Anxiety and depression

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Anxiety and depression

Post by astrimey » Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:53 pm

I have sufferered from anxiety and depression for a very long time. i am 39 yrs old now and it just seems to becoming more frequent and more intense. i do not want to go on any perscription medication because of the side effects and dependancy. I wonder if anyone knows another solution herbal or otherwise.

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Post by babulupmg » Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:50 pm

It is better to have meditation for 5 to 10 minutes per day.

In Homeo you can use Arnica 1 m daily one dose i.e. 4pills  for one week
Pasiflora Incarneta Q 10drops in 2ounce water at bed time for 1 month.

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Post by PrettySiren » Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:52 pm

Aside of babulupmg's advice, you can also try exercise. Like meditation, it can help restore the correct balance of chemicals in your brain. Also, it will help ease your mind so that you will have a better meditation experience, I've been told. Try yoga or some cardio. I know it has helped me.

Just a side note: If you are on any pharmaceuticals for depression, make sure the herbs you take don't interfere with them. Certain anti-depressant herbs when mixed with prescription anti-depressants can cause what's known as serotonin syndrome, which is a life-threatening condition and requires prompt emergency treatment.

Best wishes and hope you feel well soon!

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Post by drachespucke » Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:22 pm

I have ptsd, brought on they tell from my little vacation in Vietnam while I was in the Marines. I was hospitalized once 10 years after and came close a couple more times. I probably should have choosen a different career path than being a Policeman, but how was I supposed to know. I eventually went to counciling like I should have done in the first place after I retired, but it was never suggested. I got professional medical help in the form of a drug. I don't like having to take it, but I didn't have enough control to do anything else on my own. It has changed my life and in the long run has been worth the minor side affects. I was tired of being angry all the time.
Homeopathy is great stuff, but make sure you get professional advice from somewhere before relying on it as a sole remedy.


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Post by Copper » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:20 am

The suggestion of exercise is right on. It makes such a difference. Besides the positive effects of exercise alone, you are taking time out of the day to focus on doing something good just for yourself.

Avoid pharmaceuticals. When I am heading into a situation that is going to be stressful, I turn to Valerian root. Some people are more sensitive than others, but it may be worth a try, starting with a low dose of 100mg. And again, I wouldn't mix it with other medications.

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Possible Assistance

Post by Celestial Beginnings » Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:11 am

I have been prescribed to Xanax for many, many years. I got tired of the chemical drugs myself so I did some thorough research into botanical solutions. I have created what I call, Zen Blend, which has satisfactorily replaced my need for Xanax. I have satisfactorily combined Valerian, Passiflora, and Lemon Balm into capsule form and I am in the process of marketing it to the public.

Response from others thus far has been as positive as my own for the product as an anti-stress/anti-anxiety/mild pain relieving homeopathic solution.

The herbs used in Zen Blend all have no side effects. I could have made it stronger with the substitution of Lobelia for the Passiflora but Lobelia can cause liver toxicity. The down side to this herbal compilation is that although Zen Blend doesn't have any side effects, it can potentially increase the side effects of any other medications you are taking. You absolutely can not take any other medications containing benzodiazpene (can't spell it) like Xanax or Valium and you can't take any OTC sleep medications. It is also recommended that you avoid alcohol while taking this suppliment.

Valerian, like some chemical solutions, takes a least 30 days to build in your system to be fully effective but the Passiflora is a milder version and takes effect immediately while the Valerian is building up. Both herbs effect the same chemical in the brain, called GABA, that Xanax and Valium effects. All herbs in Zen Blend are mild pain relievers and the Lemon Balm is good for the digestion process to help the other two herbs do their job effectively.

My product is a home remedy and is not medical advice, just a possible homeopathic solution for your situation. Let me know if this is something that would interest you...

Additionally, I am a Certified Hypnotherapist and I feel that you could be significantly helped by the process of hypnosis. I highly recommend you pick out a couple local hypnotherapists and discuss your needs with them. You would be surprised with exactly how effective hypnosis can be. The hypnotherapist you choose should be able to competently explain to you what hypnosis is and how, exactly, it can be beneficial for you. If they can't explain these two concepts to you satisfactorily... don't engage their services - look for another practitioner.

Thanks for your time and consideration,

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Exercise :)

Post by chelsh1776 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:50 pm

I agree 100% with all the comments about exercising. I'm overweight, labeled as being depressed and anxious like you, and I found that when I exercise regularly, I, amazingly, feel more confident. Where I used to walk around and think everyone was looking at me and judging me for something or another, after I began exercising, I would actually feel like people were looking at me in a 'good' way.

What also helps me is to think about things before they happen. For example, if you were going in to a job interview, you tell yourself the worst possible outcome that could happen. What if I walk in, sit down, and my pants rip, or a sneeze and have snot all over my shirt, or I make a dumb joke that the interview doesn't think is at all funny, what then? If I think about all the negative outcomes beforehand, I usually end up just laughing at them and thinking, "Well, if it happens, it happens."

I hope this helps you a little bit :)

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