Spread for Losing Weight!!!

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Spread for Losing Weight!!!

Post by spygrrl007 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:06 pm

I woke up at 3am last night- could not go back to sleep- So I got on the forum here and found a thread someone started asking for support in losing weight-

For the life of me I can not find that thread today- But I could so identify with her struggles and I thought...

"Why not create a weight loss spread."

I decided to use the "Daughters of the Moon Tarot".... specifically for my being a woman and weight loss and appearance being such a male and media dominated part of our American/consumerism culture.

This is how I did it---- any thoughts, suggestions, or others who can identify and would like to experiment along with me in our weight loss/health and fitness goals.... the support for each other would be wonderful!!! :smt006

I used a 5 card spread-

1.....How I got to this point in my weight gain

2.....Where I would like to see myself

3....Weightloss/Fitness Challenges for the month

4....What I should focus on to reach my goal for the month

5....Results at the end of the month following the reading

What the Tarot expressed to me in this spread.....

1.....The Lovers

I have regarded my weight gain as "my divorce weight" for the past year now.... The Lovers expresses my feeling rejected and worthless by my husband as being the major influence in my gaining weight.


I would like to see myself achieving my weight loss goal of losing 45 lbs through determination and action. The Emperor tells me I ultimately want to be in control of my reality, my body, and mind- meaning having self confidence, strength and will to control my negative habits.


The major challenges for the month with my weight loss goals will be to balance, ie: temper my thoughts, actions, body and spirit. Verifying  my weakness's, my addictions and obsessions- and taking responsibility for my own self-discipline will be a challenge I must focuse on.  Balancing these aspects of my inner and outter personality will be the major challenge for the month.

4....7 of Cups- Jealousy

This is an alternate path I can use to help me through this month with my weight loss goals... Jealousy can be used as a positive method for me personally- I can use it as a driving force, my inner motivation to show my soon to be ex that I'm indeed in control of my life and on a purely superficial level- "how great I look when we see each other in court."
Furthermore- I can express through my determination how much I love myself, admire my inner and outer beauty and through taking the positive steps of reaching my goal through creating, nurturing, and transforming myself.

5....2 of Flames- Wands

Outcome for the month is represented by energy in process, the act of reaching my goal for the month lies within my WILL, and being influenced by the creative actions of others. I will feel the difference in my inner and outer appearance, realizing that my monthly weight loss goal has indeed become a reality. Completion for the month a success due to commitment and taking responsibility for my self.

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Post by bellevalentine » Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:30 am

HOW COOL IS THIS!! To know how we got to this place emotionally with food! Let me know how it goes!
Good Luck!

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Post by purple_dust » Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:15 pm

Hey! Thank you for the spread! This is my Tarot spread and what it means to me (my Tarot is in Spanish and I don't know the names in English... but I'll give it a try)

1.  ten of wands
I feel related to this card because of all the burden I feel on my shoulders plus my lack of willpower and my constant "relief" on food.  I'm a binge eater.
Also because no matter how hard I try, losing weight seems impossible.

2. Wheel of fortune (reversed)
It is weird.. but actually the main reason for my desire to lose weight is that I feel like destiny, life itself has had and will continue to give me good opportunities to embrace all of the beauty in the world, to experience life to its fullest but the entrance is being wasted... I do not fit on it! haha I feel that everytime I see something beautiful in this world, I am not truly enjoying it because I dont deserve to see beauty since I can't embrace it.

3. Seven of pentacles
This one is a little difficult to interpret for me (especially since I'm a beginner!) so I looked for the meaning and how it relates to me.  It's of dualistic matter... I need to change but I won't be able to enjoy my accomplishments if I continue to feel I'm not worthy of anything.  In my Tarot card it says "Carencia" (Lack of...) and yes.. whether I've eaten or not I feel this emptyness inside (not related to my endless appetite!) as if in the end I know I'm trying to give my problems a superficial outlook "You will be more happy to deal with them once you're pretty and skinny!".  Now that's a challenge.

4. Ace of pentacles (reversed)
I don't know whether this indicates that I should focus on actually finishing what I've started, or that I should think about higher goals... or even if this goal is unreachable! So, I'm a little bit confused, especially because of the next card...

5. Two of cups (reversed)
This perhaps confronts me to my lack of self-love...

any comments?  I'd love to hear how are you're going on your project Spygrrl007, and also to see other people's spreads, too!

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Re: Spread for Losing Weight!!!

Post by pirbid » Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:57 pm

spygrrl007 wrote:
1.....How I got to this point in my weight gain

2.....Where I would like to see myself

3....Weightloss/Fitness Challenges for the month

4....What I should focus on to reach my goal for the month

5....Results at the end of the month following the reading

Count me in!  :smt003 Since it was a 5 card spread, I adapted the cross from the Celtic spread, so this is the way I laid them:

1- At the base or as the cause: Ace of Wands reversed, meaning I lost my line because I could not focus my energy nor consolidate previous weight loss due to an excessive appetite. Also, I was not able to appreciate what I already had -true: I always saw myself as fat, even when I was 20 pounds lighter!-.

2- At the top or mental level: The Chariot reversed. This is funny, since I got more fears than positive thoughts, which is probably the reason I  am getting nowhere. It means I am afraid I will not be able to control the situation or myself, lack of organizing ability, unbalance, maladjustment, being tired of trying or trying to take on too much, which leads to only partial or temporary results. SO right on!

3- I put the challenges to the left, beginning the horizontal work line for the month, and got 4 of Swords: I need to rest, retire -company gives me the munchies-, get a temporary relief for my anxiety -I try eating more protein- and avoid a fight till I am sure I can win it. I take this to mean that I must first deal with anxiety and tiredness, rather than plunging straight into a restrictive diet.

4- I put the goal right in the middle so I can focus on it better, and got Death reversed: I need to watch out for stagnation on old habits, inertia, lethargy, boredom, lack of goals, as these all make me binge. More worrying is a certain desperate fight from the ego in order to avoid this change, since it finds it unpleasant. So I easily plunge into a depression, failure, pessimism and abandon. Uh-oh, I think there are quite a few issues I should be dealing before tackling the weight loss. Or at least at the same time.

5- Results I put at the end of the horizontal time line, in the position of near future, and got Temperance: moderation, balance, optimism, resources, harmony, peace, cooperation, stability, serenity, flexibility, happiness. It looks like I will be able to find some help and achieve a certain equilibrium, what a relief!

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:46 pm

Oh my Gosh this is GREAT!!!
What amazing results!!!

me me me me!!! Anyone willing???? heehee :)

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Post by cedars » Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:20 pm

When I first read this thread, I thought... ehnmmmmm..... but I take it all back guys.
Some great spread ideas here and the results speak for themselves.

Well done!

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