My Feng Shui journey..the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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My Feng Shui journey..the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Post by redlion » Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:59 am

Feng Shui

An interesting concept. Never thought much about it until I moved into a home in 1993. What I thought was a fantastic opportunity, turned out to be my worst nightmare. It has taken me 15 years of hell to realize that most of it was due to that particular HOUSE.

Needless to say, everything that could go wrong while living there DID. I moved out of there in 2003. Still the after affects of that whole ordeal took 5 years for me to rid myself of so much pain.

Just this last October, I was able to move into a new, wonderful new home. Sadly, I did not "feel" right in this house. I felt my energy draining more and more, but I was determined to make this new home work for me.

I turned to the internet and started researching Flying Star Feng Shui. What I found was solid and factual representations of the demise of my life while living in that old home. I plotted that home's flying star chart. And after researching it to death, found that the stars in that home predicted everything that happened while I lived there.

This in turn made me even more determined to figure out the state of my new home. It has been an interesting journey. I have just today, finished redecorating my home according to the "HOME" stars that obviously has been affecting my energy. Could be a psychosomatic, but I don't think so...only because of my research on the old home stars and what happened to me there. I feel better now. My energy level is returning. I feel like I am ready to go back out into the world without fear.

Don't get me wrong.....I had a lot of false starts, following a chart that I had totally done   That was a lot of work pushing all this heavy furniture around, let me tell you. This house was a blessing, as was the advantage of regaining almost everything I had lost back in 2003.  So even after charting the house backwards and having to do it all over again...starting from the beginning, AGAIN, it was still a wonderful experience. I had the "light bulb" go on in my head, and after all the research, reading, and using my own common sense...every thing feels right.

I don't know if Feng Shui is going to make me rich, but I do know that my health is already improving. Tomorrow I have dedicated to do a space cleansing....makes sense to usher in some new chi on a day with a new moon.

Along with charting my home, I also did a Four Pillars work up on myself, which also opened my eyes to many things. Did that wrong the first time also.....need to do it by using your LUNAR birthday....not your regular birthday...never did add up when I did. Another light bulb went off when I figured that out.

With all the predictions for 2009...I am ready. Both at home and in my mind, body and spirit. It is going to be a GREAT year.

If anyone is interested, I will share the stories of my past, if only to prove to you that where you live has a HUGE impact on HOW you live.

Blessings to All,

Redlion   :smt006

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Feng Shui and its Effects

Post by astroace » Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:43 pm

Hi Redlion,

What you had mentioned is very true. When a person goes thru a Bad Luck cycle, they will be programmed to live in an environment that will be of conflict to them.
Feng Shui and Bazi goes hand in hand.

You may have moved into your previous home in 1993 which maybe the border line of your 10 year Luck cycle. Here the house maybe sitting on your personal San Sha bad direction without your knowledge. That particular year is the Rooster Year and the 5 Yellow and 3 Killing is in the East sector. I'm not sure at what direction that house is facing but i believe you may have renovated the house before moving in. You may have activated the bad stars at that particular time based on Xuan Kong Da Gua date selection.
There are many factors to consider but luckily you survived the stressful period.

After the 1st 10 years, you may have entered the next Luck cycle which maybe better than the previous one. Here you are destined to move out of that home. This time you may be out of the bad sector but your body energy is weak and need time to recover.

Most important is to understand your Bazi and work around the Feng Shui to be in harmony with your surrounding. We can further discuss this situation to improve our knowledge and skill.

All the best to you

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Post by redlion » Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:49 pm

Thank you AstroAce for your reply-

Your statements may very well be correct. I am currently working on my BaZi charting....If I thought that Flying Stars was confusing, this charting is crazy hard to understand.

I am still waiting for the light bulb to turn on in this regard. I should probably move this question of BaZi over to the proper forum.

In regards to my Flying Stars chart...yesterday was not a good day. I still have the feeling of minor paranoia and depression. Today I woke up, and my health seems to be recovering though.

