.

I hope this has given you some insight into your situation and I would appreciate your feedback, please.

Blessings to you.

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Post by lstar33 » Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:24 pm

Thank you! It makes allot of sense because i am stagnant and the king of swords most certainly is someone i know. The weird part about your reading is that I am excited about changing, yet tired and weary of changing. I want to hold on because it is comfortable for me to be unhappy, yet i know i cannot and i know i am scared. I just needed reassurance to let go, let go of the things that are hurting me and to not count on the people in my past coming back and being good or better and if they do, then they will, but i shouldnt expect it. I think this has helped me leap off the fence or at least is helping/ aiding in the idea of getting off of it. SO THANK YOU very much for taking the time to do this! I have to add one more thing, the king of swords is an ex which i have recently become friends with again, and i am nervous of it, but very happy to have him in my life as a friend, i dont think i can deal with much more at the present, but i am nervous of the future.... any extra info, if you know or saw anything and felt anything about him would be greatly appreciated.... Again, thank you soo much!


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Post by cedars » Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:02 am

Dear lstar33

Thank you for your feedback and am glad to hear the reading has resonated with you.
The only thing I can say is the following about your ex: Friendships with ex's are not so easy when we try to build that right after a break up, but if this ex has come back into your life as a friend after some time, I see him extending that hand of friendship in a genuine way. Dont be afraid to take it, but take it with no other expectations but Friendship. If anything else develops, if you both want it to develop, leave that to Time to handle it for you.

As far as I can see, there is a new path for you, new beginnings and courage and skill will be on your side. If you have given up on the world around you, please do not give up on yourself - dont lose faith in yourself.

You'll be allright.

Smile, please.


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Post by lstar33 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:02 am

i have to laugh, because i have given up  somewhat.... but you saying it so bluntly was a slap in the face i needed, and the hope and courage to forge ahead with everything new. The ex i speak of has been gone for quite some tiem, so i feel really good about but again i was weary.... I try to smile every day lately, because i know it will be eventually genuine 100 percent. Thank you so much..... it really has helped a great deal

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