A friends SOS

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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A friends SOS

Post by kellyandRoxy » Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:57 pm


She can’t sleep at night, she has been prescribed sleeping pills by her GP but they don’t really help and so she has stopped taking them. When she does eventually drop off, she jolts awake after just an hour or two, dozes fitfully, but then wakes up again, and so it goes on. During the day she feels slightly nauseous, spaced out and headachy. A feeling that worsens when she gets home from work.

Please please help

Pink Lady Hawk
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Can"t Sleep.

Post by Pink Lady Hawk » Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:34 am

Hi ,  

Your friend sounds as though negativity has reached overload . Before she tries to sleep she should lie down on the grass face down  for 10 min and ask mother earth to absorb the negative energy from her. Once she feels less burden she could place Rose Quartz ,amethyst or chyrophase under her pillow.

If she is being troubled by nightmares,stones for protection are needed such as Tourmaline or smokey quartz.    I hope she finds peace soon .

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Can't sleep

Post by Lavender-oasis » Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:31 am

Another crystal is Sodalite which I just bought for calming,harmony, metabolism  reasons but the paper i got with it says it is also Combats Insomnia.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:36 pm

Celestite, amethyst(point facing down toward feet for sleeping), lepidolite, calcite all can help with sleep. Celestite can help with insomnia. Green stones also. Green is a color of acceptance. When going to sleep move energy out of the head and into the feet, as over thinking can keep one awake. Acceptance is a needed part of being able to fall asleep well. She also might need to be more physically active, not sure what kind of work she does but likely she needs more balance in her physical activity. Breathing exercises can help us handle things better and cleanse the body and mind. Stretching can open up pathways that allow pain and negative energy to pass through and leave the body. Lavender eye pillows or essential oil. My mum has had trouble sleeping and found putting the smell of lavender around like on her pillow or the oil under her nose can help immensely.

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Crystals for Sleep

Post by crystalhealer1 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:26 pm

CHRYSOPRASE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for encouraging hopeful attitudes, to assist in receiving truthfulness, to fuel creativity in artistic endeavors, to energize the physical body, to encourage one to become more outgoing and to take risks, to bring virtue into practice in daily life, to dispel judgmental attitudes from the self and from others, to aid in forgiveness, compassion, and empathy, to help one to communicate in a positive and encouraging matter and to enable one to give constructive criticism, to prevent bad dreams and to encourage restful sleep, to encourage spiritual ascension, to maintain a state of good physical health, to encourage self reliance, to relieve symptoms of gout, to heal the eyes, to manifest prosperity and abundance, to absorb and assimilate Vitamin C, and to relieve stress-related stomach discomfort.

HOWLITE: Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for enhancing lucid dreaming practices, to banish nightmares and encourage “sweet dreams,” to aid one in feeling rested after sleep, to enhance one’s ability to recall his or her dreams, to open the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to stimulate intuition and psychic awareness, and to promote feelings of oneness with all beings.

TURQUOISE, SLEEPING BEAUTY: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra), 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra), or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra), to protect the energy body of the user, to facilitate communication between the user and his or her ancestors, to promote astral travel, to encourage journeying and healing while in the dream state, to enhance one’s clairvoyant abilities (psychic sight), to help treat sleep disorders (especially insomnia), and to promote feelings of peace and tranquility.

Insomnia Relief:

Stones Used:
• Mangano Calcite/Manganoan Calcite to help one fall asleep
• Amethyst to help one fall asleep
• Strawberry Quartz to enhance restful sleep

HEMATITE: (Also known as Kidney Ore) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) for grounding, to balance the mind, body, and spirit, for astral travel and shamanic journeying, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to bring peace and calming, to encourage confidence, to aid in removing addictions, to aid in acceptance of one's life, to increase concentration, to stimulate memory, to encourage creativity, for inner-reflection, for protection, for pain relief, to aid in curbing materialism, to aid in studying, to maintain proper blood circulation, to help the body assimilate iron, to relieve insomnia, and to reduce fever.  PLEASE NOTE:  Hematite is only known as Kidney Ore when it appears in its botryoidal form.

LAPIS LAZULI: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for facilitating spiritual enlightenment, aiding in dreaming practices, encouraging psychic power and intuition, to stimulate spiritual and shamanic journeying and astral travel, to remove stress, to bring peace and calming, for protection, to access one's spirit guides such as totem animals and guardian angels, to connect one with his or her ancestors or for connection with ancient cultures, to banish negative energy, to aid in speaking one's truth, to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, to dispel depression, to facilitate communication, to encourages virtuous behavior, to stimulate compassion, to increase creativity, to remove headache pain, to regulate and balance the thyroid gland, to relieve insomnia, and to boost the immune system.

MOONSTONE, PEACH: (Also known as Apricot Moonstone) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for increasing insight and intuition, to bring chaos in to order, for peace and calming, to encourage compassion, to facilitate lucid dreaming, for ceremonies and rituals pertaining to the full moon, to promote psychic powers, to increase feminine energy, to encourage one's nurturing qualities, to connect one with Goddess energy, to reduce stress, to balance the emotional body and aid in emotional healing, to facilitate healing of the emotional body, to heal the female reproductive organs, to stimulate the pineal gland, to calm restless children, to aid in the assimilation of nutrients, for detoxification of the physical body, to aid in conception, to relieve insomnia, and to prevent walking in one's sleep.

PRASIOLITE: (Also known as Green Amethyst, Praseolite, or as Amegreen) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra), 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra), or 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to facilitate a connection to the inner self, to establish a connection with nature and with nature spirits, to heal the mind, body, and spirit, to instill compassion and empathy, and for balancing the chakras.  As this is a type of Amethyst, the properties of Amethyst also apply.  AMETHYST:  Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for protection against negative energies, blocking geopathic stresses, to enhance motivation, to relieve insomnia, to enhance memory, to increase motivation, to promote dreams and their interpretation, for emotional balance, to aid in receiving and interpreting Divine guidance, to become open to one’s intuition and psychic abilities, to strengthen the metabolism and immune system, for protection from negative energy, to enhance meditation, to ease headaches, to facilitate a connection with the spirit, and to heal and cleanse the mind, body, and spirit.

SODALITE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for increasing accurate intuitive thoughts, to encourage successful stilling of the mind during meditation, to bring out the truth in any situation, to help one to stand up for oneself, for protection from electromagnetic pollution, to enhance group cooperation, to aid in speaking one's truth, to banish habits and negative thinking patterns, to aid in absorbing new information, to remove fear, to banish guilt, to encourage confidence, to encourage a healthy metabolism, to remove insomnia, and to reduce fevers.

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