I am a Kua 3, K'an House, Combination 10 house...The stars in my bedroom are 7 mountain, 7 water, 3 base. North according to my Kua is my good health direction...but this location also puts my bed up against a window.

I have been thinking for 2009, that perhaps I should move the bed so that I am facing south when sleeping. This is a solid wall, although the bed will be next to the door. South is my money direction. Which I have been severely lacking for the last 10 years at least. Even sleeping with my head directed at that position, the major portion of the room, including the bed is still located in the north which will be afflicted by the 5 star. As the 7/7 combo of the room is metal (weak), I am thinking that the 5 star will be even more pronounced.

I currently have a salt water cure in the North, next to my bed to exhaust the 7/7 influence.....I think moving my bed to the south may be the better of 2 evils, and possibly equip me with some help in finding a job, therefor, more money. Which will be my focus at the beginning of 2009.

Any thoughts?

Blessings to you,


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Post by redlion » Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:32 pm

I think I still need some help in setting up my home..

Here is my floor plan. Chart directions-

Period 7
Facing South 2, 185 Degrees
Sitting North

Living Room South 8m6w 2b
Living Room/front door Southwest 6m8w 4b
Den- West 1m4w 9b
Bathroom #1 Northwest 2m3w 8b
Master Bedroom (small portion) same as above..Northwest
Master Bedroom Sitting position North (main portion) 7m7w 3b
Master Bathroom North (main portion) sink and huge bathtub-same as above
Master Bathroom Northeast 9m5w 1b toilet and shower
Second Bedroom Northeast 9m5w 1b (same as above) rarely used...daughter when she comes to visit.
Back Door-washer/dryer, storage closet- East 5m9w 5b
Kitchen Southeast 4m1w 6b
Dining Room-Used as Southeast 4m1w 6b (same as above)

I moved my tv from the South living room area to the West den area for now because of the Annual 5 for 2008. The period stars for this room is very, very good (I believe), and as this is the facing side lots of beautiful sunlight and warmth comes in from this side due to floor to ceiling windows on the whole wall. Also there is beautiful fruit trees right outside these windows, along with a street where traffic flows from the south. It is winter now and this area is the warmest in the house.

Also in the main corner where south/southwest meet is also good stars--for period house...I would like to move tv back into this room. This is also where my front door is located...

I would like to take full advantage of this room..especially now for 2009 and my desperate need of a good job.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
revised floor plan.JPG
Floor Plan of House
revised floor plan.JPG (22.2 KiB) Viewed 11388 times

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Post by redlion » Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:38 pm

Sorry..forgot to mention the Center

Which I feel for some reason is affecting my health in this house. Center is 3m2w 7b. I have metal and fire cures in this location. It is basically the middle of the hallway that runs through the whole house on the North/South meridian. There is a beam that runs through the middle of the house. I currently have this section of the house painted white, with a red rug, and hung a circular metal chandelier with a lavender bulb from this beam directly in the center of the home.

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Post by redlion » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:13 am

I wanted to mention my that I am a Kua 3, and this is my Four Pillars:

Hour                    Day                    Month                   Year
Yang Metal        Yin Water             Yang Wood           Yin Metal
Metal Monkey      Earth Sheep          Fire Horse            Earth Ox

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Feng Shui Audit

Post by astroace » Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:15 am

Hi Redlion,

Let's work on your House Feng Shui together. Others may join in to give your views and your valued suggestions.
Before we can proceed, I need your date of Birth and Time as in your Birth Certificate and also your gender.

First we must determine your Self Element, your strength in relation to the 5 Elements and also your Favorable and Unfavorable Elements.
With your Biodata, we can also determine your personal San Sha directions and your NaYin directions. your personal Kua directions, your personal Xuan Kong Da Gua directions, your Favorable Bazi directions.

Please highlight your Main entrance to your house, the location of your Living Room, Dining Room.
The door to your Master Bedroom is also not shown.

