Reading Exchange

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Reading Exchange

Post by lilmisstarot » Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:55 am

I am willing to offer a 3 card tarot reading with my RW tarot deck in exchange for feedback on my read as well as a 3 card read for myself regarding my love life situation with JW...


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Post by beatxur3heartout » Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:04 pm

ill be willing to exchange a reading,
let me know if you are interested, i use a barbra walker tarot deck.
not for the faint of heart lol

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Post by lilmisstarot » Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:29 am

beatxur3heartout wrote:ill be willing to exchange a reading,
let me know if you are interested, i use a barbra walker tarot deck.
not for the faint of heart lol
I am more than happy for an exchange. Please let me know your question.

I'll rephrase mine and ask "Will JW be in contact with me again?"
If you're good with timing and he is going to get in contact a time frame would be good :)

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Post by beatxur3heartout » Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:22 am

unfortunatly im not completly into the yes or no ansewers, because i believe there is way more to it than that. so i go through more situational things :) i hope this helps alittle atleast if you feel it dosent ill be willing to go alittle further if need be :), ive been busy today but i promise ill put my all i possibly can into the reading.

i pulled 4 cards.

Three of Swords - Sorrow
this card signifies dissapointment,lonlieness.. possibly self-pity but i feel this has to do with the past..

Ace of Cups - Love
this card invokes the qualites of the fish-tailed love goddess depectied on the card. pleasure, happiness, satisfaction and caring. as the power of love always dose: it enhances the good influences and mitigates the bad :)

Price of Cups - Galahad
This card signifies the best feminine qalities in man : gentelness sensitivity, courtesey, self-sacrifice... maybe a messanger of new ideas, and ways of looking at this situation.

Ace of Pentacles - Reward
reward in material possesions...

i feel from this reading you will receive what you want.. i feel like JW will call, and will take things from a different prespective if there has been some sort of misunderstaning or argument. and just a gut feeling.. i feel it will be soon, i can elaborate more but im not sure how much you want to know :)

i really hope this helps you :)

my name is khrystle btw :)

my question is "what will become of Anthony and i?"

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Post by lilmisstarot » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:37 am

beatxur3heartout wrote:unfortunatly im not completly into the yes or no ansewers, because i believe there is way more to it than that. so i go through more situational things :) i hope this helps alittle atleast if you feel it dosent ill be willing to go alittle further if need be :), ive been busy today but i promise ill put my all i possibly can into the reading.

i pulled 4 cards.

Three of Swords - Sorrow
this card signifies dissapointment,lonlieness.. possibly self-pity but i feel this has to do with the past..

Ace of Cups - Love
this card invokes the qualites of the fish-tailed love goddess depectied on the card. pleasure, happiness, satisfaction and caring. as the power of love always dose: it enhances the good influences and mitigates the bad :)

Price of Cups - Galahad
This card signifies the best feminine qalities in man : gentelness sensitivity, courtesey, self-sacrifice... maybe a messanger of new ideas, and ways of looking at this situation.

Ace of Pentacles - Reward
reward in material possesions...

i feel from this reading you will receive what you want.. i feel like JW will call, and will take things from a different prespective if there has been some sort of misunderstaning or argument. and just a gut feeling.. i feel it will be soon, i can elaborate more but im not sure how much you want to know :)

i really hope this helps you :)

my name is khrystle btw :)

my question is "what will become of Anthony and i?"
Thankyou sooooo much for my reading and my biggest apologies for not getting on sooner to give you your reading. It has been so busy around here.

For someone who isnt very good at yes/no answers you sure did a good job with my reading. Very spot on! Time will tell now if he calls.

Now for your question...

"What will become of Anthony and I?"

I pulled 3 cards and these were:

The Emperor

The Hierophant rx

The 3 of Wands

I feel Anthony is more of a 'father figure' to you than a partner. He is a nice person who is reliable and dependable but someone who is lacking something when coming to emotions - he has toruble getting out what he is feeling.

I also feel this man to be a little 'lost' in life. he hasnt really found his own path in life. I think he is going to currently or very shortly be looking 'inwards' to advise himself what it is he wants out of life.

I feel there might be travel around the 2 of you soon. And i also feel your relationship will be taken to the next level - as in a deeper commitment to each other.

I hope this has helped!

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