Please take the following Luo Pan (Compass) reading
1) Main Entrance Door (Closed) Facing Direction, inside looking out
2) House Facing direction 2m from Main Entrance Door (Outside house looking in)
3) Master Bedroom Door (Closed) Facing Direction, inside room looking out

With all these information, we can then proceed with the case study.
Waiting for your reply,

Happy New Year to All of You,
May All your Wishes come True,


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Post by redlion » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:53 am

Bless you Astroace,

Western Birthdate: 07/31/61 4:18pm Female

The Main entrance is the door looking thing in the picture..Facing Southwest at 225 degrees.

The facing side of the house is definitely South at 185 degrees. The wall on that side of the house..the living room... is floor to ceiling windows. Sun shines in all day..road directly outside window has traffic flowing from the left to the right.

The master bedroom door is facing 180 Degrees South...That is taking the degree from standing inside the bedroom facing the door looking out.

A few other things...

The house is a perfect missing corners. Combination "10" House. The external features....from the left side of the facing side is a road...traffic comes from the left to the right and then turns the corner from the South side past the front door also from left to right. The facing side of the house has 2 medium sized fruit trees which are directly outside the ceiling to floor windows. The left side of the home has a full roof over a driveway which is actually the East side of the house where the back door is located.

The right side of the home is where the street wraps around...where the front door is. The front door faces SW which also has an eight foot cement pathway running along side the whole side of the house with a full roof. Immediately past the cement walkway are several nicely spaced low rounded bushes. To the left of the home as you look out the front door...across the street there is a community pool and a clubhouse which is just a long wall from my angle.

Thank you again!

revised floor plan 2.JPG
revised floor plan 2.JPG (26.98 KiB) Viewed 5743 times

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Post by redlion » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:58 am

I forgot to say!!!!

Happy New Year to You and Blessings for a wonderful and prosperous New Year!!!


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Post by kybunker » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:21 pm

This is a very interesting topic, I've never learned feng shui but maybe I should,
I'm going to follow this topic, How exciting,
As for researching the house do I google?

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Post by redlion » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:22 pm

The easy answer to your question is yes! But definitely learn from my mistakes! There is a lot of BS Feng Shui sites....they make it sound easy...IT is not!

My first time around...when I was desperately seeking why I had such obvious bad luck in that house in '93, I took the easy route, and if fact,did horrible damage to what was already a really bad situation. Funny, because I remember telling everyone that would listen at the time that I think that house was bad luck. Everyone thought I was crazy. But now, after truly researching in depth my current house, I was able to see exactly what happened in that other house. In fact, upon further researching that old house, I was able to find even MORE proof that I was not in fact crazy. Everyone who has lived in that house has had incredible financial difficulty, physical mishaps, and tendencies towards depression and sexual scandals. The house itself had a very bad layout, was the smallest house surrounded by 2 storied houses, and the whole front of the house was univiting and dark, even though once you got inside it was very beautiful.

Don't get caught up in buying unnecessary junk, and doing things the easy way. You are dealing with a space in which you LIVE. You want to foster good things and have your house support your life, not be a detriment which is why there is no easy way. I learned the hard way. Diagram your space.....get a realistic as to what you have to work with. There are many tools on the internet that can help you if you use common sense and the valuable advice from others that understand the Art better than you do. Don't be afraid to ask questions, but use your intelligence and building the basics.

When I found this house, I was in a very unstable and desperate situation... I HAD TO MOVE. Having been laid off from my job, I thought it was insane that this opportunity had basically fallen in my lap. Besides the ad being very old, the fact that you are supposed to be 55 to live here, it was well within my budget, and the place had not been lived in for 2 years, and the owner's daughter was a tricked out druggie, ( she had to put her mother in an assisted living facility) and the interesting first look, (the place was a PIGPEN) I knew it was the place for me. It took me over 2 months to clean the place up, (divine intervention here?) having still not found a job, it was like therapy cleaning the place up. A lot of hard have no idea. But even then, I still felt mentally exhausted and physically not my usual self. This is why I engaged into the journey of Flying Stars to figure out if this was truly the house for me.

My first outing,(obviously not having learned my lesson on shortcuts before) I charted my home completely  Never having a very good directional sense that figures. What was I spent days on rearranging my home to fit this chart, and it seriously did not feel right. If nothing else I do have a very keen sense of intuition...So back to the drawing board, and lo and behold, after a very good laugh, figured out that my chart was upside down.

Then, after starting from scratch, I set out to rearrange again. Funny thing is, exactly what the stars represented in this home, was exactly what my physical and mental self was experiencing. I was having stomach upset, with no valid reason....I am a bit of a health nut and did not eat anything strange....Exhaustion, a little paranoia....But I have found that moving things around to foster the good energy, that in fact my physical problems are less, my energy is coming back, I am sleeping better (although I think I have to move that darn bed again!), and my weird paranoia, (which is so unlike my usual confident self) is subsiding.
One thing I have learned for SURE! While living in that other house, I spent every waking minute when not working at rearranging my furniture. Seriously, my daughter thought I was a nutcase. We had a different arrangement almost everyday of the week. Fact is, nothing EVER FELT RIGHT.  Subsequently, after moving into this place, in a much shorter period of time (as opposed to 10 years in the other house) I have found that my instincts have been heightened to such a high extent that I am able to look at an arrangement on a table and feel that it is incorrect. Even the placing of something as simple as a plant. Although I still...move whatever it is that does not feel right....and then back it up with extensive research according to my Flying Stars of the house, my BaZi, Four Pillars, and other factors.

Which is why I am currently asking for help on this site. Bless Astroace for his/her patience. It seems after the last 15 years I still have not gathered my confidence  to quite the level I feel comfortable with. But that is what living is all about! Continued learning. You can never reach a point in your life where you have learned all there is to know about everything. Learning is what will keep you ALIVE.  

My advice...there is no easy way to experience the true gifts in our life. We must work at fostering meaningful situations and when blessings do in fact come your way, be grateful for them.
Last edited by redlion on Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by redlion » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:19 pm

I thought it might be helpful to show a journal of my current circumstances and to keep the board up to date with what happens from this point on. I believe with some help from friends..(Astroace, blessings to you once again) and anyone else who would like to chime in, this could be a very interesting journey to see if what I have experienced in my life prior to what feels like getting back on track with my life. Here goes:


Unemployed-Since 1993...I have had more than a dozen jobs. What is funny here is, I am an Ox astrologically speaking....My chart if very similar to our new President elect Barak Obama. I have always been the top employee as far as production is concerned. Unfortunately, over the last 15 years, it has been my working relationships that have met with my horrendous demise. Jealousy heading the list as to why I am not able to hold a job. I was fired from my long term job in 1999 under circumstances well beyond my control. I have a very strong work ethic and believe in hard work and doing things right the first time. Being extremely intelligent, and not willing to lie or take advantage of my employer has led to my demise in almost every single position I have held. With the exception of maybe this last one....I was laid off. What is funny about the last one, is that the owner's and EVERYONE who worked there absolutely LOVED ME. When they laid me off...they were the ones crying. I had to reassure them that it was just business (their business had suffered greatly from the oncoming recession) They had written me wonderful letters of recommendation and continue to keep in touch. Now, as I was leaving the building, the assistant office manager kept saying she was sorry......Needless to say, I was devastated at the moment and didn't really think about it. But after reviewing those circumstances, I had always sensed her complete lack of confidence and a serious thought that I was a threat to her. We both knew had it not been for seniority...I could have her job in a second. Although at the time.....I was very upset....had it not been for my being laid off, I would not have the gumption to find myself a better place to live.

Living space- Which brings me to my next drama. From the time I left the bad luck house in 2003, I had been drifting aimlessly from one place to another, renting rooms from strangers. Each circumstance brought on by even more difficult people. Finally, in 1995, having had enough of being abused and totally taken advantage of, I found myself a small studio apartment where I could live by myself. Although once again a blessing at the time, it was a DUMP. To top it all off, I was surrounded by unscrupulous people of which although they acted like we were friends, in fact they were insanely jealous. Keeping me down made them feel better. Truth was, I had no where else to go, and at least I was living by myself. I found this new place in October....You basically have the idea as to how already.

Financially- I have no money. No back-up. In fact, I am borrowing monthly from my daughter to make rent. I can barely afford food. As I have never drank any form of alcohol, never abused any drugs, and brought my daughter up to be the best human is very humbling to have to ask for financial help from her. Since 1993, my financial situation has been absolutely horrific. Bankruptcy, robbery, being taken advantage of by people, having my ID stolen and my obvious downturn of my wages. Every job I have taken from 1999 on has been a lesser wage from the one before it. The cycle has exhausted itself since my last job was in fact minimum wage. Although I am now without a job and my unemployment is even less than minimum wage. Scary, but I am counting my blessings that I at least have that.

Job prospects- This one is tricky. Although I have had several interviews for jobs that I am over qualified - my priority at this point is security, not money per se.....I have found that in this area that I have moved to, even in the area of EDUCATION, with all my skills and abilities, these jobs hinge on only one thing-SPEAKING SPANISH? Good Lord, I live in America! I have never been prejudice, but to find that my getting a decent job means I have to be fluent in a whole other language from a different country? Heck I can't even get a minimum wage job without this particular skill....hmmmm I am incredibly frustrated, but knowing that I was blessed with finding this wonderful place to live, I would not have been led here only to fail in being unable to maintain it. So, I will forge ahead with the knowledge that the universe and this house will support me in finding the perfect set of circumstances for my new job. When one door closes.....

Health- Although not perfect, it is definitely improving. Odd ailments have been inflicted upon me for years. Especially notable is odd skin diseases. Never really having been a problem for me before 1993, (moving into that bad house) since then...I have been in the hospital for some strange inexplicable rash that raged through my body...facial sores that are NOT acne, but no one has been able to tell me WHAT they are. These seem to have subsided now that I have moved into this new place. Although when I first moved in here I did develop other odd symptoms....which after charting the flying stars of the home..made sense. They also have subsided. Aching bones, muscle aches, total lack of energy, not sleeping well, stomach upset, ears clogged up and eye troubles.

Mentally- Hmmm....Over the past 15 all I can say.  Before 1993, I was confident, driven, smart, funny, outgoing, kind, and passionate person. Since 1993, oh man, my mind simply never seemed to be at peace. I have never done anything criminal in my life, but I felt as if I was a fugitive running from all kinds of imagined wrongs. Looking back now, although I appeared to be some one who had it all together ( something I kept up because I was raising my daughter as a single parent) I knew I was losing it. Sleeping only 4 hours a night.....horrible nightmares, stressed out all the time, even now...I cannot come up with a single moment where I was just able to enjoy living. Very sad. Again, those effects continued right up until very recently. Although if you read this you may think that I brought on some of the events in my life due to what could be chalked up to paranoia, truth is.......I maintained my morals and ethics in every situation I was forced into. Never once straying from that path. If in fact if I lost my job because I did not bend to their will and unscrupulous behavior, then so be it. I obviously did not need to be there in the first place.

Now. I had a talk with my daughter regarding all that has happened in the past. The past 15 years has weighed heavily on my mind because knowing me and the strange and horrifically bad situations I have endured simply had no explanations in my mind. I am not saying that the Flying Stars in a particular space is the ONLY contributing factor to what happened to me. What I do KNOW now, without a doubt, is that those particular stars predicted and explains every single thing that happened to me while I lived there. From car accidents (none of which were my fault, rear ended), to health related issues, to money issues, relationship issues, people that entered my life (none good, by the way) and inexplicably bad on the job issues....CAN ALL BE EXPLAINED BY THE FLYING STARS IN THAT HOUSE. By nature, I am a spiritual person. Have my beliefs led me to this particular way of explaining what has been happening to me? I want to believe this is what is happening. Although Feng Shui is not based on any spiritual notations, it is based on ENERGY in our immediate environments. How did all the energies of this Universe come to be? Although I am not so egotistical to think that I have been given the key to an explanation I so desperately needed, I am in fact quite humbled that I have been given this opportunity to glimpse into my past to finally put my mind at ease as to what the working forces were in my life. In fact, now that I have experienced so much bad, I feel like I could not set out to feel all the good. Which is my full intention as of right now. Yin/Yang. You can't have one without the other.

So, I will keep you updated on changes that occur. Good and bad both. This will be an experimental journey to see if what my research to date can be expanded and critiqued.

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Post by larachew » Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:26 am

if i am not wrong, fengshui runs hand in hand with ba zi as well? as you will be the person living in the place afterall. it will good to get professional if you want better calc i think :) the last time i did for my own hm was quite tedious cos ended up measuring the floor, shape and moving heavy furniture all around haha...

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Feng Shui Audit

Post by astroace » Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:15 am

Hi Redlion,

Happy New Year to You and Your Family and also to All You Readers out there.

Based on your Date of Birth as 31 July 1961, 04:18pm, your Bazi Chart should be

Hour                Day        Month Year
H-1 Jia    H-2 Yi H-2 Yi  H-8 Xin
Yang Wood Yin Wood Yin Wood Yin Metal

E9 Shen          E2 Chou   E-8 Wei    E-2 Chou
Yang Metal Yin Earth   Yin Earth     Yin Earth
Monkey  Ox      Sheep            Ox

not as you had posted earlier which turned out to be 19 June 1961, 04:18pm. We should always use the HSIA Calendar for Bazi and Lunar Calendar for Zi Wei Dou Shu.
This error made you a Yin Water Person whereas you are actually a Yin Wood Person.

As you are born in the Earth Month of Summer Season, Your Resource Element Water is lacking and extremely weak. Your Opposing Elements are stronger than your support group thus making you a very weak element person. For normal category, we will use your Resource Element (Water) and Self Element (Wood) to make you strong. Looking at your charts Earth which is your opposing element is the strongest element that you cannot overcome. Because of this you fall under the special category of Follow the Leader, meaning that the Bully will be your protector.

Your Favorable Elements are Earth, Fire, Wood and your Unfavorable Elements are Water and Metal.
Converting this to your Aspirations;

Water being your Resource and support is weaker than yourself and is Unfavorable. This means that you do not have much support from the people around you. You need to do things yourself. This actually make you a very Independent person.

Wood being your Self and your competitors and is Mixed. This means that you have many competitors around you. You need to be careful with your colleagues or in your business dealings. People take advantage of your weaknesses.

Fire being your Output, expressions, creativity, your children is weaker than yourself and is Favorable. This means that you are a quiet person or you don't really express yourself openly. You need more effort to get your message across. Your relationship with your children is alright but there is always a weak link. Try to create a good relationship with them by letting them know your love and sacrifice for them.

Earth being your Wealth and success rate is the strongest and is the most favorable. This means that you are able to save but unfortunately you cannot control your expenses. Try to put aside what is not of priority. When your good luck cycle comes, you'll understand what I mean. Earth is also your obstacles because too much earth will make you procrastinate.

Metal being your Power, determination, your spouse star is stronger than yourself and is Unfavorable. This means that you sometimes unable to control your temper and mood. Your relationship with your spouse is not that cordial. You need to express yourself so that people can understand you better.

As we are doing Feng Shui Audit, I will not go deeper to Fortune Telling. this we can do in the other tread later.
Since we have your Favorable & Unfavorable Element, we can now find out the rest of the important biodata for Feng Shui audit.

Your Personal Kua is #3 Chen and your Favourable Directions are SC = South, TY = North, YN = South East, FW = East,
Unfavorable Directions are HH = South West, WK = North West, Liu Sha = North East and CM = West.
Sheng Chi (Success / Promotions) = Weak;
Tien Yi (Heaven Doctor / Noblemen) = Weak;
Yan Nien (Relationship / Harmony) = Weak;
Fu Wei (Personal Development / Skill) = Strong;
Ho Hai (Minor Problems  / Setbacks) = Strong;
Wu Kwei (Petty People / Betrayal) = Weak;
Liu Sha (Obstacles / Laziness) = Weak;
Chueh Ming (Health Problems / Stress) = Strong

Your Personal San Sha Directions are
Sitting: NE-3  E-2   SE-1
Facing: SW-3 W-2 NW-1
You should not have your house facing those directions as it will cause you to be exposed to the energies that will be imbalanced to yourself.

Your Personal NaYin Element is "Earth on the Wall" and your Favorable Directions are N-2 and SW-3. NaYin directions are used for Health issues. I will explain later as we go along.

Your Personal Xuan Kong Da Gua Hexagram is Element 1 / Period 3 and your best direction is SW-2 228 degrees. This will harmonize your self with your home and with the Auspicious Days we wish to activate your Feng Shui

Your Favorable Bazi Direction is E-1. As you have the Heaven and Lunar Virtue Stars in your Main Bazi Chart. This is the direction of the Good Blessing Stars.

Before we proceed to the next step, I would like to share the 24 Mountains Template with all of you. Maybe someone can help to to explain how I can attach this file in my next posting. We will use this Template to super impose your floor plan to get the respective sectors.

Till then,
Thank you for your time and with Best Wishes Always,

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Post by redlion » Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:34 pm

Astroace, you are so wonderful!

You are correct...I did use the Lunar calendar and it seemingly was not making sense which is why I posted here in the first place. My knowledge and what I have been able to research did not feel right as I never could sort it out in my head. I kept seeing the chart readings for Princess Di, which seemed to me to be very closely associated with my own life.

****Water being your Resource and support is weaker than yourself and is Unfavorable. This means that you do not have much support from the people around you. You need to do things yourself. This actually make you a very Independent person.****

This is the absolute truth!. Even as a child I had no support and learned very early on to do everything myself. To this day I have no support from family and in fact they would prefer I fail as it makes them feel superior.

***Wood being your Self and your competitors and is Mixed. This means that you have many competitors around you. You need to be careful with your colleagues or in your business dealings. People take advantage of your weaknesses.***

Many, many competitors which in turn leads to no support and jealousy. Which has been the main problem in my keeping a job. I do my job to the best of my ability and my coworkers become crazy and I end up being the one put out.

****Fire being your Output, expressions, creativity, your children is weaker than yourself and is Favorable. This means that you are a quiet person or you don't really express yourself openly. You need more effort to get your message across. Your relationship with your children is alright but there is always a weak link. Try to create a good relationship with them by letting them know your love and sacrifice for them.****

True once again. Although I am not a quiet person in the literal sense, I have had to hold back from my daughter much of what my circumstances have been during her life especially when she was younger. Now that she is older, she herself has figured out what I have been through to raise her and what was kept from her. We have a wonderful relationship now, but only because we are able to relate to each other as friends and not so much as mother/daughter.

****Earth being your Wealth and success rate is the strongest and is the most favorable. This means that you are able to save but unfortunately you cannot control your expenses. Try to put aside what is not of priority. When your good luck cycle comes, you'll understand what I mean. Earth is also your obstacles because too much earth will make you procrastinate.*****

This is also true. Seems the minute I get any money saved, the world swoops down and finds a way to scoop it right up. Right now I am living with so few dollars there is no way I can spend on any thing other than food and essentials.

****Metal being your Power, determination, your spouse star is stronger than yourself and is Unfavorable. This means that you sometimes unable to control your temper and mood. Your relationship with your spouse is not that cordial. You need to express yourself so that people can understand you better.****

Absolutely true. I have found it necessary to stay away from relationships for the time being. This is an area in which I have had the most problems, so I choose for the moment to just not even go there!

Astroace, your insights are invaluable.  I truly appreciate all the hard work you have done. It is hard for me to go looking for a job when in the past 15 years circumstances have been so awful. I want to "set the table" for the best possible outcome for my job hunting efforts this time and you are making me feel much more confident.

Blessings to you! Happy New Year!


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